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Sales, Swaps, Auction & Approvals/Auction Disc. : Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era


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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin

29 Aug 2015
I collect WW 1840-1940 and have a difficult (read next to impossible) time isolating these stamps from the multitude of modern stamps posted as singles and pairs. Anyone else have this problem?

I would think that this would be easily solved by dividing each of the country or geographic specific categories into 2 separate categories: (1) 1840-1940 (the so called "classic era"); and, (2) 1941-present (the "modern era").

This would make the use of the auction board so much easier for me, but would entail a lot of work for Tim.

The purpose of this thread is to determine if there is sufficient interest to petition for such an expansion. Please do not request other areas of expansion here, start a new thread for that, as this thread is specifically for seeing how many would benefit from a time division expansion.

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"


29 Aug 2015
re: Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era

I would be interested in this, as my main collection is QV era across the British Empire.

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29 Aug 2015
re: Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era

A "Classic Era" category would be very good.

I think the terminology for 1941 to date needs to be looked at. The manner and attitudes of how stamps are produced and where collectors began to stop buying newer issues because of that started somewhere around 1990.

I can see actually two collecting categories since the Classic Era. From 1941 to maybe 1985 or 1990 stamp production followed somewhat the same process. From that time period on, stamp production for many countries, and it is growing, has turned into many and mostly souvenir sheets, miniature sheets and sheetlets of multiple designs. What would we call these two time periods?

1941 - 1990 = "Post Classic" (I thought of "Neo-Classic", but that really is not true.)
1991 - date = "Modern Period"

I think that 1990, or 1985, is a good line of demarcation for collecting. It is easy to find stamps up to 1985 or 1990. Newer stamps can be very difficult to purchase due to short supply as many dealers no longer stock new issues due to the huge volume, multiple stamps issued in unpopular sheets, small print runs, and ridiculously high face values. This does not apply to all countries, but a huge number of countries have begun this practice. Some other countries are issuing the same stamp in a large number of different formats, thus raising how many stamps they issue each year (Australia is a good example of this).

One last thing is that for collectors who have the 1840 to 1990 time period well-covered, like some who can't easily search for Classic Era stamps, it is hard to do the same for the stamps issued after 1990.

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APS #213005

30 Aug 2015
re: Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era

I would be for this as well;

but the issue would be - would sellers pay any better attention to where they are placing their lot listings than they do now?

So many are under the wrong headings now - this would seem to only jumble things up even further.

In my opinion, I believe that many of the sellers don't even read these boards; they are only on here to sell, so they don't even see these discussions. Which is fine, however it tends to leave buyers on the proverbial 'short end of the stick.'

Now - if we could get them all to read/be aware of some of these things, then this could be a VERY helpful addition!

...just my 2 cents...

(As a side note;

not ALL sellers are this way - many are WONDERFULLY accurate in their listings...)


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Tom in Exton, PA

30 Aug 2015
re: Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era

"In my opinion, I believe that many of the sellers don't even read these boards; they are only on here to sell, so they don't even see these discussions. Which is fine, however it tends to leave buyers on the proverbial 'short end of the stick.'

Now - if we could get them all to read/be aware of some of these things, then this could be a VERY helpful addition!

Does management here have the ability to sort the membership emails to those selling? Since it's been noted that many of them don't read the boards, that would be the way to communicate to them

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"Check out my eBay Stuff! Username Turtles-Trading-Post"

In loving memory of Carol, my wife for 52 years.

30 Aug 2015

re: Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era

1940 is the natural; and historic break point.

I haven't bothered much with auctions because the pre-40 material is buried in the midst of CTO's and penny singles.

I collect mostly pre 1940 (actually mostly pre-1900) and would jump at the opportunity to list items in their own separate classification.

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30 Aug 2015
re: Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era

If you are selling and NOT reading the boards, you're shooting yourself in the foot! Why go through all the work to make up approval books and not watch what folks are saying or requesting? That just doesn't seem to be a very smart move does it? Not only that, but there are many folks who prefer to buy from people who actually participate. I know that some people are shy about posting, but reading them is a different kettle of fish. I would definitely recommend at least watching the posts in the auction and approval categories. Gosh I think about how much I have learned by reading the discussions and I feel badly for the members who aren't reading at least some of the comments. Not only that, but it is a great way to get to know folks.

Back to the Topic - As to the idea of adding a new Auction category - I think the classical idea would be really helpful. I don't collect by specific eras, but if I did, wading through all the modern material would be a major downer and such a waste of time. The new category would be super helpful to sellers with better older material to sell, too. Win/win for all!

