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General Philatelic/Gen. Discussion : Canadian and US Dollar Difference


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22 Nov 2015
I've been asked by some of my Canadian buyers to charge them Canadian dollars AT PAR instead of US dollars.
I can not in good faith charge some buyers US and then charge some buyers Canadian.
This has to be a level bidding area.
When I buy kiloware, I am charged in US dollars and I absorb the difference.
When I list on the Auction I start the price at 10=15% of Scott 2016 Cat prices which is more than fair for everyone.

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22 Nov 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

No problem, charge them in Canadian dollars but do a conversion first and add a service charge of $5 more for your trouble. That should stop the complaining.
Buyers you pay the currency of the sellers locale and suck up the difference, you wouldn't expect a retail outlet to sell you items based on the currency at which they purchased them. If it's a problem then only buy from sellers in your country, problem solved.

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Mike, The shirt says "Trust me I am a Philatelist".

22 Nov 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

To all: according to the official SOR auction rules:


9) Transactions in the Stamporama Auction and Approvals are conducted in United States dollars. Some sellers may accept other currencies in payment at the end of the auction at negotiated exchange rates, but you must check with the seller.

But I certainly like sheepshanks response.

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"It's been 8 years now, since I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven't met yet..."
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22 Nov 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Gro--buyers who ask you to do that are not worth the trouble IMHO. Thumbs Down

Mike, thanks for the reference to the particular auction rule.


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22 Nov 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Gro - I definitely agree with Bob on that one. AT PAR is not good business requests. It's a fact that we're $0.25 in the hole so if we bid or buy here, it can't be any different than buying from any other site that is in USD. EBay automatically will show you the equivalent in CDN if you pull up the same auction using .ca - so if someone wants to pay in CDN, then they need to pay the equivalent value xe.com is perfect for giving them their total in CDN.

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23 Nov 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

In addition to what Sheepshanks, Capestampman and Bob said, if you are using Scott catalogs to ID and value your items, the values in Scott as based on US dollars. That should settle the argument.

Years ago I had a buyer from India who insisted on paying for his purchases on par with the Rupee. At the time, the Rupee was worth about 40 cents (USD). He refused to pay in USD. The site I was on at the time permitted sellers to ban "bad apples". That I did, and that was that.

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23 Nov 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Just to clarify. I have lots of Canadian buyers who pay me in Canadian Dollars and do the exchange rate and are fine with it. And that is fine with me.
There was some buyers who wanted to pay at PAR. US-Canadian.
I don't think that is fair to the rest of the bidders.
Thank you for all the comments.

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25 Nov 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

I don't buy or sell at auction -but you have to have all bids in the same currency in this case US dollars.

Private sales ( private treaty in the UK) you can negotiate if an offer in the right currency is not forthcoming.

One of the reasons I don't bid here is that I make all my purchases in sterling - and then my little brain can work out how much I am actually paying !!

( You should have seen my trying to convert dollars to sterling in my mind during my recent visit to New York !!)


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Mike, The shirt says "Trust me I am a Philatelist".

25 Nov 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

I believe Paypal does the conversion automatically when sending money to a foreign country, so you don't have to strain your brain trying to figure it out yourself.

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"It's been 8 years now, since I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven't met yet..."
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25 Nov 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

I think Malcolm wants to know the actual cost to him before he bids. I would think that there are online converters, but those would only be helpful if he bids on items closing soon, but not too soon.

Which makes me wonder. Would he pay the conversion rate from the day he placed his bid, or the conversion rate of the day the auction ends? Because, I bet it's the later, and well that's kinda messed up in a way- because he cannot know the future.

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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads

25 Nov 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

he pays the going rate on the day of the transaction; and paypal and a global converter need not be using the same algorhythms, just like the federal reserve uses a different rate than my bank does

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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin

25 Nov 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Unless there are major movements in the items upon which the conversion calcutions are made, the change in rates over a few days is going to be microsopic. It would probably take a major Wallstreet disaster to really make enough difference to matter.

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

25 Nov 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

[" .... ( You should have seen my trying to convert dollars to sterling in my mind during my recent visit to New York !!) ...."

It couldn't have been any more difficult than when I visited England years ago and had to keep track of "£sd" as it took $4.25 to buy a "£". Some may recall store prices and conversation referred to Crowns, half crowns, shillings, "bob", quid, pounds and guineas.
To add to the confusion I had just spent almost two months in Rotterdam and had a fistful of Guilders to exchange.
On another trip to Helsinki, stops along the way meant Pfennigs, Marks, Marka, Kroner, Ore, Guilders and of course £sd. By the time it became rational in one currency another one was needed.
In Japan, I had bought a small hand held circular slide rule that fit in the palm of my hand which helped, once I set the exchange rate.
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In those days a Rupee was officially worth a dime but on the street it was closer to a nickel, and a five dollar bill would get you 1,800Â¥.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "

03 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Hi all: I do not agree. When I sell I do not expect my Canadian buyers to pay in U.S. funds. I am a Canadian seller selling to my countrymen and I see no reason for using a foreign currency. My terms specify that Canadian residents pay in Cdn. funds.

When you go to a super market or any retail outlet, do you expect to pay in U.S. funds? I think not. I do not think this unfair to other buyers. If I buy from a U.S. seller I do not expect to pay in Canadian funds. It just goes against my grain to charge Cdn. buyers U.S. funds.

There always has to be one!
Merry Christmas everyone.

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03 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

This problem with the payment of Stamporama lots in Canadian dollars has only recently appeared and is becoming like a bed of thorns in a bear's paw. When the CDN$ was worth more than the US$ no one would ever dream of sending CDN$ to a Canadian seller.

Stamporama's Auction Rules clearly state that transactions are in US$.

Recently I have had US buyers send me Canadian dollars(cash)at par and/or USA mint stamps as payment without asking in advance if their terms are acceptable. It gives on a feeling of 'take it or leave it'.

There isn't much a Canadian can do with USA mint stamps if they do not collect USA stamps except give them to another collector as a gift. Common 5c and 6c USA stamps are not something one could put up for sale in the auction and expect to receive face value for the stamps.

It's an individual Canadian seller's choice as to whether they wish to accept CDN$ at par, but I do not think it is a choice that should be forced upon us by some buyers. Before sending payment for Stamporama purchases, the purchaser should contact the seller if they are intending to pay with anything other than US$.

Opinions expressed are my five cents worth (no pennies accepted as legal currency in Canada and US coins are accepted at par with CDN$ so please don't send me any!).


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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin

03 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

I must be missing something here. Does "at par" mean one for one?

When I buy stamps via Ebay-UK (which I do) and win a bid for £5, does this mean I should expect to send the seller US$5 and call it even? That is not only unreasonable, that is just plain wrong! So, for that £5 stamp, I send the equivalent (about $7.50) in US dollars because that is what I bid.

When you bid on the Stamporama auction board, you accept the rules of the club. So you are bidding in US dollars, not mint stamps, rupees, yen, or Canadian dollars. If you do not like the rule, boycott the auction board - won't bother me a bit!

The nice thing about using PayPal is that it does the conversions for you; and the conversion rates are accurate and up-to-date.

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"



03 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Yes - At par means one for one, i.e. US$1 = CDN$1.

Maybe I could send CDN$ or Canadian mint stamps to those sellers that are listing in US$ and expect them to accept my payment? Highly unlikely! Then listen to the screaming. LOL

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03 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

malcolm197 wrote:

"One of the reasons I don't bid here is that I make all my purchases in sterling - and then my little brain can work out how much I am actually paying !!"

Doe answered:

"I think Malcolm wants to know the actual cost to him before he bids. I would think that there are online converters, but those would only be helpful if he bids on items closing soon, but not too soon."

