Not so, Charlie. We thought of you while you were gone. See?
That really is a nice looking stamp. I'll have to order some for my mail with other stamp collectors. BOB
While I was busy last week moving to Texas the new Coast Guard stamp was issued and true to its motto "Semper Forgottus" no one seems to have mentioned it.
" ....This image released Friday, Aug. 7, 2015, by the U.S. Postal Service shows a special edition stamp commemorating the U.S. Coast Guard's 225th birthday. The stamp was dedicated Friday at a ceremony aboard the Coast Guard Cutter Eagle, depicted on the stamp, while docked in Newport, R.I. (U.S. Postal Service via AP) ..."
The US Coast Guard is this nations senior service having been founded in 1790 upon the country's creation, The Continental Army had been disbanded once the Redcoats were sent home (Cue the band playing:: " The World Turned Upside Down")
The Continental Navy reverted to mercantile shipping and such "Marines" as there had been, (Not an actual formal organized service during the Revolutionary War ) went on their way to become short order cooks and chicken farmers. -)BOOM(-
In 1790, taking office as the Secretary of the (Empty) Treasury, Alexander Hamilton discovered that there was no way of collecting import and export duties or policing smugglers so he proposed what was at first called The Revenue Cutter Service and six Revenue Cutters were authorized, thus founding what is today the modern US Coast Guard.
That is why at formal military ceremonies the Coast Guard Flag occupies the place of honor.
The Coast Guard Ensign
Is flown from the mast of USCG vessels and bases to symbolize its legal authority to stop and board vessels.
re: A new Stamp 2015
Not so, Charlie. We thought of you while you were gone. See?
re: A new Stamp 2015
That really is a nice looking stamp. I'll have to order some for my mail with other stamp collectors. BOB