As you are seeking information, this is an appropriate place to post this message. You could also have posted it "Supplies, Literature and Software" topic. Should the information you seek encourage you to pursue a purchase, you should place a post under the "Wanted to Buy" topic.
Bobby Barnhart
Can someone on the list give me the contents page or subjects covered in this book? How useful has it been in your collecting? It is rather pricey so I don't want to buy it and then find it not all that useful. If someone has a copy to sell I would also like to hear about it. Since this is my first post I hope I have not broken too many rules.
re: Book - The Papers and Gums of US Postage Stamps 1847-1909 by White
As you are seeking information, this is an appropriate place to post this message. You could also have posted it "Supplies, Literature and Software" topic. Should the information you seek encourage you to pursue a purchase, you should place a post under the "Wanted to Buy" topic.
Bobby Barnhart