For those who don't know, here is a simple currency converter that uses live rates. Converted rates obviously won't be to the penny with the likes of Paypal but it saves the brain cells. I have this bookmarked:

XE Live currency converter

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

03 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

",,,, There isn't much a Canadian can do with USA mint stamps if they do not collect USA stamps except give them to another collector as a gift. Common 5c and 6c USA stamps are not something one could put up for sale in the auction and expect to receive face value for the stamps....."
Liz, explained a problem I never realized; That at times she gets stuck with fractional US stamps certain buyers used to pay for their purchases. I never considered the difference in the exchange rate, assuming that it was close enough to not matter much. It was, when I lived in Baffin Island. (Okay that was when Kennedy became president.)
But more importantly, I think I assumed that US stamps would be used in making change to buyers who rounded up. Am I the only guy who frequently rounds up when an amount is more than .65 ?
But I have a possible solution to that problem, The next time you purchase from a Canadian seller just ask them if they have unusable US fractional stamps to add three or four dollars to the total for whatever US fractional postage they have lying about. I am having a problem getting out to the Post Office, half of which do not have any mixed US postage available without buying a whole sheet. So a few dollars at a time will eventually be used on my outgoing mail.
There is no good reason to stick our Canadian members with unusable stamps, just something I and probably most US buyers never thought about.
I have already made such an offer to two of the Canadian sellers I buy from frequently.
Some of us could make that a habit.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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03 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

I look at it like this..what is the item worth to me ? Does it matter if the payment is in euros,or Canadian or U.S. dollars. In 2010 we went to Europe the euro was worth 1.43, this Spring we went and it was like 1.12 did i save any money ? I am not sure..by the time the ATMs and money changing takes place..credit cards help. Anyway i have seen the pendulem swing both ways with Canadian vs. U.S dollars. When the Canadian dollar was stronger than ours we still went to Canada.

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"And every hair is measured like every grain of sand"

04 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

"Recently I have had US buyers send me Canadian dollars(cash)at par and/or USA mint stamps as payment without asking in advance if their terms are acceptable. It gives on a feeling of 'take it or leave it'."

Sellers control how purchases are completed through their terms and conditions. Make sure to be specific as to what you do accept and what you do not. Then, if you receive the wrong method of payment, you can raise the issue with the buyer.

Because of your comments, I went and reviewed my terms, and found some ambiguities, which I have now corrected.

My terms are simple, but somewhat lengthy. I would rather say more than too little.
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04 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

i guess it was inevitable that this topic would come up. When i pay John in Canada, i pay in U.S. dollars..if he gets a break on the exchange rate..i am happy for him !

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"And every hair is measured like every grain of sand"
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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads

04 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Just so we're clear about SOR's rules.....

lots are listed in US dollars

lots are bought and sold in US dollars, UNLESS the two parties agree to something different. That agreement is optional, and must be agreed to, in advance, by both parties.

here's the rule:

9) Transactions in the Stamporama Auction and Approvals are conducted in United States dollars. Some sellers may accept other currencies in payment at the end of the auction at negotiated exchange rates, but you must check with the seller."

Anyone who is sending something other than US currency is not fulfilling his/her part of the transaction, absent a prior agreement with the seller. The seller has no obligation to honor payments made in currencies other than US dollars.

We can talk about other currencies, or other means of payment, like barter, postage stamps, bushels of wheat, ounces of gold, but it's just talk unless both parties agreed to some different exchange.

David the auctioneer
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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

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APS #220693 ATA#57179

04 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference


I just moved to Monopolyville. Can you kindly provide a list of your sellers that accept "on par" payment. I might want to place a few orders!

Better yet, I have a 100 Trillion Dollar note from Zimbabwe that I could use to buy a 1c Z grill, inverted Jenny, pay the national debt, and buy the Dallas Cowboys. I like how this works!!!


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04 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

I have a question......

Can we or should we Canadian sellers be able to refuse to accept future bids from bidders on Stamporama who insist on paying their invoices in Canadian currency (banknotes or coins) and/or postage stamps and/or do not pay their full invoice and when questioned they tell you to cancel their purchases?

This is providing of course that the buyer and seller have not come to a mutual agreement regarding payment of invoices BEFORE bids have been placed and payment has been sent to the seller.

I know of at least three Canadian sellers who are not happy campers this week due to these type of incidents happening to them for invoices sent to purchasers of their auction/approval book material.

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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin

05 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Liz, this is a real concern of mine, the ability to block certain buyers. Maybe we can lobby Tim to give us this ability? When I was selling on ebay a while back, I used this feature quite often and it worked like a charm.

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"


05 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Contact the auctioneers (David or Bob Stew) with specifics. They will follow-up with the buyers.

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05 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Hi all;

Lets send all those whiny buyers to Delcampe, and then they can whine about French Francs.... Rolling On The Floor Laughing

PS; If this thread gets any funnier I'll need another hernia surgery....ooowww, so funny it hurts! Laughing

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05 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

David the auctioneer

You stated

"and must be agreed to, in advance, by both parties."

The rule you quoted states

"Some sellers may accept other currencies in payment at the end of the auction at negotiated exchange rates, but you must check with the seller.""

The rule I think should state that and must be agreed to, in advance, by both parties, before bidding or making purchase.


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05 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

I bought from an Canadian seller this week and I hope they are not one of the unhappy sellers. I went back and reread his terms and I think I misunderstood them. It said check, money order or cash and the change could be paid in US mint stamps. The order was small, under three dollars and I paid the entire order with mint stamps, mostly plate blocks. Now I think he meant pay with cash and the coins can be US mint stamps. I haven't heard from him so I think because of the small amount he let it pass. I will read the terms a little more closely next time I buy.
I am located in the US and don't mind paying in US dollars to Canada. The transactions are too small to sweat the small stuff. If I were bidding in an auction with an Canadian firm I would be very sure of the terms and exchange rates.


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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"

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Collector, Webmaster

05 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

The rules are very straight forward as David has pointed out. If the buyer refuses to honor his/her commitment as per the rules, contact David for assistance. If the buyer continues to refuse to honor his/her commitment their Auction Privileges may be taken away or their membership may be terminated, depending on the situation. Don't just accept people breaking the rules because then the whole thing will start to spin out of order and it won't work properly for anyone because people with think that they can do whatever they want.

Buyers, stick to the rules!!!

Regards ... Tim.

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"Isaac Asimov once said if his doctor told him he was dying, he wouldn’t lament, he would just type a little faster. "

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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads

05 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

i have always been against blocking bidders. the guy is a good member or a bad member, and obeys the rules or doesn't. This is pretty binary in my world. Yes, we can make SOME allowances cause the guy is slow or there was a postal strike or.....

But SOR rules are pretty clear, and, in the absence of a previous agreement to the contrary, that must be obeyed (UNLESS someone says, "OK, this time, but ....").

So, if the problem is either large enough, or persistent, contact Bob or me and we'll address it, and, failing to resolve it, the problem individual's auction privileges will be revoked.

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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin

05 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Sellers should have the right to block buyers for any reason that is not racially, sexually, culturally, or religiously based. If I have a buyer who repeatedly whines, returns items for petty reasons, or is just generally a pain in the behind, I should have the right to exclude him from my sales. We are not talking about egregious rules violators who should be banished, just a few individuals who do not play well with others. It is only fundamentally fair to permit a seller to do business or not do business with individuals so long as there is no discriminatory basis for that decision.

I have no one at present whom I would exclude from my sales, but should the issue arise, I believe I should make that decision, not mommy, big brother, or the auctioneer.

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

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Collector, Webmaster

06 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

The rules are what they are Bobby and they have been working very well for many years.

