I really like this suggestion. I don't want to be pushy with sending an invoice either, so if the buyer could let me know (other than messaging me) that would be wonderful.
Best idea I have seen for a long while.
When buyers select lots of stamps (or ) on a repeat or regular basis sometimes they get very close to (or go over) the maximum weight allowed for sending, or if a buyer only wants a few stamps (maybe a dollars worth) then, I have trouble with the invoicing system... A notification would help but how to achieve that may be tricky.
Messages have worked fine for me. If such a button would help you, so be it, but I don't see the need for one myself.
What I'd like to see is an easy way to combine invoices. Sellers often send me invoices before I have finished shopping, then forget and send me another with the extra items on it. Perhaps a mechanism already exists to combine invoices in this situation, but this has happened to me several times with several dealers and none have been able to do it.
Chris, I just learned today, as a seller, that it is possible to combine invoices, because I had the situation you describe (and is what prompted my original question).
After sending out an invoice yesterday, but getting additional purchases last night from the same buyer, I went exploring through the invoice options this morning. I don't remember exactly the sequence I used to get there (hopefully a more experienced seller can do the step-by-step), but there's a button called "add items" or "add items to invoice". The seller then "opens" the invoice again, clicks a button to add any (or all) items, and re-submits the invoice again.
Maybe someone else can either find the documentation for this, or else create a more detailed explanation than mine.
I can't speak for Ralph on the Approvals side, but as an Auctioneer, I just see it as an unnecessary programming project because we're lazy. When a buyer is done with their lots, just message or email the seller--for me, it gives me a chance to communicate with them, maybe get to know them a little. BOB
RE: Combining invoices:
Just remember that a seller can not combine invoices if purchase #1 and purchase #2 were made under different seller terms. In other words, if the seller changes any part of the seller's terms between the time that the buyer made purchase #1 and purchase #2, the sales actually happened under different T&C, and the invoices cannot be combined.
This applies to both approvals and auctions.
Yes, Michael, I learned that the hard way, the first day I offered an approval book. But I had the option to adjust the postage on the other so that it all evened out.
Bob, I don't think it's a laziness thing. I've always sent a message, and 90% (95%?) of the time, never hear anything back one way or the other. So I wait a day, and then invoice.
But I was thinking if a buyer saw such a button, then they could let the seller know "I'm done!". And they would see that there's such an option.
I think it's because there's not a clear set of instructions for buyers, as far as I can tell.
As you saw from the other posts, it's often hard for a seller to know what's in the mind of a buyer, and when they've wrapped up.
There is a way around the dilemma Michael###s describes. I change my terms frequently, so I have them stored off site in a pdf document which I link to my "terms and conditions" in my auction description. Whenever I want to change my terms, I merely edit the pdf doc, save it under the same name on the same site, and I'm done. The SOR system thinks I am using the same terms and conditions, so I can combine items as I will.
I do admit that I find the feature technically unnecessary because of the messaging system; however, it does add a bit more formality to the process by having the button. To me, it would be a nice clear "OK, I'm ready now" flag versus what may be construed by some as a "when are you going to invoice me already?" request.
Doug, I totally agree with the nuance you've characterized. That is the spirit in which I meant it. Thank you for teasing that out!
- - - -
To others who've raised the points that this would be unnecessary, or it's driven by laziness, because the ability to message between buyer and seller already exists:
my suggestion is to fix a problem that exists, even with that current tool in place. And what I heard from the first several people to respond to my initial post is that they felt the same kind of frustration or uncertainty that I have. The current system really does require a small degree of mind-reading on the part of the seller to discern the intention of the buyer. I'm going through that right now, wondering what the buyer is going to do.
I was thinking back through all my sales over the years at Bidstart, eBay and now here. When I had a question for a buyer and sent them an email, I would estimate that maybe about 80% of the time, I never received a reply. So, I took a shot, tried to guess what their answer would be, and proceeded on.
But that leads me to the conclusion that a number of buyers either don't look at their messages or don't know how to look at their messages, or conclude that it's just an automatic notification.
With this proposed button, the buyer would tell the seller that they've wrapped up their shopping with that seller and are ready to conclude the transaction.
I want to be clear: this is not about hurrying the buyer up, or anything else. I'm perfectly fine with buyers taking days to wrap things up.
- - - -
As for the technical details, I'm no developer these days, but I was once a programmer, back when they called them programmers.
It seems to me that a button would simply generate one boilerplate message from the buyer to the seller that says something as simple as "I'm ready for my invoice." To be clear, I'm not suggesting that it perform the invoicing process. That's complicated, and, to me, has already been masterfully developed by Tim and whoever else might have been involved. It is indeed well-done!
