I love to sort a hoard! Right now I'm going through my boxes of stuff I haven't seen in 25-30 years. Finding things that are familiar, but also things I swear I never saw before!
Maybe 10 years ago I bought a 50 pound box of US covers on eBay. I was surprised I got it for something like $125. I could guess that this box was under some dealer's desk and he tossed anything he didn't know what to do in it. I found many interesting covers that are in my collection, but there was a lot of bad condition covers that I put out of their misery, retrieving just the stamps.
I got rid of a lot of it on eBay, selling an assortment of 100 covers, starting at $9.99 plus postage. Sometimes it sold for starting price, sometimes folks would get into a bidding war, but it never didn't sell! And nobody ever complained. I made my money back many times, and I still have a copier paper box full left that I hadn't sorted until now!
I have a 36-volume United States (used) collection. It goes from 1847-2015. No, I don't have a Scott no. 1 or 2, but I have the Canadian Wholesale Supply US Seal Album pages for it. Two of the volumes are a NY State and TX State pre-cancels; five volumes are my mint & used specialised collection of the 1975-1983 Americana definitive series; and I collect all the marginal markings of US stamps 1976-2000 (13-cent to 33-cent era).
I always find something in a US lot.
I think rooting through an envelope of stamps is very relaxing!
USA is fun, but since I have most of the more common stuff, I usually like to sort through world wide lots. I seem to have broader interests than most of my club, at least for co on material. At the rate I am going since 1970, I still don't expect to completely fill a 3 volume Harris Standard.
I don't really focus too much on plate numbers of recent U.S. issues. I do like to reassemble used booklet stamps. Low cost fun.
Tom, I too love the 1902 1 cent Franklin. One of the nicest designs in our history. Dave, I know I will never have that many US albums!
Thanks Roger! As I come to many avenues of completion with the Franklins, I'd gone off on tangents, like collecting all the US territories, holiday post marks and darn near every postal marking of the time period!
Then I came across my old NJ postmark collection I had started in the mid 1970s. I've got it all in albums now, and have started acquiring what I can, where I can. Some free stuff, some cheap stuff, and I've already broken my mental price limit.
That's a lotta albums David! I guess I don't feel bad with my little hoard!
I've started to sort out my USA collection. I'm using my 2 pocket clear pages for now, devoting one side of each pocket to a catalog number. I started with 537, The Victory issue of 1919. I have inserted an index card to identify each slot, and so far only have one binder up to 1940.
I was surprised at how many cacheted first day covers I had from the 1920s-30s. I haven't started to go through anything but FDCs but will add what ever I own to each catalog number, just to see exactly what I have. I'm sure that I have something from every catalog number from 1950 to 1980, when I stopped collecting. And I have stuff beyond that, that I have just tucked away from buying stamps at the post office and receiving mail.
Maybe I will create album pages for it once I am happy with my sorting.
I have been purchasing lots of USA stamps, used, mostly on paper for the past two months. Sometimes an envelope full, sometimes a small bag.
What a great time I've been having! I've found a few neat varieties, a number of plate number singles of various coils, and a number of interesting, nicely cancelled stamps for my collection.
It sure beats watching TV, eh?
re: USA Bulk Lots - - - FUN!!!
I love to sort a hoard! Right now I'm going through my boxes of stuff I haven't seen in 25-30 years. Finding things that are familiar, but also things I swear I never saw before!
Maybe 10 years ago I bought a 50 pound box of US covers on eBay. I was surprised I got it for something like $125. I could guess that this box was under some dealer's desk and he tossed anything he didn't know what to do in it. I found many interesting covers that are in my collection, but there was a lot of bad condition covers that I put out of their misery, retrieving just the stamps.
I got rid of a lot of it on eBay, selling an assortment of 100 covers, starting at $9.99 plus postage. Sometimes it sold for starting price, sometimes folks would get into a bidding war, but it never didn't sell! And nobody ever complained. I made my money back many times, and I still have a copier paper box full left that I hadn't sorted until now!
re: USA Bulk Lots - - - FUN!!!
I have a 36-volume United States (used) collection. It goes from 1847-2015. No, I don't have a Scott no. 1 or 2, but I have the Canadian Wholesale Supply US Seal Album pages for it. Two of the volumes are a NY State and TX State pre-cancels; five volumes are my mint & used specialised collection of the 1975-1983 Americana definitive series; and I collect all the marginal markings of US stamps 1976-2000 (13-cent to 33-cent era).
I always find something in a US lot.
I think rooting through an envelope of stamps is very relaxing!
re: USA Bulk Lots - - - FUN!!!
USA is fun, but since I have most of the more common stuff, I usually like to sort through world wide lots. I seem to have broader interests than most of my club, at least for co on material. At the rate I am going since 1970, I still don't expect to completely fill a 3 volume Harris Standard.
I don't really focus too much on plate numbers of recent U.S. issues. I do like to reassemble used booklet stamps. Low cost fun.
Tom, I too love the 1902 1 cent Franklin. One of the nicest designs in our history. Dave, I know I will never have that many US albums!
re: USA Bulk Lots - - - FUN!!!
Thanks Roger! As I come to many avenues of completion with the Franklins, I'd gone off on tangents, like collecting all the US territories, holiday post marks and darn near every postal marking of the time period!
Then I came across my old NJ postmark collection I had started in the mid 1970s. I've got it all in albums now, and have started acquiring what I can, where I can. Some free stuff, some cheap stuff, and I've already broken my mental price limit.
re: USA Bulk Lots - - - FUN!!!
That's a lotta albums David! I guess I don't feel bad with my little hoard!
I've started to sort out my USA collection. I'm using my 2 pocket clear pages for now, devoting one side of each pocket to a catalog number. I started with 537, The Victory issue of 1919. I have inserted an index card to identify each slot, and so far only have one binder up to 1940.
I was surprised at how many cacheted first day covers I had from the 1920s-30s. I haven't started to go through anything but FDCs but will add what ever I own to each catalog number, just to see exactly what I have. I'm sure that I have something from every catalog number from 1950 to 1980, when I stopped collecting. And I have stuff beyond that, that I have just tucked away from buying stamps at the post office and receiving mail.
Maybe I will create album pages for it once I am happy with my sorting.