If you have a problem and your solution is to block the buyer from bidding on your lots, then you are just kicking the problem down the road for someone else to have to deal with. Don't try to fix the immediate symptom, fix the problem. If someone can't play well in the sandbox and obey the rules, then their rights will be revoked or they will be moved on, depending on the situation.

Regards ... Tim.

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"Isaac Asimov once said if his doctor told him he was dying, he wouldn’t lament, he would just type a little faster. "

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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads

06 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

I am not in favor of individual blocking. Either a member obeys the rules or s/he doesn't. If the former, we live with their foibles; if the latter, we ask them to leave.

David, auctioneer

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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

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07 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

I never had that problem with Canadian buyers, back when I actually had the time to dabble in auction selling; but I can see how the price of the Canadian dollar is tempting bargain seekers. When we were almost at par, I would just avoid billing Canadian buyers at 1.021% on the dollar to keep things simple; but I also rounded down for some US-based buyers to keep the costs simple and straightforward for mailing cash/cheques (especially before everyone went all PayPal on everything). That was my choice, based on value and repeat patronage. With PayPal, transfers became easier; and I can see this practice eroding, if I ever find time to organize myself and jump back into auctions.

Plain and simple. If someone wanted to negotiate these days, I would quote the original US$ price because that is the level playing field that everyone expects. If that doesn't work for the winner, I would say either pay, or I'm offering this to the second place bidder (for him/her to decide if he/she wanted to buy at their bid price). If there's still an issue, I would ask the person to stop bidding on my lots via PM. If that didn't work, then David gets a message.

No need to block individuals. We're pretty open around here and all it would take is a new gmail account and a different user ID to get around the block. We can self-police ourselves without bothering our moderators with every individual issue. Hopefully folks will see the error of their ways and stop trying to bargain their way out of the exchange rate.


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""If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." Rush"
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07 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

I'm sure that Bobby's a libertarian at heart...

Opinions are opinions, bobstew. Don't let them dictate your life and your choices.

Bobby's got a pretty difficult job, keeping all of us in line. It's not a job I would volunteer for; and I'm glad he's taken up the cause.

As Tusken Raider would probably say, "We all just need to chill..."

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""If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." Rush"

07 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

I deleted a post from this thread. It violated the rule regarding no personal attacks are permitted in the Discussion Boards.

M#, Moderator

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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin

07 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

"AH, the crazy man from Maine is up to his old tricks again. Everyone, this man is a cancer on the site and needs to be extracted."

Hmmm, pretty strong, but nothing other than my feelings are hurt. You know, that whole "sticks and stones" thing...

Nevertheless, I would suggest that Bob be given a little space here, I obviously hit a nerve and while I stand behind my opinion (for that is ultimately all it is, my opinion), I certainly am not singling out Bob, David or anyone else, but rather the office of "auctioneer," whomsoever shall hold it at any time. Andres almost hit it on the head, although I may actually be closer to an anarchist than Libertarian. "That government is best which governs least" (read your Thoreau).
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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"


07 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Okay. Let's get back on topic, or the thread will be closed.

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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin

07 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

It not just an issue with Canadian currency. As oil prices plummet, the Chinese economy begins to reveal itself as the "house of cards" it truly is, and the dollar grows stronger against the Euro, the Canadian dollar and other currencies, we have to settle on a single standard.

Stamporama must stand firmly on its "one currency" position, and it has to be either the US dollar or the Euro, nothing else makes sense (an argument can also be made for the "Bitcoin," but I do not think folk generally trust or understand it). I am not being partisan here; H3!!'s bells, the Canadian economy is not only strong and robust, but perhaps more stable than that of its neighbor to the south!

Just my opinion, of course...

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

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BuckaCover.com - 80,000 covers priced 60c to $1.50 - Easy browsing 500 categories

07 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Frankly, this whole topic is ridiculous.

Any multi-national sales site must have a single currency in which to value transactions. Whether that currency is US$, C$ or UK £ should make no difference when everybody has access to currency exchange rates and a calculator.

Any Canadian member who insists on paying in C$ at a 1:1 (par) ratio with US$ is simply demanding a preferential 25% discount. That's nonsense. If the bidder's budget is in C$, s/he should simply bid the US$ equivalent.

Naturally, it only makes sense for people in the same country to transact in their own currency at the end, BUT AT THE CURRENT EXCHANGE RATE. I am sure that our European members do not routinely enrich Paypal and the banks by transacting from Euros >> US $ >> back to Euros and paying all the spreads. Rather, just convert the winning bid from US$ to the most convenient currency.

People who make these kind of demands should not be tolerated. Sellers, stand firm!


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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

08 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

".... Sellers should have the right to block buyers for any reason that is not racially, sexually, culturally, or religiously based. If I have a buyer who repeatedly whines, returns items for petty reasons, or is just generally a pain in the behind, I should have the right to exclude him from my sales. ...

At the start I felt this way as well, but between some comments by several members, and actually reflecting at the implications of Bobby's comment above, I realized what a thorny path we would be embarking on.
Who would judge whether someone was blocking another member more for some perceived " sexually, culturally, or religiously based" prejudicial opinion than for any actual "general pain in the behind" actions. And then there would have to be someone to try to explain why some perceived slight is just a normal reaction based on the facts, (Just the facts, sir....)
In some ways the buyer is privileged in that he, or she, can just skip over the offerings of a seller he doesn't like, because of some comment that was made in one of our more hot button threads.
No sir, I see a dark winding rabbit hole and my middle name is not Alice.

A minor violation might earn a warning but repeated minor violations, or some outright maleficence should get what it deserves as per the quoted rules.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin

08 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Actually, Charlie, I can see both sides of the coin. And in retrospect, agree that this is probably not something which could be handled well by many of the members here. Most, I believe, would use the blocking tool responsibly, but it would only take a very few personal vendettas to ruin it for all of us. So, for now at least, I'll back off.

Anyway, before Michael####s get irritated with us (and very rightly so as he has politely reminded us to stay on topic here), I will add only the following:

As of today, 1 CAD = 0.736687 USD, 1 USD = 1.35743 CAD Big Grin

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

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APS #220693 ATA#57179

08 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

"As of today, 1 CAD = 0.736687 USD, 1 USD = 1.35743 CAD"

And that is as it should be! There is little more satisfying than landing on Canadian soil, going to the airport bar, handing them a US $20, and getting a Lebatts or a Molson plus a Cdn $20 and more in change! It's like magic!


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"Expanding your knowledge faster than your collection can save you a few bucks."


10 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Re Malcolm197 i.e.( You should have seen my trying to convert dollars to sterling in my mind during my recent visit to New York !!)

Well Malcolm an approximate calculation you can use and it is quite close is
Sterling to USD = £amount multiply by 1½. e.g. £5 x 1½ = $7.50
USD to Sterling = USD amount divided by 1½ e.g.$7.50 divided by 1½ = £5

And today's conversion price is £1 = US$1.52.
Therefore based on above rough guide £5 = US$7.59
But PayPal conversion is slightly different.

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13 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Probably doesn't need to be as complicated as it seems to have become. Keep all transactions in $US (whether you are American or Canadian - people from other countries are on their own!) and bookmark the following site:


Easy enough to figure it out in today's values without complicated algorithms. Example: I can buy an item for $0.37 and see the mailing cost is $1.10 so the total is U$1.47. No personal negotiations required because in 3.1 seconds for me (2.3 seconds in US time) this calculator tells me that I will have to pay C$2.02 so I can determine if that's a good deal and proceed accordingly. Just like everything else, when my currency is crap (like now) I may buy less.

Alternatively, if someone (again I don't care from which side of the border) wants to buy an item from me with the same buy/mailing parameters I know that's C$2.02 coming my way, so if that sounds like a fair price I'm probably going to cheer for our crap currency and try to sell more stuff these days.