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"August 2023 - selling penny start bargain lots on EBay - https://www.ebay.com/str/philatelia"


30 Aug 2015
re: Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era

You are definitely correct there! I remember in the BS Forums. One day there would suddenly appear the first post of a member who had recently joined. The user would be complaining the he had been a seller for a few months and had not sold much of anything. Plenty of others would respond to tell him to participate in the Forums to let people get to know him. Many did that and their sales increased as they became known. Other did not. They would show up a month or two later and post their second post (the BS system track how many posts everyone made) where they called BS a crappy place and that they were leaving and going elsewhere.

On a commercial site, advertising is a must when there is a large number of sellers competing for the buyers. Some people think that the internet is a magical place where you list something for sale, and the world comes to your door. Not so.

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30 Aug 2015
re: Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era

"Plenty of others would respond to tell him to participate in the Forums to let people get to know him. Many did that and their sales increased as they became known."

I suspect most of those advertised their sales, which you could do overtly on the bS forum.
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30 Aug 2015
re: Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era

Hi Everyone;

None....no enthusiasm.

I feel a time division would be beneficial for some, but others would probably complain that it
doesn't cover the areas that they are interested in. Remember this is the age of the egocentric,
self-indulging generations.

If you are bored, then filter the listings by your favorite seller. How do you get a favorite seller?
I'm so glad you asked that question. Message most of the regular sellers, and simply ask them
if they have the stamps you are looking for, and would they please message you when they list.

If a seller doesn't want to do this for me....he/she is NOT my favorite seller. When you find this
holy grail, search by: Filter > Display Only > by (seller) > seller's ID. If that seller provides what
I call "personal customer service" they notify you the very day that the older stamps list. These
older stamps will then show up as the first few pages of their lots. That is because the system
always places newest first, oldest last. The first page that is displayed is the first one you will
see. I only got this to work by using the link that Tim added under our avatar on the discussion

I do this for all my buyers. This auction cycle a got bids on 32 lots in 48 hours!

However if you are still bored, turn up the volume on that boom box, get a large bottle of wine
or some Jack Daniels and sip away....and the boredom just melts away.

Still thinkin'....

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30 Aug 2015
re: Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era

I've been away from SOR for a few days as I am currently on antibiotics and it's not going so well.

I just came on as 2nd auctioneer and I am trying to relieve David some. There seems to be a lot of discussion about the auctions, but change is NOT going to happen overnight.

I have my own ideas about potential improvements to the auctions, but I can definitely agree with Theresa. SELLERS MUST ADVERTISE!! Good grief--SOR finally allowed self-promotion in the Auctions and Approvals after much crying, complaining, and arguing.

AND HOW MANY ARE DOING IT? HMMMM? I can count them on one hand. Angry

To me, if sellers want more business, especially with the higher end material, they need to contact friends and people they have done business with from sites like EBay, Delcampe, or BS/SG and invite them to join--sell them on the fact we have SO MUCH MORE than other sites to offer, including Articles, a vibrant discussion board, and selling opportunities WITHOUT FEES.

OK, I'm done preaching now.

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30 Aug 2015
re: Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era

"OK, I'm done preaching now. "

Hun, I think you're preaching to the choir! Big Grin

Sure hope you feel better soon! The big fall shows are coming up soon in Orlando - you need to rest up so you have the strength to wrassle with the hordes as you can fight your way through to your fav dealers! You know how rowdy us Florida stampers can be!

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"August 2023 - selling penny start bargain lots on EBay - https://www.ebay.com/str/philatelia"

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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin

30 Aug 2015
re: Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era

I appreciate the opinions expressed by everyone. I agree with some and disagree with others, but I did not intend to address any aspect of the auction other than a division of each category into date defined sub-categories. I think some of the comments herein warrant further exploration, but should be addressed in another thread.

Restatement of the purpose of this thread:

I wish to determine if there is enough interest in a division of each of the auction categories into date defined areas (e.g., "prior to and including 1940" and "1941 - present", etc.)

If you have not expressed your opinion on this, please do so.

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

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APS #213005

31 Aug 2015
re: Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era

I am interested.

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31 Aug 2015
re: Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era

I'm very receptive to Bobby's suggestion of a separate classification of pre 1940 listings.

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They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin
29 Aug 2015

I collect WW 1840-1940 and have a difficult (read next to impossible) time isolating these stamps from the multitude of modern stamps posted as singles and pairs. Anyone else have this problem?