I could just use a brief canned message from the buyer, letting me know that they're ready to check out.
Hi Lazy people;
@ Sellers;
If you have anxiety because you don't know if your buyer wants to continue shopping or is done
and wants an invoice, here is a much better solution than a button. PM your buyer and ask them
what is their preference. I do this for all my buyers and they appreciate it.
This is known as personal customer service, and I practice it with all buyers no matter how small
the order. My buyers very much appreciate it, and as a result, most of my buyers are repeat buyers.
If you still have anxiety....try booze....works fine for me!
@ Buyers;
If you wish to continue shopping and not get an invoice, just message your seller and ask if it's
okay with them to wait and keep looking. Most will be fine with that. Or if you want your goodies
before you forget what you bought, just ask for an invoice.
Because of my communicating with the buyer, I get to know them well, and even ask their advice
at times. This goes a long ways toward gaining their respect and trust. I get great ideas that way
that I never would have thought of for selling tips.
I also spend a lot of time reading about what members do and don't like and take note of their
thoughts to make my service even better.
Just thinkin' too much again....
I'm trying to be clear about this.
This comes from having sent a PM and not getting a response. Sometimes several times.
If just sending a PM worked all (or even most) of the time, I would never have brought this up.
If most people responded to their PMs, we would not be having this conversation.
As usual, I nearly always regret making a suggestion on here, because it's just not worth the battle.
"As usual, I nearly always regret making a suggestion on here, because it's just not worth the battle. "
Dave... first, NEVER give up making suggestions, as that is how ideas are born and if good, become reality.
Second, after years of selling both here and on other sites, I know what you are talking about. Some buyers just will not respond to emails, pm's etc and sellers are left to read their minds. A button might help some, and even if just some, that is more than none.
We have both seen and used different functions on various sites over the years and have a pretty good idea of what helps/works and what doesn't.
In the meantime, I would suggest you use a PM to see if that gets you a reply. If no reply, then just invoice them after a month (or whatever time period you want to use).
Mike in NC / meostamps
Thanks, Mike! Very much appreciated!
-- Dave
Hi Everyone;
@ Philatarium;
After re-reading your post and replies, I realize I skimmed them too fast and missed the part
about not responding to messages or e-mails. That can be a real problem when people ignore
you and don't get back. I'm sorry for the overlooked comments.
And yes just because others don't agree with a suggestion is no reason to withhold ideas.
Some of my own ideas were not received very well on here, and that is okay. Also a not so
great idea, can inspire others to rework that 'diamond in the rough' into a terrific idea.
If I had an unresponsive buyer, and no reply, I would then try their e-mail, but with a disclaimer,
that I'm not being pushy, and if they have health issues, just let me know and you can wait until
you're feeling better (I had one like that), I replied that your health is more important than a few
stamps, so not to worry just get well.
If it is not health, just invoice them, and if that is not what they wanted then they should have
replied and said so, and be sure to tell them so, in a polite manner. Not the way that Tusken talks
on here.
If it is a seller with such a lazy attitude that they don't bother to reply, then buy elsewhere. Let
them know that you are no longer buying from them due to poor customer service and communi-
cation. Again politely not like Tusken! Also they could be overloaded with orders.
Nothing can replace good communication and customer service.
Just my 2¢....
Hi Everyone;
After re-reading Philatarium's post and others member's remarks, I have changed my position
on his idea and think it is worthy of further discussion. I'm not sure how the technical stuff
would work tho.
So I think Philatarium should elaborate in more detail about his idea so we can all get a
sensible discussion going to figure this out. I'm not exactly sure how he had in mind that this
should work, and would like to know more details.
@ Everyone;
I'm very sorry for my negative responses and comments to someone's attempt at an idea. So
lets hear more replies about this problem. Obviously some people are ignoring the notice at
the top of the screen that they have messages and this in itself is also a problem. Maybe
Philatarium can comment on this also.
I want to say to new and old members alike, that you should not be deterred by the negative
remarks of other members. Maybe they didn't understand the reason for your idea, or didn't
read the thread very thoroughly.
Here is a real Rube Goldberg idea, and I can see Tim rolling his eyeballs as soon as he reads
this. If a member logs on a certain number of times without reading his messages, and
attempts to go anywhere but "View Messages", he/she will be automatically re-directed to
"View Messages".
Just thinkin' again....Oooohhhhhh that hurts....
