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Oceania/Australia : Unlisted 1954 Queen Elizabeth II 6½d


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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland

23 Jul 2015
The 6½d watermark Queen Elizabeth stamp issued on June 23, 1954 was the first definitive of her coronation, there are usually 7 to the set, the odd one out that makes 8 is the pale orange-yellow shade 6½d, it is also known as 'mellow yellow.'

To date the very scarce 1949 ½d (coil perforation and no watermark – forgot to mention), and the 6½d are the only two that are referred to as ‘mellow yellow.’

The 1954 stamp is not a scarce stamp but it is always left out of what is actually an incomplete set without it. Stanley Gibbons does not mention the stamp nor does the Australian Commonwealth Specialists Catalogue (ACSC) up to 2014 mention it.

The 2015 ACSC has just been published and hopefully it will be listed; if not it will remain unlisted. Unlike the very low print number of only 160 stamps known to exist for the 1949 ½d; there are 85,763,680 of the common 6½d; the printing number for the ‘mellow yellow’ is unknown, but it is not expected to be of a number that will make it stand out like the 1949 ½d.

The only way to identify the 1954 issue was to compare it to the 1949 issue.

In the image below I reversed the position of the 1949 ½d Wallaroos to fit the SG & ACSC order of my album.

Below the Wallaroos are the Queen Elizabeth stamps.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"
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25 Aug 2015
re: Unlisted 1954 Queen Elizabeth II 6½d


Just to Confuse/explain this issue a little further.. The Kangaroos ...

My Aussie Catalogue lists 2 x 1/2d orange Kangaroos issued 28/1/1942 (I believe they are NOT Wallaroos)
My Numbers are 198 and 198a for the Coil stamp - Both with C of A wmk.

Also listed are 2 x 1/2d orange Kangaroos issued Sept. 1949 they have no wmk and are #250 and # 250a for the Coil stamp. (Perf's on the coil stamps are different).


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25 Aug 2015
re: Unlisted 1954 Queen Elizabeth II 6½d

Hi guys,

The Queens...

Listed in my Catalogue (up to 1988) are #292 Issued 23/6/54 with C of A wmk.

And #297 issued Sept 1956 with no wmk.

Perforations are the same - Only difference is the wmk.



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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

01 Sep 2015
re: Unlisted 1954 Queen Elizabeth II 6½d

In case anyone else is as puzzled as I was looking at the posted scans;
" ....The word "wallaroo" is a portmanteau of "wallaby" and "kangaroo".
In general,
a large, slim-bodied macropod of the open plains is called a "kangaroo";
a small to medium-sized one, particularly if it is relatively thick-set, is a "wallaby":
most wallaroos are only a little smaller than a kangaroo, fairly thickset, and are found in open country.
All share a particular habit of stance: wrists raised, elbows tucked close into the body, and shoulders thrown back, and all have a large, black-skinned rhinarium......"


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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland

04 Sep 2015
re: Unlisted 1954 Queen Elizabeth II 6½d

"(I believe they are NOT Wallaroos) "

Image Not Found Image Not Found

They are definitely wallaroos.

The common wallaroo (Macropus robustus) or wallaroo, also known as euro or hill wallaroo is a species of macropod. The word euro is particularly applied to one subspecies (M. r. erubescens). The eastern wallaroo is mostly nocturnal and solitary, and is one of the more common macropods. It makes a loud hissing noise and some subspecies are sexually dimorphic (the differences in appearance between males and females of the same species, such as in colour, shape, size, and structure).

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"
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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland

04 Sep 2015
re: Unlisted 1954 Queen Elizabeth II 6½d

There are normally 7 to a set of Queen Elizabeth II early definitives, 5 with the C of A watermark and 2 without watermark. There are 8 to my collection.

No watermark (1953-1956) The unlisted stamp is second from the right.
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Watermark (1953-1954)
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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"


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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland
23 Jul 2015

The 6½d watermark Queen Elizabeth stamp issued on June 23, 1954 was the first definitive of her coronation, there are usually 7 to the set, the odd one out that makes 8 is the pale orange-yellow shade 6½d, it is also known as 'mellow yellow.'

To date the very scarce 1949 ½d (coil perforation and no watermark – forgot to mention), and the 6½d are the only two that are referred to as ‘mellow yellow.’

The 1954 stamp is not a scarce stamp but it is always left out of what is actually an incomplete set without it. Stanley Gibbons does not mention the stamp nor does the Australian Commonwealth Specialists Catalogue (ACSC) up to 2014 mention it.

The 2015 ACSC has just been published and hopefully it will be listed; if not it will remain unlisted. Unlike the very low print number of only 160 stamps known to exist for the 1949 ½d; there are 85,763,680 of the common 6½d; the printing number for the ‘mellow yellow’ is unknown, but it is not expected to be of a number that will make it stand out like the 1949 ½d.

The only way to identify the 1954 issue was to compare it to the 1949 issue.

In the image below I reversed the position of the 1949 ½d Wallaroos to fit the SG & ACSC order of my album.

Below the Wallaroos are the Queen Elizabeth stamps.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"
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25 Aug 2015

re: Unlisted 1954 Queen Elizabeth II 6½d


Just to Confuse/explain this issue a little further.. The Kangaroos ...

My Aussie Catalogue lists 2 x 1/2d orange Kangaroos issued 28/1/1942 (I believe they are NOT Wallaroos)
My Numbers are 198 and 198a for the Coil stamp - Both with C of A wmk.

Also listed are 2 x 1/2d orange Kangaroos issued Sept. 1949 they have no wmk and are #250 and # 250a for the Coil stamp. (Perf's on the coil stamps are different).


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www.ebid.net/au/stor ...
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25 Aug 2015

re: Unlisted 1954 Queen Elizabeth II 6½d

Hi guys,

The Queens...

Listed in my Catalogue (up to 1988) are #292 Issued 23/6/54 with C of A wmk.

And #297 issued Sept 1956 with no wmk.

Perforations are the same - Only difference is the wmk.



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www.ebid.net/au/stor ...

Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
01 Sep 2015

re: Unlisted 1954 Queen Elizabeth II 6½d

In case anyone else is as puzzled as I was looking at the posted scans;
" ....The word "wallaroo" is a portmanteau of "wallaby" and "kangaroo".
In general,
a large, slim-bodied macropod of the open plains is called a "kangaroo";
a small to medium-sized one, particularly if it is relatively thick-set, is a "wallaby":
most wallaroos are only a little smaller than a kangaroo, fairly thickset, and are found in open country.
All share a particular habit of stance: wrists raised, elbows tucked close into the body, and shoulders thrown back, and all have a large, black-skinned rhinarium......"


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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland
04 Sep 2015

re: Unlisted 1954 Queen Elizabeth II 6½d

"(I believe they are NOT Wallaroos) "

Image Not Found Image Not Found

They are definitely wallaroos.

The common wallaroo (Macropus robustus) or wallaroo, also known as euro or hill wallaroo is a species of macropod. The word euro is particularly applied to one subspecies (M. r. erubescens). The eastern wallaroo is mostly nocturnal and solitary, and is one of the more common macropods. It makes a loud hissing noise and some subspecies are sexually dimorphic (the differences in appearance between males and females of the same species, such as in colour, shape, size, and structure).

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"
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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland
04 Sep 2015

re: Unlisted 1954 Queen Elizabeth II 6½d

There are normally 7 to a set of Queen Elizabeth II early definitives, 5 with the C of A watermark and 2 without watermark. There are 8 to my collection.

No watermark (1953-1956) The unlisted stamp is second from the right.
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Watermark (1953-1954)
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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"

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