Scotts values this at $1750.00 Used, notice the Victory Handstamp #463B What am I missing?
Not the correct handstamped overprint. Check out the catalog listing a little closer.
Edit for clarification: When I posted this, "nl's" image of the genuine Victory overprint didn't appear. The incorrect victory overprint I was referring to was from Pedro's original image.
Thanks much
I noticed the "VICTORY" overprint on your vertically joined pair when you first posted your question. The only thing I can think of is that it's a ham-handed attempt to create a bogus stamp, since the only victory that the Philippines experienced in the Second World War came with the liberation by American forces beginning in October, 1944 and ending only with the end of the war in August, 1945. Your stamps were postmarked in 1941, so I can only assume that the "VICTORY" overprints were add by someone who didn't know their history or anything about philately.
Unfortunately many available "VICTORY" in purple handstamp overprints are fakes. Note the genuine overprint in nl's post--the wider opening of the V, the broader space between the letters C and T, the missing bit of the upper stem of the T on the left side, and the uneven shape and length of the two forks of the Y all are defining of the genuine overprint and would rarely be found on the fraudulent overprints. The pair does seem to have a 1944 postmark, but too early in the year, and the smaller "Commonwealth" basic stamp does occur with the VICTORY overprint. But a comparison of the genuine overprint and that on the pair shows marked differences--an item for your "weeds" collection.
Occam was right! 1944 makes sense whereas "1941" does not. I should have examined that postmark more carefully!
can someone recommend an expertizing service they have dealt with I found this
and am wondering if I should have it done
re: Philippines 463B Could it be
Scotts values this at $1750.00 Used, notice the Victory Handstamp #463B What am I missing?
re: Philippines 463B Could it be
Not the correct handstamped overprint. Check out the catalog listing a little closer.
Edit for clarification: When I posted this, "nl's" image of the genuine Victory overprint didn't appear. The incorrect victory overprint I was referring to was from Pedro's original image.
re: Philippines 463B Could it be
I noticed the "VICTORY" overprint on your vertically joined pair when you first posted your question. The only thing I can think of is that it's a ham-handed attempt to create a bogus stamp, since the only victory that the Philippines experienced in the Second World War came with the liberation by American forces beginning in October, 1944 and ending only with the end of the war in August, 1945. Your stamps were postmarked in 1941, so I can only assume that the "VICTORY" overprints were add by someone who didn't know their history or anything about philately.
re: Philippines 463B Could it be
Unfortunately many available "VICTORY" in purple handstamp overprints are fakes. Note the genuine overprint in nl's post--the wider opening of the V, the broader space between the letters C and T, the missing bit of the upper stem of the T on the left side, and the uneven shape and length of the two forks of the Y all are defining of the genuine overprint and would rarely be found on the fraudulent overprints. The pair does seem to have a 1944 postmark, but too early in the year, and the smaller "Commonwealth" basic stamp does occur with the VICTORY overprint. But a comparison of the genuine overprint and that on the pair shows marked differences--an item for your "weeds" collection.
re: Philippines 463B Could it be
Occam was right! 1944 makes sense whereas "1941" does not. I should have examined that postmark more carefully!