After over 15 years of on line selling (and buying) I can safely say that MOST buyers do not answer the sort of emails that some people here are suggesting.. (I continue to send 'em tho')
If an automatic message could be sent (and replied to) at the touch of a button, it may encourage a few people to respond, that would be a plus.
I agree with the OP (philatarium) a button would help..
Wow what a simple solution to this problem. This would eliminate so many awkward messages and put complete control into the hands of the buyers. Love love LOVE this idea! Brilliant Dave!
I love the idea of a "invoice me" button. Now that I have branched out and have auctions ending on a Saturday and approval books having been gone through by the weekend, I send out invoices Monday or Tuesday if Monday is a holiday. The problem arises when the person buys only a couple of penny auctions and nothing else. When do you invoice? I am zero for everything when it comes to combining invoices. It just doesn't work for me. I wind up having to cut and paste information on invoices and then make the postage the amount of what I cut and pasted. It's awkward but it works. An invoice me button would solve this problem.
I too think this is a great idea; I don't know why there is such resistance to simple fixes. I am not a programmer, but even I can see how this appears to be a simple fix. What would be complicated is if there was a button "Invoice Me" where the buyer clicks it and an invoice is automatically generated and sent. Now THAT is complicated and I'm not advocating for it, but just a "I'm Done" type button? Great idea, IMHO.
I think it would be best to put this discussion on hold until Tim returns from vacation. It needs his input and, since he is the one who would implement the change, nothing can be done anyway until he returns. It is pointless to continue this discussion in his absence and just means he will have to wade through that many more posts when he gets back.
I haven't dealt with the auctions area yet, so perhaps this would work there as well -- I just don't know.
I know both as a buyer and a seller in the approval book area that it seems like it'd be handy to have a notification from the buyer to the seller that they're done and would like to receive an invoice.
I don't want to rush anyone in invoicing them, but I also don't want them to wait around for me to discern the right time to invoice them, when they'd like to go on and start the process of getting their stamps!
And as a buyer, I've had the same situation -- now, I usually send a note to the seller letting them know I'm through, but, in the beginning, I would sometimes wait days before the invoice was generated.
Could this work?
re: For approval books, how about an "invoice me" button?
I really like this suggestion. I don't want to be pushy with sending an invoice either, so if the buyer could let me know (other than messaging me) that would be wonderful.
re: For approval books, how about an "invoice me" button?
Best idea I have seen for a long while.
When buyers select lots of stamps (or ) on a repeat or regular basis sometimes they get very close to (or go over) the maximum weight allowed for sending, or if a buyer only wants a few stamps (maybe a dollars worth) then, I have trouble with the invoicing system... A notification would help but how to achieve that may be tricky.
re: For approval books, how about an "invoice me" button?
Messages have worked fine for me. If such a button would help you, so be it, but I don't see the need for one myself.
What I'd like to see is an easy way to combine invoices. Sellers often send me invoices before I have finished shopping, then forget and send me another with the extra items on it. Perhaps a mechanism already exists to combine invoices in this situation, but this has happened to me several times with several dealers and none have been able to do it.
re: For approval books, how about an "invoice me" button?
Chris, I just learned today, as a seller, that it is possible to combine invoices, because I had the situation you describe (and is what prompted my original question).
After sending out an invoice yesterday, but getting additional purchases last night from the same buyer, I went exploring through the invoice options this morning. I don't remember exactly the sequence I used to get there (hopefully a more experienced seller can do the step-by-step), but there's a button called "add items" or "add items to invoice". The seller then "opens" the invoice again, clicks a button to add any (or all) items, and re-submits the invoice again.
Maybe someone else can either find the documentation for this, or else create a more detailed explanation than mine.
re: For approval books, how about an "invoice me" button?
I can't speak for Ralph on the Approvals side, but as an Auctioneer, I just see it as an unnecessary programming project because we're lazy. When a buyer is done with their lots, just message or email the seller--for me, it gives me a chance to communicate with them, maybe get to know them a little. BOB
re: For approval books, how about an "invoice me" button?
RE: Combining invoices:
Just remember that a seller can not combine invoices if purchase #1 and purchase #2 were made under different seller terms. In other words, if the seller changes any part of the seller's terms between the time that the buyer made purchase #1 and purchase #2, the sales actually happened under different T&C, and the invoices cannot be combined.
This applies to both approvals and auctions.
re: For approval books, how about an "invoice me" button?
Yes, Michael, I learned that the hard way, the first day I offered an approval book. But I had the option to adjust the postage on the other so that it all evened out.
Bob, I don't think it's a laziness thing. I've always sent a message, and 90% (95%?) of the time, never hear anything back one way or the other. So I wait a day, and then invoice.
