"Could somebody please explain how this may happen "
To check your IE settings, in your IE menu, choose "Tools" (the little cog-wheel at far right).
Choose "Internet Options".
You should see the screen at left. Choose the indicated "Settings" button.
The right screen will come up.
Investigate the various settings.
Don't use Internet Explorer. Or, if you insist on using it, try using the refresh button on the browser to refresh the screen.
re: Approvals System Failure???
"Could somebody please explain how this may happen "
re: Approvals System Failure???
To check your IE settings, in your IE menu, choose "Tools" (the little cog-wheel at far right).
Choose "Internet Options".
You should see the screen at left. Choose the indicated "Settings" button.
The right screen will come up.
Investigate the various settings.