No need to sweat all the agonizing details discussed elsewhere - you always know what's going into or out of your Piggy Bank and can make intelligent decisions accordingly!

Also easy to set the mailing costs to reflect this. Let's say it costs me $1.00 to mail to a Canadian buyer and $1.50 to an American (in my almighty Loonie of course) and I decide to do so without adding a surcharge. When I list it I know that we are using $US so if I use the calculator I can say my mailing charge is "$0.73 to Canada and $1.09 to US (understood as $US and voila - reimbursement for the C$1.00 and C$1.50 my respective costs will be).

Bottom line, I'm all for a simple system (everything quoted and paid in $US regardless of whether my trading partner is an American or fellow Canadian (although I may add a surcharge to Leafs fans...) and using the online calculator. Obviously Americans will have an advantage on the buy side right now - but so what? I'll have the advantage as a seller now, and eventually the tide will turn. If any Canadians I buy from feel they have done me a disservice despite my free will choice, I would be happy to accept an additional handout - after all, that is the way we do it up here!

(Modified by Moderator on 2015-12-13 20:10:58)

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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads

13 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference


that's perfectly fine and helpful as long as we remember that the option to change terms of sale must be mutually agree-to. In the absence of that agreement, it's US funds sent as specified in the seller's terms.

David the auctioneer

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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

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APS member since 2004

13 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

I have won the odd lot here, or purchased something from an American member. I am a Canadian.

One gentlemen I won a lot from cost me $4.50 US, including shipping. I went to the bank and purchased four American dollars. I save the American change that comes through my pocket change. I mailed him $4.50 US and we are all happy.

I purchased an item for six dollars (American, as SOR is in American dollars). My seller is Canadian, so we converted the six dollars to whatever dollars Canadian, and I posted him a cheque. Everybody is happy.

Folks, the rules are clear. Follow them!

Ottawa, Canada

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"President, The Society for Costa Rica Collectors"
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13 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

It is interesting that at this time of year 3 wise men, all from the illustrious House of David, would have the answers to the mysteries of philatelic and economic life. For, as we all know, David is Hebrew for "Beloved of God", literally translated today into modern English as "Beloved of Stamp Collectors".

Like Matthew the Capernaumite, David the Auctioneer is a modern day peacemaker, urging empathy and compromise over petty earthly matters. And DavidG, whose very name's suffix reveals that he has the capacity to surprise, like the Shulhanis of Jerusalem turning shekels into kikkars.

But as foretold in The Apocrypha, there shall come the (self-described) Greatest David. He who views himself as like Solomon (the wisest man on earth) and like Paul (who made sure everyone new it). He who offers sage advice about divining the relationship of numbers from The Cloud, and lectures on how the peoples of the two nations should live their lives accordingly. He who can accept the pronouncements of the rules as declared by the lawmakers, yet interpret the lessons of others for practical usage. He who can combine these precepts and acknowledge that compromise is possible - like the Galations who were required to interact with the hated Assyrians - and thus declares...

"Whensoever I shall purchase or sell a charagma my dealings will be fair to all fellow citizens. But beware oh ye idolators who worship colored foliage (modern-day interpretation: "Maple Leafs fans"). For in accordance with the maker of law - he called David the Auctioneer - and with the chief moneychanger - he called DavidG - to those I shall send a box of pennies as payment and from those I shall accept hand-delivery. For by mutually agreeing with my terms, so shall we find peace between the peoples of Jehovah's nations".

And thus it was written...

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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin

13 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

@lemaven Not exactly sure what I just read, but thoroughly enjoyed it nonetheless! Rolling On The Floor Laughing

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads

13 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

I look forward to receiving pennies as if Manna from Heaven. I'll be sure to list some lots that hopefully fit my namesake's interests in the hopes I do indeed receive my coppers

just another David

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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

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13 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

OK, I am anxious to put my economic theories on Foreign Exchange into play as I gain experience in scanning and the execution of pricing, selling and negotiation strategies here. First one will be a "test case" based on my participation in this debate but with actual stamps and in pursuit of an actual sale. Should provide the template for sales going forward.

I am hoping to get a willing participant - VERY low cost and risk to you. And as it is an educational experience for me I will be providing an incentive that will be covert, but guaranteed to make you happy at my expense. Time limited opportunity, so be prepared to act.

(portion of post deleted as a violation of the self-promotion rule - Bobby)

Cheers, Dave.

(Modified by Moderator on 2015-12-13 20:12:50)

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13 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

i love it when things perk up a little here ! DavidG the dealers at Orapex 2016 will take Canadian correct ? i do not mind stopping at the ATM .

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"And every hair is measured like every grain of sand"
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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads

14 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

oh, I so want to bid, only I'm afraid I'd actually win it.

Any description that includes George Castanza and the PM's new haircut in the same riff, well.....


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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

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14 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Thanks amsd (aka another Dave).

It is certainly a leap of faith not for everyone. You have the first qualification: a sense of absurd humor (at least recognizing it, if not enjoying it). But deep pockets are also a requirement - who can afford to see almost $1.30 leave their piggy bank, possibly never to return?

I've had one courageous chap ask about it, but suspect that anyone who hasn't read our US$-CA$ thread probably suspects this is the work of an escaped mental patient. Given the long time I've carried the nickname "The Absentminded Professor" perhaps not far off at that. And actually, the same suspicion would probably occur to anyone who HAS read my post.

Probably also doesn't help that Bobby censored a portion of my posting here (referring back to the auction I suspect but I don't keep copies and can't remember what I wrote). I'm laughing imagining people huddled over their stamps with a nice scotch (or tea) saying "if Bobby left the rest of these ramblings IN, what in blazes was taken OUT!)

Anyway, as a social experiment I suspect stamp-folks are not the best audience/subjects for this. I will probably pull it in the next hour or so before any members are scared off permanently before my serious (and bonus-free) offerings go up. I'll probably stick to mathematicians and musicians going forward...

Cheers, Dave.

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APS member since 2004

14 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Brother Phil:

Bring your Canadian dollars! I can direct you to the TD (Toronto-Dominion) Bank for exchanging your American money. Bring about four singles, though... I'll hand you the same in American coins.

(on the booth for part of Sunday, at ORAPEX 2016)

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"President, The Society for Costa Rica Collectors"
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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin

14 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference


I love your commentaries. I excised as little as possible to comply with the Stamporama policy regarding self promotion. For an explanation of the rule and a discussion CLICK HERE

And for further discussion CLICK HERE

Limited promotion of your items in the auction or approvals, or items you intend to place there, is available in the topics following the "For Sale (Member Classifieds)" topic.

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

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Life gets in the way of my collecting interests.

16 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Great discussion All,

It's all trivial really. With the amounts at hand.

Try this on for size. I'm a Canadian retired in the US and receiving Canadian retirement funds. And when I get my check (cheque CDN) in the mail POW POW POW. 25% right off the top and paying the CDN non resident tax. POW some more.

I'm still a happy stamp collector after all that LOLThumbs Up

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"Thanks for reading."
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16 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Bridges, this is scarey ! You seem to live in the REAL world !!!Happy

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"And every hair is measured like every grain of sand"
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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin

16 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

",,,this is scarey ! You seem to live in the REAL world!!!"

Phil, you psychotic devil, you know the REAL world is but a figment of a Freudian fantasy!

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

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16 Dec 2015
re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

i know, but the posts have been interesting lately !

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"And every hair is measured like every grain of sand"


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22 Nov 2015

I've been asked by some of my Canadian buyers to charge them Canadian dollars AT PAR instead of US dollars.
I can not in good faith charge some buyers US and then charge some buyers Canadian.
This has to be a level bidding area.
When I buy kiloware, I am charged in US dollars and I absorb the difference.
When I list on the Auction I start the price at 10=15% of Scott 2016 Cat prices which is more than fair for everyone.