But I was thinking if a buyer saw such a button, then they could let the seller know "I'm done!". And they would see that there's such an option.
I think it's because there's not a clear set of instructions for buyers, as far as I can tell.
As you saw from the other posts, it's often hard for a seller to know what's in the mind of a buyer, and when they've wrapped up.
re: For approval books, how about an "invoice me" button?
There is a way around the dilemma Michael###s describes. I change my terms frequently, so I have them stored off site in a pdf document which I link to my "terms and conditions" in my auction description. Whenever I want to change my terms, I merely edit the pdf doc, save it under the same name on the same site, and I'm done. The SOR system thinks I am using the same terms and conditions, so I can combine items as I will.
re: For approval books, how about an "invoice me" button?
I do admit that I find the feature technically unnecessary because of the messaging system; however, it does add a bit more formality to the process by having the button. To me, it would be a nice clear "OK, I'm ready now" flag versus what may be construed by some as a "when are you going to invoice me already?" request.
re: For approval books, how about an "invoice me" button?
Doug, I totally agree with the nuance you've characterized. That is the spirit in which I meant it. Thank you for teasing that out!
- - - -
To others who've raised the points that this would be unnecessary, or it's driven by laziness, because the ability to message between buyer and seller already exists:
my suggestion is to fix a problem that exists, even with that current tool in place. And what I heard from the first several people to respond to my initial post is that they felt the same kind of frustration or uncertainty that I have. The current system really does require a small degree of mind-reading on the part of the seller to discern the intention of the buyer. I'm going through that right now, wondering what the buyer is going to do.
I was thinking back through all my sales over the years at Bidstart, eBay and now here. When I had a question for a buyer and sent them an email, I would estimate that maybe about 80% of the time, I never received a reply. So, I took a shot, tried to guess what their answer would be, and proceeded on.
But that leads me to the conclusion that a number of buyers either don't look at their messages or don't know how to look at their messages, or conclude that it's just an automatic notification.
With this proposed button, the buyer would tell the seller that they've wrapped up their shopping with that seller and are ready to conclude the transaction.
I want to be clear: this is not about hurrying the buyer up, or anything else. I'm perfectly fine with buyers taking days to wrap things up.
- - - -
As for the technical details, I'm no developer these days, but I was once a programmer, back when they called them programmers.
It seems to me that a button would simply generate one boilerplate message from the buyer to the seller that says something as simple as "I'm ready for my invoice." To be clear, I'm not suggesting that it perform the invoicing process. That's complicated, and, to me, has already been masterfully developed by Tim and whoever else might have been involved. It is indeed well-done!
I could just use a brief canned message from the buyer, letting me know that they're ready to check out.
re: For approval books, how about an "invoice me" button?
Hi Lazy people;
@ Sellers;
If you have anxiety because you don't know if your buyer wants to continue shopping or is done
and wants an invoice, here is a much better solution than a button. PM your buyer and ask them
what is their preference. I do this for all my buyers and they appreciate it.
This is known as personal customer service, and I practice it with all buyers no matter how small
the order. My buyers very much appreciate it, and as a result, most of my buyers are repeat buyers.
If you still have anxiety....try booze....works fine for me!
@ Buyers;
If you wish to continue shopping and not get an invoice, just message your seller and ask if it's
okay with them to wait and keep looking. Most will be fine with that. Or if you want your goodies
before you forget what you bought, just ask for an invoice.
Because of my communicating with the buyer, I get to know them well, and even ask their advice
at times. This goes a long ways toward gaining their respect and trust. I get great ideas that way
that I never would have thought of for selling tips.
I also spend a lot of time reading about what members do and don't like and take note of their
thoughts to make my service even better.
Just thinkin' too much again....
re: For approval books, how about an "invoice me" button?
I'm trying to be clear about this.
This comes from having sent a PM and not getting a response. Sometimes several times.
If just sending a PM worked all (or even most) of the time, I would never have brought this up.
If most people responded to their PMs, we would not be having this conversation.
As usual, I nearly always regret making a suggestion on here, because it's just not worth the battle.
re: For approval books, how about an "invoice me" button?
"As usual, I nearly always regret making a suggestion on here, because it's just not worth the battle. "
re: For approval books, how about an "invoice me" button?
Dave... first, NEVER give up making suggestions, as that is how ideas are born and if good, become reality.
Second, after years of selling both here and on other sites, I know what you are talking about. Some buyers just will not respond to emails, pm's etc and sellers are left to read their minds. A button might help some, and even if just some, that is more than none.