I would think that this would be easily solved by dividing each of the country or geographic specific categories into 2 separate categories: (1) 1840-1940 (the so called "classic era"); and, (2) 1941-present (the "modern era").

This would make the use of the auction board so much easier for me, but would entail a lot of work for Tim.

The purpose of this thread is to determine if there is sufficient interest to petition for such an expansion. Please do not request other areas of expansion here, start a new thread for that, as this thread is specifically for seeing how many would benefit from a time division expansion.


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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

www.bobbybarnhart.ne ...

29 Aug 2015

re: Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era

I would be interested in this, as my main collection is QV era across the British Empire.

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29 Aug 2015

re: Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era

A "Classic Era" category would be very good.

I think the terminology for 1941 to date needs to be looked at. The manner and attitudes of how stamps are produced and where collectors began to stop buying newer issues because of that started somewhere around 1990.

I can see actually two collecting categories since the Classic Era. From 1941 to maybe 1985 or 1990 stamp production followed somewhat the same process. From that time period on, stamp production for many countries, and it is growing, has turned into many and mostly souvenir sheets, miniature sheets and sheetlets of multiple designs. What would we call these two time periods?

1941 - 1990 = "Post Classic" (I thought of "Neo-Classic", but that really is not true.)
1991 - date = "Modern Period"

I think that 1990, or 1985, is a good line of demarcation for collecting. It is easy to find stamps up to 1985 or 1990. Newer stamps can be very difficult to purchase due to short supply as many dealers no longer stock new issues due to the huge volume, multiple stamps issued in unpopular sheets, small print runs, and ridiculously high face values. This does not apply to all countries, but a huge number of countries have begun this practice. Some other countries are issuing the same stamp in a large number of different formats, thus raising how many stamps they issue each year (Australia is a good example of this).

One last thing is that for collectors who have the 1840 to 1990 time period well-covered, like some who can't easily search for Classic Era stamps, it is hard to do the same for the stamps issued after 1990.

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APS #213005
30 Aug 2015

re: Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era

I would be for this as well;

but the issue would be - would sellers pay any better attention to where they are placing their lot listings than they do now?

So many are under the wrong headings now - this would seem to only jumble things up even further.

In my opinion, I believe that many of the sellers don't even read these boards; they are only on here to sell, so they don't even see these discussions. Which is fine, however it tends to leave buyers on the proverbial 'short end of the stick.'

Now - if we could get them all to read/be aware of some of these things, then this could be a VERY helpful addition!

...just my 2 cents...

(As a side note;

not ALL sellers are this way - many are WONDERFULLY accurate in their listings...)


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Tom in Exton, PA
30 Aug 2015

re: Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era

"In my opinion, I believe that many of the sellers don't even read these boards; they are only on here to sell, so they don't even see these discussions. Which is fine, however it tends to leave buyers on the proverbial 'short end of the stick.'

Now - if we could get them all to read/be aware of some of these things, then this could be a VERY helpful addition!

Does management here have the ability to sort the membership emails to those selling? Since it's been noted that many of them don't read the boards, that would be the way to communicate to them

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"Check out my eBay Stuff! Username Turtles-Trading-Post"

In loving memory of Carol, my wife for 52 years.

30 Aug 2015


re: Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era

1940 is the natural; and historic break point.

I haven't bothered much with auctions because the pre-40 material is buried in the midst of CTO's and penny singles.

I collect mostly pre 1940 (actually mostly pre-1900) and would jump at the opportunity to list items in their own separate classification.

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www.hipstamp.com/sto ...
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30 Aug 2015

re: Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era

If you are selling and NOT reading the boards, you're shooting yourself in the foot! Why go through all the work to make up approval books and not watch what folks are saying or requesting? That just doesn't seem to be a very smart move does it? Not only that, but there are many folks who prefer to buy from people who actually participate. I know that some people are shy about posting, but reading them is a different kettle of fish. I would definitely recommend at least watching the posts in the auction and approval categories. Gosh I think about how much I have learned by reading the discussions and I feel badly for the members who aren't reading at least some of the comments. Not only that, but it is a great way to get to know folks.

Back to the Topic - As to the idea of adding a new Auction category - I think the classical idea would be really helpful. I don't collect by specific eras, but if I did, wading through all the modern material would be a major downer and such a waste of time. The new category would be super helpful to sellers with better older material to sell, too. Win/win for all!