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do not have one
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22 Nov 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

No problem, charge them in Canadian dollars but do a conversion first and add a service charge of $5 more for your trouble. That should stop the complaining.
Buyers you pay the currency of the sellers locale and suck up the difference, you wouldn't expect a retail outlet to sell you items based on the currency at which they purchased them. If it's a problem then only buy from sellers in your country, problem solved.

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Mike, The shirt says "Trust me I am a Philatelist".
22 Nov 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

To all: according to the official SOR auction rules:


9) Transactions in the Stamporama Auction and Approvals are conducted in United States dollars. Some sellers may accept other currencies in payment at the end of the auction at negotiated exchange rates, but you must check with the seller.

But I certainly like sheepshanks response.

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"It's been 8 years now, since I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven't met yet..."
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22 Nov 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Gro--buyers who ask you to do that are not worth the trouble IMHO. Thumbs Down

Mike, thanks for the reference to the particular auction rule.


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A Service Dog gives a person with a disability independence. Never approach, distract or pet a working dog, especially when (s)he is in harness. Never be afraid to ask questions to the handler (parent).
22 Nov 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Gro - I definitely agree with Bob on that one. AT PAR is not good business requests. It's a fact that we're $0.25 in the hole so if we bid or buy here, it can't be any different than buying from any other site that is in USD. EBay automatically will show you the equivalent in CDN if you pull up the same auction using .ca - so if someone wants to pay in CDN, then they need to pay the equivalent value xe.com is perfect for giving them their total in CDN.

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"Let's find a cure for Still's Disease, Breast Cancer and Canine Addison's Disease. We CAN find a cure and save lives!!"


23 Nov 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

In addition to what Sheepshanks, Capestampman and Bob said, if you are using Scott catalogs to ID and value your items, the values in Scott as based on US dollars. That should settle the argument.

Years ago I had a buyer from India who insisted on paying for his purchases on par with the Rupee. At the time, the Rupee was worth about 40 cents (USD). He refused to pay in USD. The site I was on at the time permitted sellers to ban "bad apples". That I did, and that was that.

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23 Nov 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Just to clarify. I have lots of Canadian buyers who pay me in Canadian Dollars and do the exchange rate and are fine with it. And that is fine with me.
There was some buyers who wanted to pay at PAR. US-Canadian.
I don't think that is fair to the rest of the bidders.
Thank you for all the comments.

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do not have one

25 Nov 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

I don't buy or sell at auction -but you have to have all bids in the same currency in this case US dollars.

Private sales ( private treaty in the UK) you can negotiate if an offer in the right currency is not forthcoming.

One of the reasons I don't bid here is that I make all my purchases in sterling - and then my little brain can work out how much I am actually paying !!

( You should have seen my trying to convert dollars to sterling in my mind during my recent visit to New York !!)


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Mike, The shirt says "Trust me I am a Philatelist".
25 Nov 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

I believe Paypal does the conversion automatically when sending money to a foreign country, so you don't have to strain your brain trying to figure it out yourself.

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"It's been 8 years now, since I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven't met yet..."
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25 Nov 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

I think Malcolm wants to know the actual cost to him before he bids. I would think that there are online converters, but those would only be helpful if he bids on items closing soon, but not too soon.

Which makes me wonder. Would he pay the conversion rate from the day he placed his bid, or the conversion rate of the day the auction ends? Because, I bet it's the later, and well that's kinda messed up in a way- because he cannot know the future.

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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads
25 Nov 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

he pays the going rate on the day of the transaction; and paypal and a global converter need not be using the same algorhythms, just like the federal reserve uses a different rate than my bank does

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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

juicyheads.com/link. ...

They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin
25 Nov 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Unless there are major movements in the items upon which the conversion calcutions are made, the change in rates over a few days is going to be microsopic. It would probably take a major Wallstreet disaster to really make enough difference to matter.

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

www.bobbybarnhart.ne ...

Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
25 Nov 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

[" .... ( You should have seen my trying to convert dollars to sterling in my mind during my recent visit to New York !!) ...."

It couldn't have been any more difficult than when I visited England years ago and had to keep track of "£sd" as it took $4.25 to buy a "£". Some may recall store prices and conversation referred to Crowns, half crowns, shillings, "bob", quid, pounds and guineas.
To add to the confusion I had just spent almost two months in Rotterdam and had a fistful of Guilders to exchange.
On another trip to Helsinki, stops along the way meant Pfennigs, Marks, Marka, Kroner, Ore, Guilders and of course £sd. By the time it became rational in one currency another one was needed.
In Japan, I had bought a small hand held circular slide rule that fit in the palm of my hand which helped, once I set the exchange rate.
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In those days a Rupee was officially worth a dime but on the street it was closer to a nickel, and a five dollar bill would get you 1,800Â¥.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "

03 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Hi all: I do not agree. When I sell I do not expect my Canadian buyers to pay in U.S. funds. I am a Canadian seller selling to my countrymen and I see no reason for using a foreign currency. My terms specify that Canadian residents pay in Cdn. funds.

When you go to a super market or any retail outlet, do you expect to pay in U.S. funds? I think not. I do not think this unfair to other buyers. If I buy from a U.S. seller I do not expect to pay in Canadian funds. It just goes against my grain to charge Cdn. buyers U.S. funds.

There always has to be one!
Merry Christmas everyone.

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03 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

This problem with the payment of Stamporama lots in Canadian dollars has only recently appeared and is becoming like a bed of thorns in a bear's paw. When the CDN$ was worth more than the US$ no one would ever dream of sending CDN$ to a Canadian seller.

Stamporama's Auction Rules clearly state that transactions are in US$.

Recently I have had US buyers send me Canadian dollars(cash)at par and/or USA mint stamps as payment without asking in advance if their terms are acceptable. It gives on a feeling of 'take it or leave it'.

There isn't much a Canadian can do with USA mint stamps if they do not collect USA stamps except give them to another collector as a gift. Common 5c and 6c USA stamps are not something one could put up for sale in the auction and expect to receive face value for the stamps.

It's an individual Canadian seller's choice as to whether they wish to accept CDN$ at par, but I do not think it is a choice that should be forced upon us by some buyers. Before sending payment for Stamporama purchases, the purchaser should contact the seller if they are intending to pay with anything other than US$.

Opinions expressed are my five cents worth (no pennies accepted as legal currency in Canada and US coins are accepted at par with CDN$ so please don't send me any!).


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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin
03 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

I must be missing something here. Does "at par" mean one for one?

When I buy stamps via Ebay-UK (which I do) and win a bid for £5, does this mean I should expect to send the seller US$5 and call it even? That is not only unreasonable, that is just plain wrong! So, for that £5 stamp, I send the equivalent (about $7.50) in US dollars because that is what I bid.

When you bid on the Stamporama auction board, you accept the rules of the club. So you are bidding in US dollars, not mint stamps, rupees, yen, or Canadian dollars. If you do not like the rule, boycott the auction board - won't bother me a bit!

The nice thing about using PayPal is that it does the conversions for you; and the conversion rates are accurate and up-to-date.

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

www.bobbybarnhart.ne ...


03 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Yes - At par means one for one, i.e. US$1 = CDN$1.

Maybe I could send CDN$ or Canadian mint stamps to those sellers that are listing in US$ and expect them to accept my payment? Highly unlikely! Then listen to the screaming. LOL

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03 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

malcolm197 wrote:

"One of the reasons I don't bid here is that I make all my purchases in sterling - and then my little brain can work out how much I am actually paying !!"

Doe answered:

"I think Malcolm wants to know the actual cost to him before he bids. I would think that there are online converters, but those would only be helpful if he bids on items closing soon, but not too soon."