We have both seen and used different functions on various sites over the years and have a pretty good idea of what helps/works and what doesn't.
In the meantime, I would suggest you use a PM to see if that gets you a reply. If no reply, then just invoice them after a month (or whatever time period you want to use).
Mike in NC / meostamps
re: For approval books, how about an "invoice me" button?
Thanks, Mike! Very much appreciated!
-- Dave
re: For approval books, how about an "invoice me" button?
Hi Everyone;
@ Philatarium;
After re-reading your post and replies, I realize I skimmed them too fast and missed the part
about not responding to messages or e-mails. That can be a real problem when people ignore
you and don't get back. I'm sorry for the overlooked comments.
And yes just because others don't agree with a suggestion is no reason to withhold ideas.
Some of my own ideas were not received very well on here, and that is okay. Also a not so
great idea, can inspire others to rework that 'diamond in the rough' into a terrific idea.
If I had an unresponsive buyer, and no reply, I would then try their e-mail, but with a disclaimer,
that I'm not being pushy, and if they have health issues, just let me know and you can wait until
you're feeling better (I had one like that), I replied that your health is more important than a few
stamps, so not to worry just get well.
If it is not health, just invoice them, and if that is not what they wanted then they should have
replied and said so, and be sure to tell them so, in a polite manner. Not the way that Tusken talks
on here.
If it is a seller with such a lazy attitude that they don't bother to reply, then buy elsewhere. Let
them know that you are no longer buying from them due to poor customer service and communi-
cation. Again politely not like Tusken! Also they could be overloaded with orders.
Nothing can replace good communication and customer service.
Just my 2¢....
re: For approval books, how about an "invoice me" button?
Hi Everyone;
After re-reading Philatarium's post and others member's remarks, I have changed my position
on his idea and think it is worthy of further discussion. I'm not sure how the technical stuff
would work tho.
So I think Philatarium should elaborate in more detail about his idea so we can all get a
sensible discussion going to figure this out. I'm not exactly sure how he had in mind that this
should work, and would like to know more details.
@ Everyone;
I'm very sorry for my negative responses and comments to someone's attempt at an idea. So
lets hear more replies about this problem. Obviously some people are ignoring the notice at
the top of the screen that they have messages and this in itself is also a problem. Maybe
Philatarium can comment on this also.
I want to say to new and old members alike, that you should not be deterred by the negative
remarks of other members. Maybe they didn't understand the reason for your idea, or didn't
read the thread very thoroughly.
Here is a real Rube Goldberg idea, and I can see Tim rolling his eyeballs as soon as he reads
this. If a member logs on a certain number of times without reading his messages, and
attempts to go anywhere but "View Messages", he/she will be automatically re-directed to
"View Messages".
Just thinkin' again....Oooohhhhhh that hurts....
re: For approval books, how about an "invoice me" button?
After over 15 years of on line selling (and buying) I can safely say that MOST buyers do not answer the sort of emails that some people here are suggesting.. (I continue to send 'em tho')
If an automatic message could be sent (and replied to) at the touch of a button, it may encourage a few people to respond, that would be a plus.
I agree with the OP (philatarium) a button would help..
re: For approval books, how about an "invoice me" button?
Wow what a simple solution to this problem. This would eliminate so many awkward messages and put complete control into the hands of the buyers. Love love LOVE this idea! Brilliant Dave!
re: For approval books, how about an "invoice me" button?
I love the idea of a "invoice me" button. Now that I have branched out and have auctions ending on a Saturday and approval books having been gone through by the weekend, I send out invoices Monday or Tuesday if Monday is a holiday. The problem arises when the person buys only a couple of penny auctions and nothing else. When do you invoice? I am zero for everything when it comes to combining invoices. It just doesn't work for me. I wind up having to cut and paste information on invoices and then make the postage the amount of what I cut and pasted. It's awkward but it works. An invoice me button would solve this problem.
re: For approval books, how about an "invoice me" button?
I too think this is a great idea; I don't know why there is such resistance to simple fixes. I am not a programmer, but even I can see how this appears to be a simple fix. What would be complicated is if there was a button "Invoice Me" where the buyer clicks it and an invoice is automatically generated and sent. Now THAT is complicated and I'm not advocating for it, but just a "I'm Done" type button? Great idea, IMHO.
re: For approval books, how about an "invoice me" button?
I think it would be best to put this discussion on hold until Tim returns from vacation. It needs his input and, since he is the one who would implement the change, nothing can be done anyway until he returns. It is pointless to continue this discussion in his absence and just means he will have to wade through that many more posts when he gets back.