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"August 2023 - selling penny start bargain lots on EBay - https://www.ebay.com/str/philatelia"

www.ebay.com/str/phi ...

30 Aug 2015

re: Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era

You are definitely correct there! I remember in the BS Forums. One day there would suddenly appear the first post of a member who had recently joined. The user would be complaining the he had been a seller for a few months and had not sold much of anything. Plenty of others would respond to tell him to participate in the Forums to let people get to know him. Many did that and their sales increased as they became known. Other did not. They would show up a month or two later and post their second post (the BS system track how many posts everyone made) where they called BS a crappy place and that they were leaving and going elsewhere.

On a commercial site, advertising is a must when there is a large number of sellers competing for the buyers. Some people think that the internet is a magical place where you list something for sale, and the world comes to your door. Not so.

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30 Aug 2015

re: Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era

"Plenty of others would respond to tell him to participate in the Forums to let people get to know him. Many did that and their sales increased as they became known."

I suspect most of those advertised their sales, which you could do overtly on the bS forum.
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30 Aug 2015

re: Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era

Hi Everyone;

None....no enthusiasm.

I feel a time division would be beneficial for some, but others would probably complain that it
doesn't cover the areas that they are interested in. Remember this is the age of the egocentric,
self-indulging generations.

If you are bored, then filter the listings by your favorite seller. How do you get a favorite seller?
I'm so glad you asked that question. Message most of the regular sellers, and simply ask them
if they have the stamps you are looking for, and would they please message you when they list.

If a seller doesn't want to do this for me....he/she is NOT my favorite seller. When you find this
holy grail, search by: Filter > Display Only > by (seller) > seller's ID. If that seller provides what
I call "personal customer service" they notify you the very day that the older stamps list. These
older stamps will then show up as the first few pages of their lots. That is because the system
always places newest first, oldest last. The first page that is displayed is the first one you will
see. I only got this to work by using the link that Tim added under our avatar on the discussion

I do this for all my buyers. This auction cycle a got bids on 32 lots in 48 hours!

However if you are still bored, turn up the volume on that boom box, get a large bottle of wine
or some Jack Daniels and sip away....and the boredom just melts away.

Still thinkin'....

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www.webstore.com/sto ...
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30 Aug 2015

re: Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era

I've been away from SOR for a few days as I am currently on antibiotics and it's not going so well.

I just came on as 2nd auctioneer and I am trying to relieve David some. There seems to be a lot of discussion about the auctions, but change is NOT going to happen overnight.

I have my own ideas about potential improvements to the auctions, but I can definitely agree with Theresa. SELLERS MUST ADVERTISE!! Good grief--SOR finally allowed self-promotion in the Auctions and Approvals after much crying, complaining, and arguing.

AND HOW MANY ARE DOING IT? HMMMM? I can count them on one hand. Angry

To me, if sellers want more business, especially with the higher end material, they need to contact friends and people they have done business with from sites like EBay, Delcampe, or BS/SG and invite them to join--sell them on the fact we have SO MUCH MORE than other sites to offer, including Articles, a vibrant discussion board, and selling opportunities WITHOUT FEES.

OK, I'm done preaching now.

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30 Aug 2015

re: Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era

"OK, I'm done preaching now. "

Hun, I think you're preaching to the choir! Big Grin

Sure hope you feel better soon! The big fall shows are coming up soon in Orlando - you need to rest up so you have the strength to wrassle with the hordes as you can fight your way through to your fav dealers! You know how rowdy us Florida stampers can be!

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"August 2023 - selling penny start bargain lots on EBay - https://www.ebay.com/str/philatelia"

www.ebay.com/str/phi ...

They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. -Benjamin Franklin
30 Aug 2015

re: Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era

I appreciate the opinions expressed by everyone. I agree with some and disagree with others, but I did not intend to address any aspect of the auction other than a division of each category into date defined sub-categories. I think some of the comments herein warrant further exploration, but should be addressed in another thread.

Restatement of the purpose of this thread:

I wish to determine if there is enough interest in a division of each of the auction categories into date defined areas (e.g., "prior to and including 1940" and "1941 - present", etc.)

If you have not expressed your opinion on this, please do so.

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke"

www.bobbybarnhart.ne ...
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APS #213005
31 Aug 2015

re: Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era

I am interested.

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31 Aug 2015

re: Any entusiasm for an expansion of the Auction categories? Especially by era

I'm very receptive to Bobby's suggestion of a separate classification of pre 1940 listings.

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