For those who don't know, here is a simple currency converter that uses live rates. Converted rates obviously won't be to the penny with the likes of Paypal but it saves the brain cells. I have this bookmarked:

XE Live currency converter

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
03 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

",,,, There isn't much a Canadian can do with USA mint stamps if they do not collect USA stamps except give them to another collector as a gift. Common 5c and 6c USA stamps are not something one could put up for sale in the auction and expect to receive face value for the stamps....."
Liz, explained a problem I never realized; That at times she gets stuck with fractional US stamps certain buyers used to pay for their purchases. I never considered the difference in the exchange rate, assuming that it was close enough to not matter much. It was, when I lived in Baffin Island. (Okay that was when Kennedy became president.)
But more importantly, I think I assumed that US stamps would be used in making change to buyers who rounded up. Am I the only guy who frequently rounds up when an amount is more than .65 ?
But I have a possible solution to that problem, The next time you purchase from a Canadian seller just ask them if they have unusable US fractional stamps to add three or four dollars to the total for whatever US fractional postage they have lying about. I am having a problem getting out to the Post Office, half of which do not have any mixed US postage available without buying a whole sheet. So a few dollars at a time will eventually be used on my outgoing mail.
There is no good reason to stick our Canadian members with unusable stamps, just something I and probably most US buyers never thought about.
I have already made such an offer to two of the Canadian sellers I buy from frequently.
Some of us could make that a habit.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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03 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

I look at it like this..what is the item worth to me ? Does it matter if the payment is in euros,or Canadian or U.S. dollars. In 2010 we went to Europe the euro was worth 1.43, this Spring we went and it was like 1.12 did i save any money ? I am not sure..by the time the ATMs and money changing takes place..credit cards help. Anyway i have seen the pendulem swing both ways with Canadian vs. U.S dollars. When the Canadian dollar was stronger than ours we still went to Canada.

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"And every hair is measured like every grain of sand"

04 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

"Recently I have had US buyers send me Canadian dollars(cash)at par and/or USA mint stamps as payment without asking in advance if their terms are acceptable. It gives on a feeling of 'take it or leave it'."

Sellers control how purchases are completed through their terms and conditions. Make sure to be specific as to what you do accept and what you do not. Then, if you receive the wrong method of payment, you can raise the issue with the buyer.

Because of your comments, I went and reviewed my terms, and found some ambiguities, which I have now corrected.

My terms are simple, but somewhat lengthy. I would rather say more than too little.
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04 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

i guess it was inevitable that this topic would come up. When i pay John in Canada, i pay in U.S. dollars..if he gets a break on the exchange rate..i am happy for him !

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"And every hair is measured like every grain of sand"
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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads
04 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Just so we're clear about SOR's rules.....

lots are listed in US dollars

lots are bought and sold in US dollars, UNLESS the two parties agree to something different. That agreement is optional, and must be agreed to, in advance, by both parties.

here's the rule:

9) Transactions in the Stamporama Auction and Approvals are conducted in United States dollars. Some sellers may accept other currencies in payment at the end of the auction at negotiated exchange rates, but you must check with the seller."

Anyone who is sending something other than US currency is not fulfilling his/her part of the transaction, absent a prior agreement with the seller. The seller has no obligation to honor payments made in currencies other than US dollars.

We can talk about other currencies, or other means of payment, like barter, postage stamps, bushels of wheat, ounces of gold, but it's just talk unless both parties agreed to some different exchange.

David the auctioneer
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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

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APS #220693 ATA#57179
04 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference


I just moved to Monopolyville. Can you kindly provide a list of your sellers that accept "on par" payment. I might want to place a few orders!

Better yet, I have a 100 Trillion Dollar note from Zimbabwe that I could use to buy a 1c Z grill, inverted Jenny, pay the national debt, and buy the Dallas Cowboys. I like how this works!!!


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"Expanding your knowledge faster than your collection can save you a few bucks."



04 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

I have a question......

Can we or should we Canadian sellers be able to refuse to accept future bids from bidders on Stamporama who insist on paying their invoices in Canadian currency (banknotes or coins) and/or postage stamps and/or do not pay their full invoice and when questioned they tell you to cancel their purchases?

This is providing of course that the buyer and seller have not come to a mutual agreement regarding payment of invoices BEFORE bids have been placed and payment has been sent to the seller.

I know of at least three Canadian sellers who are not happy campers this week due to these type of incidents happening to them for invoices sent to purchasers of their auction/approval book material.

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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin
05 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Liz, this is a real concern of mine, the ability to block certain buyers. Maybe we can lobby Tim to give us this ability? When I was selling on ebay a while back, I used this feature quite often and it worked like a charm.

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

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05 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Contact the auctioneers (David or Bob Stew) with specifics. They will follow-up with the buyers.

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05 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Hi all;

Lets send all those whiny buyers to Delcampe, and then they can whine about French Francs.... Rolling On The Floor Laughing

PS; If this thread gets any funnier I'll need another hernia surgery....ooowww, so funny it hurts! Laughing

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05 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

David the auctioneer

You stated

"and must be agreed to, in advance, by both parties."

The rule you quoted states

"Some sellers may accept other currencies in payment at the end of the auction at negotiated exchange rates, but you must check with the seller.""

The rule I think should state that and must be agreed to, in advance, by both parties, before bidding or making purchase.


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05 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

I bought from an Canadian seller this week and I hope they are not one of the unhappy sellers. I went back and reread his terms and I think I misunderstood them. It said check, money order or cash and the change could be paid in US mint stamps. The order was small, under three dollars and I paid the entire order with mint stamps, mostly plate blocks. Now I think he meant pay with cash and the coins can be US mint stamps. I haven't heard from him so I think because of the small amount he let it pass. I will read the terms a little more closely next time I buy.
I am located in the US and don't mind paying in US dollars to Canada. The transactions are too small to sweat the small stuff. If I were bidding in an auction with an Canadian firm I would be very sure of the terms and exchange rates.


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Collector, Webmaster
05 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

The rules are very straight forward as David has pointed out. If the buyer refuses to honor his/her commitment as per the rules, contact David for assistance. If the buyer continues to refuse to honor his/her commitment their Auction Privileges may be taken away or their membership may be terminated, depending on the situation. Don't just accept people breaking the rules because then the whole thing will start to spin out of order and it won't work properly for anyone because people with think that they can do whatever they want.

Buyers, stick to the rules!!!

Regards ... Tim.

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"Isaac Asimov once said if his doctor told him he was dying, he wouldn’t lament, he would just type a little faster. "

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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads
05 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

i have always been against blocking bidders. the guy is a good member or a bad member, and obeys the rules or doesn't. This is pretty binary in my world. Yes, we can make SOME allowances cause the guy is slow or there was a postal strike or.....

But SOR rules are pretty clear, and, in the absence of a previous agreement to the contrary, that must be obeyed (UNLESS someone says, "OK, this time, but ....").

So, if the problem is either large enough, or persistent, contact Bob or me and we'll address it, and, failing to resolve it, the problem individual's auction privileges will be revoked.

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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin
05 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Sellers should have the right to block buyers for any reason that is not racially, sexually, culturally, or religiously based. If I have a buyer who repeatedly whines, returns items for petty reasons, or is just generally a pain in the behind, I should have the right to exclude him from my sales. We are not talking about egregious rules violators who should be banished, just a few individuals who do not play well with others. It is only fundamentally fair to permit a seller to do business or not do business with individuals so long as there is no discriminatory basis for that decision.

I have no one at present whom I would exclude from my sales, but should the issue arise, I believe I should make that decision, not mommy, big brother, or the auctioneer.

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

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Collector, Webmaster
06 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

The rules are what they are Bobby and they have been working very well for many years.

