visit ... it may be forgery ... post to the website and see expert opinions.
here is facebook group ... many experts
(Modified by Moderator on 2015-09-24 23:37:53)
It might be genuine, as well. It sounds like a stamp from the edge of the watermark mat. On some of the early European issues, it was not unusual for the paper supplier to have identifying text on the border of the watermark mat. These would appear as letters and sometimes borders if the stamp happened to be printed there.
These text/border watermarks are not common and usually are not given catalog listings, even in most specialized catalogs -- but they sometimes get an obscure mention.
I have heard of some specialists who like to collect these watermark mat edge stamps.
A watermark specialists might be able to provide you some info regarding whether any lettering/borders appeared on the watermark mat for a specific issue.
I DID NOT look it up for you specific issue, but a typical marginal watermark on the early crown watermark mats is "KGL. POST-FRMK". I believe at least one of the watermark mats actually had a posthorn in one of the corners.
Hopefully, somebody here can fill in the blanks. That's all I know.
Based on your thread title, it sounds like you have a Facit catalog. There should be an obscure note or two in the catalog, buried in one of the listing headers, that mentions the watermark lettering.
Just to follow up and confirm, Bicolours can be found with sheet edge watermarks ONLY, although it's somewhat rare. Generally only occurs on the skilling issues and the first øre series.
The true rarities are the totally UN-watermarked stamps, which can only occur in positions 1, 11, 91 and 100 of sheets where the watermark/paper is far out of alignment. These are quite valuable... the ones with sheet edge watermarks are more of a "curiosity" for specialists.
link to bicolor group ...
(Modified by Moderator on 2015-12-28 16:00:39)
Been going through some of my bi-colors that I have been stashing and came across a strange one. It's 20ö that has a watermark that I cannot find any information on. The normal watermarks from that period are the crown types. This one has absolutely no sign of a crown wmk. But instead it has partial, double line letters along one side. It looks similar to the double lined wmk of early US issues. In fact the 2 letters that can be seen look to either be the bottom of an S and U, or the top of an S and an O. Any clues?
If I knew how to scan a stamp with wmk fluid I would. Maybe I'll try tomorrow and see if it will work.
re: Denmark 20ö bi-color Scott #31 (Facit #34) weird wmk
visit ... it may be forgery ... post to the website and see expert opinions.
here is facebook group ... many experts
(Modified by Moderator on 2015-09-24 23:37:53)
re: Denmark 20ö bi-color Scott #31 (Facit #34) weird wmk
It might be genuine, as well. It sounds like a stamp from the edge of the watermark mat. On some of the early European issues, it was not unusual for the paper supplier to have identifying text on the border of the watermark mat. These would appear as letters and sometimes borders if the stamp happened to be printed there.
These text/border watermarks are not common and usually are not given catalog listings, even in most specialized catalogs -- but they sometimes get an obscure mention.
I have heard of some specialists who like to collect these watermark mat edge stamps.
A watermark specialists might be able to provide you some info regarding whether any lettering/borders appeared on the watermark mat for a specific issue.
re: Denmark 20ö bi-color Scott #31 (Facit #34) weird wmk
I DID NOT look it up for you specific issue, but a typical marginal watermark on the early crown watermark mats is "KGL. POST-FRMK". I believe at least one of the watermark mats actually had a posthorn in one of the corners.
Hopefully, somebody here can fill in the blanks. That's all I know.
Based on your thread title, it sounds like you have a Facit catalog. There should be an obscure note or two in the catalog, buried in one of the listing headers, that mentions the watermark lettering.
re: Denmark 20ö bi-color Scott #31 (Facit #34) weird wmk
Just to follow up and confirm, Bicolours can be found with sheet edge watermarks ONLY, although it's somewhat rare. Generally only occurs on the skilling issues and the first øre series.
The true rarities are the totally UN-watermarked stamps, which can only occur in positions 1, 11, 91 and 100 of sheets where the watermark/paper is far out of alignment. These are quite valuable... the ones with sheet edge watermarks are more of a "curiosity" for specialists.
re: Denmark 20ö bi-color Scott #31 (Facit #34) weird wmk
link to bicolor group ...
(Modified by Moderator on 2015-12-28 16:00:39)