If you have a problem and your solution is to block the buyer from bidding on your lots, then you are just kicking the problem down the road for someone else to have to deal with. Don't try to fix the immediate symptom, fix the problem. If someone can't play well in the sandbox and obey the rules, then their rights will be revoked or they will be moved on, depending on the situation.

Regards ... Tim.

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"Isaac Asimov once said if his doctor told him he was dying, he wouldn’t lament, he would just type a little faster. "

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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads
06 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

I am not in favor of individual blocking. Either a member obeys the rules or s/he doesn't. If the former, we live with their foibles; if the latter, we ask them to leave.

David, auctioneer

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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

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07 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

I never had that problem with Canadian buyers, back when I actually had the time to dabble in auction selling; but I can see how the price of the Canadian dollar is tempting bargain seekers. When we were almost at par, I would just avoid billing Canadian buyers at 1.021% on the dollar to keep things simple; but I also rounded down for some US-based buyers to keep the costs simple and straightforward for mailing cash/cheques (especially before everyone went all PayPal on everything). That was my choice, based on value and repeat patronage. With PayPal, transfers became easier; and I can see this practice eroding, if I ever find time to organize myself and jump back into auctions.

Plain and simple. If someone wanted to negotiate these days, I would quote the original US$ price because that is the level playing field that everyone expects. If that doesn't work for the winner, I would say either pay, or I'm offering this to the second place bidder (for him/her to decide if he/she wanted to buy at their bid price). If there's still an issue, I would ask the person to stop bidding on my lots via PM. If that didn't work, then David gets a message.

No need to block individuals. We're pretty open around here and all it would take is a new gmail account and a different user ID to get around the block. We can self-police ourselves without bothering our moderators with every individual issue. Hopefully folks will see the error of their ways and stop trying to bargain their way out of the exchange rate.


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""If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." Rush"
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07 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

I'm sure that Bobby's a libertarian at heart...

Opinions are opinions, bobstew. Don't let them dictate your life and your choices.

Bobby's got a pretty difficult job, keeping all of us in line. It's not a job I would volunteer for; and I'm glad he's taken up the cause.

As Tusken Raider would probably say, "We all just need to chill..."

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""If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." Rush"

07 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

I deleted a post from this thread. It violated the rule regarding no personal attacks are permitted in the Discussion Boards.

M#, Moderator

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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin
07 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

"AH, the crazy man from Maine is up to his old tricks again. Everyone, this man is a cancer on the site and needs to be extracted."

Hmmm, pretty strong, but nothing other than my feelings are hurt. You know, that whole "sticks and stones" thing...

Nevertheless, I would suggest that Bob be given a little space here, I obviously hit a nerve and while I stand behind my opinion (for that is ultimately all it is, my opinion), I certainly am not singling out Bob, David or anyone else, but rather the office of "auctioneer," whomsoever shall hold it at any time. Andres almost hit it on the head, although I may actually be closer to an anarchist than Libertarian. "That government is best which governs least" (read your Thoreau).
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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

www.bobbybarnhart.ne ...

07 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Okay. Let's get back on topic, or the thread will be closed.

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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin
07 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

It not just an issue with Canadian currency. As oil prices plummet, the Chinese economy begins to reveal itself as the "house of cards" it truly is, and the dollar grows stronger against the Euro, the Canadian dollar and other currencies, we have to settle on a single standard.

Stamporama must stand firmly on its "one currency" position, and it has to be either the US dollar or the Euro, nothing else makes sense (an argument can also be made for the "Bitcoin," but I do not think folk generally trust or understand it). I am not being partisan here; H3!!'s bells, the Canadian economy is not only strong and robust, but perhaps more stable than that of its neighbor to the south!

Just my opinion, of course...

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

www.bobbybarnhart.ne ...

BuckaCover.com - 80,000 covers priced 60c to $1.50 - Easy browsing 500 categories
07 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Frankly, this whole topic is ridiculous.

Any multi-national sales site must have a single currency in which to value transactions. Whether that currency is US$, C$ or UK £ should make no difference when everybody has access to currency exchange rates and a calculator.

Any Canadian member who insists on paying in C$ at a 1:1 (par) ratio with US$ is simply demanding a preferential 25% discount. That's nonsense. If the bidder's budget is in C$, s/he should simply bid the US$ equivalent.

Naturally, it only makes sense for people in the same country to transact in their own currency at the end, BUT AT THE CURRENT EXCHANGE RATE. I am sure that our European members do not routinely enrich Paypal and the banks by transacting from Euros >> US $ >> back to Euros and paying all the spreads. Rather, just convert the winning bid from US$ to the most convenient currency.

People who make these kind of demands should not be tolerated. Sellers, stand firm!


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"BuckaCover.com - 8,000+ new covers coming Wednesday Jan. 15. See the website."


Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
08 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

".... Sellers should have the right to block buyers for any reason that is not racially, sexually, culturally, or religiously based. If I have a buyer who repeatedly whines, returns items for petty reasons, or is just generally a pain in the behind, I should have the right to exclude him from my sales. ...

At the start I felt this way as well, but between some comments by several members, and actually reflecting at the implications of Bobby's comment above, I realized what a thorny path we would be embarking on.
Who would judge whether someone was blocking another member more for some perceived " sexually, culturally, or religiously based" prejudicial opinion than for any actual "general pain in the behind" actions. And then there would have to be someone to try to explain why some perceived slight is just a normal reaction based on the facts, (Just the facts, sir....)
In some ways the buyer is privileged in that he, or she, can just skip over the offerings of a seller he doesn't like, because of some comment that was made in one of our more hot button threads.
No sir, I see a dark winding rabbit hole and my middle name is not Alice.

A minor violation might earn a warning but repeated minor violations, or some outright maleficence should get what it deserves as per the quoted rules.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "

They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin
08 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Actually, Charlie, I can see both sides of the coin. And in retrospect, agree that this is probably not something which could be handled well by many of the members here. Most, I believe, would use the blocking tool responsibly, but it would only take a very few personal vendettas to ruin it for all of us. So, for now at least, I'll back off.

Anyway, before Michael####s get irritated with us (and very rightly so as he has politely reminded us to stay on topic here), I will add only the following:

As of today, 1 CAD = 0.736687 USD, 1 USD = 1.35743 CAD Big Grin

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

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APS #220693 ATA#57179
08 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

"As of today, 1 CAD = 0.736687 USD, 1 USD = 1.35743 CAD"

And that is as it should be! There is little more satisfying than landing on Canadian soil, going to the airport bar, handing them a US $20, and getting a Lebatts or a Molson plus a Cdn $20 and more in change! It's like magic!


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"Expanding your knowledge faster than your collection can save you a few bucks."


10 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Re Malcolm197 i.e.( You should have seen my trying to convert dollars to sterling in my mind during my recent visit to New York !!)

Well Malcolm an approximate calculation you can use and it is quite close is
Sterling to USD = £amount multiply by 1½. e.g. £5 x 1½ = $7.50
USD to Sterling = USD amount divided by 1½ e.g.$7.50 divided by 1½ = £5

And today's conversion price is £1 = US$1.52.
Therefore based on above rough guide £5 = US$7.59
But PayPal conversion is slightly different.

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13 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Probably doesn't need to be as complicated as it seems to have become. Keep all transactions in $US (whether you are American or Canadian - people from other countries are on their own!) and bookmark the following site:


Easy enough to figure it out in today's values without complicated algorithms. Example: I can buy an item for $0.37 and see the mailing cost is $1.10 so the total is U$1.47. No personal negotiations required because in 3.1 seconds for me (2.3 seconds in US time) this calculator tells me that I will have to pay C$2.02 so I can determine if that's a good deal and proceed accordingly. Just like everything else, when my currency is crap (like now) I may buy less.

Alternatively, if someone (again I don't care from which side of the border) wants to buy an item from me with the same buy/mailing parameters I know that's C$2.02 coming my way, so if that sounds like a fair price I'm probably going to cheer for our crap currency and try to sell more stuff these days.

No need to sweat all the agonizing details discussed elsewhere - you always know what's going into or out of your Piggy Bank and can make intelligent decisions accordingly!

Also easy to set the mailing costs to reflect this. Let's say it costs me $1.00 to mail to a Canadian buyer and $1.50 to an American (in my almighty Loonie of course) and I decide to do so without adding a surcharge. When I list it I know that we are using $US so if I use the calculator I can say my mailing charge is "$0.73 to Canada and $1.09 to US (understood as $US and voila - reimbursement for the C$1.00 and C$1.50 my respective costs will be).

Bottom line, I'm all for a simple system (everything quoted and paid in $US regardless of whether my trading partner is an American or fellow Canadian (although I may add a surcharge to Leafs fans...) and using the online calculator. Obviously Americans will have an advantage on the buy side right now - but so what? I'll have the advantage as a seller now, and eventually the tide will turn. If any Canadians I buy from feel they have done me a disservice despite my free will choice, I would be happy to accept an additional handout - after all, that is the way we do it up here!

(Modified by Moderator on 2015-12-13 20:10:58)

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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads
13 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference


that's perfectly fine and helpful as long as we remember that the option to change terms of sale must be mutually agree-to. In the absence of that agreement, it's US funds sent as specified in the seller's terms.

David the auctioneer

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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

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APS member since 2004
13 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

I have won the odd lot here, or purchased something from an American member. I am a Canadian.

One gentlemen I won a lot from cost me $4.50 US, including shipping. I went to the bank and purchased four American dollars. I save the American change that comes through my pocket change. I mailed him $4.50 US and we are all happy.

I purchased an item for six dollars (American, as SOR is in American dollars). My seller is Canadian, so we converted the six dollars to whatever dollars Canadian, and I posted him a cheque. Everybody is happy.

Folks, the rules are clear. Follow them!

Ottawa, Canada

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"President, The Society for Costa Rica Collectors"
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13 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

It is interesting that at this time of year 3 wise men, all from the illustrious House of David, would have the answers to the mysteries of philatelic and economic life. For, as we all know, David is Hebrew for "Beloved of God", literally translated today into modern English as "Beloved of Stamp Collectors".

Like Matthew the Capernaumite, David the Auctioneer is a modern day peacemaker, urging empathy and compromise over petty earthly matters. And DavidG, whose very name's suffix reveals that he has the capacity to surprise, like the Shulhanis of Jerusalem turning shekels into kikkars.

But as foretold in The Apocrypha, there shall come the (self-described) Greatest David. He who views himself as like Solomon (the wisest man on earth) and like Paul (who made sure everyone new it). He who offers sage advice about divining the relationship of numbers from The Cloud, and lectures on how the peoples of the two nations should live their lives accordingly. He who can accept the pronouncements of the rules as declared by the lawmakers, yet interpret the lessons of others for practical usage. He who can combine these precepts and acknowledge that compromise is possible - like the Galations who were required to interact with the hated Assyrians - and thus declares...

"Whensoever I shall purchase or sell a charagma my dealings will be fair to all fellow citizens. But beware oh ye idolators who worship colored foliage (modern-day interpretation: "Maple Leafs fans"). For in accordance with the maker of law - he called David the Auctioneer - and with the chief moneychanger - he called DavidG - to those I shall send a box of pennies as payment and from those I shall accept hand-delivery. For by mutually agreeing with my terms, so shall we find peace between the peoples of Jehovah's nations".

And thus it was written...

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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin
13 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

@lemaven Not exactly sure what I just read, but thoroughly enjoyed it nonetheless! Rolling On The Floor Laughing

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads
13 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

I look forward to receiving pennies as if Manna from Heaven. I'll be sure to list some lots that hopefully fit my namesake's interests in the hopes I do indeed receive my coppers

just another David

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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

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13 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

OK, I am anxious to put my economic theories on Foreign Exchange into play as I gain experience in scanning and the execution of pricing, selling and negotiation strategies here. First one will be a "test case" based on my participation in this debate but with actual stamps and in pursuit of an actual sale. Should provide the template for sales going forward.

I am hoping to get a willing participant - VERY low cost and risk to you. And as it is an educational experience for me I will be providing an incentive that will be covert, but guaranteed to make you happy at my expense. Time limited opportunity, so be prepared to act.

(portion of post deleted as a violation of the self-promotion rule - Bobby)

Cheers, Dave.

(Modified by Moderator on 2015-12-13 20:12:50)

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13 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

i love it when things perk up a little here ! DavidG the dealers at Orapex 2016 will take Canadian correct ? i do not mind stopping at the ATM .

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"And every hair is measured like every grain of sand"
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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads
14 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

oh, I so want to bid, only I'm afraid I'd actually win it.

Any description that includes George Castanza and the PM's new haircut in the same riff, well.....


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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

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14 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Thanks amsd (aka another Dave).

It is certainly a leap of faith not for everyone. You have the first qualification: a sense of absurd humor (at least recognizing it, if not enjoying it). But deep pockets are also a requirement - who can afford to see almost $1.30 leave their piggy bank, possibly never to return?

I've had one courageous chap ask about it, but suspect that anyone who hasn't read our US$-CA$ thread probably suspects this is the work of an escaped mental patient. Given the long time I've carried the nickname "The Absentminded Professor" perhaps not far off at that. And actually, the same suspicion would probably occur to anyone who HAS read my post.

Probably also doesn't help that Bobby censored a portion of my posting here (referring back to the auction I suspect but I don't keep copies and can't remember what I wrote). I'm laughing imagining people huddled over their stamps with a nice scotch (or tea) saying "if Bobby left the rest of these ramblings IN, what in blazes was taken OUT!)

Anyway, as a social experiment I suspect stamp-folks are not the best audience/subjects for this. I will probably pull it in the next hour or so before any members are scared off permanently before my serious (and bonus-free) offerings go up. I'll probably stick to mathematicians and musicians going forward...

Cheers, Dave.

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APS member since 2004
14 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Brother Phil:

Bring your Canadian dollars! I can direct you to the TD (Toronto-Dominion) Bank for exchanging your American money. Bring about four singles, though... I'll hand you the same in American coins.

(on the booth for part of Sunday, at ORAPEX 2016)

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"President, The Society for Costa Rica Collectors"

They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin
14 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference


I love your commentaries. I excised as little as possible to comply with the Stamporama policy regarding self promotion. For an explanation of the rule and a discussion CLICK HERE

And for further discussion CLICK HERE

Limited promotion of your items in the auction or approvals, or items you intend to place there, is available in the topics following the "For Sale (Member Classifieds)" topic.

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

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Life gets in the way of my collecting interests.
16 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Great discussion All,

It's all trivial really. With the amounts at hand.

Try this on for size. I'm a Canadian retired in the US and receiving Canadian retirement funds. And when I get my check (cheque CDN) in the mail POW POW POW. 25% right off the top and paying the CDN non resident tax. POW some more.

I'm still a happy stamp collector after all that LOLThumbs Up

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"Thanks for reading."
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16 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

Bridges, this is scarey ! You seem to live in the REAL world !!!Happy

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"And every hair is measured like every grain of sand"

They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin
16 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

",,,this is scarey ! You seem to live in the REAL world!!!"

Phil, you psychotic devil, you know the REAL world is but a figment of a Freudian fantasy!

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

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16 Dec 2015

re: Canadian and US Dollar Difference

i know, but the posts have been interesting lately !

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"And every hair is measured like every grain of sand"

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