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General Philatelic/Gen. Discussion : Front and Back Images



16 Jun 2015
Hi All

It bothers me when fellow stamp collectors who list material on EBay fail to make scans of the reverse side of stamps! The reverse side can tell you a lot about a stamp. I've asked a couple of them, they claim its a waste of time, or that they don't do it if the stamp is less than five dollars. Seems to me a stamp collector who lists their material and expect another stamp collector to bid on it would want to show both sides of a stamp!

What do you think?

David T.
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16 Jun 2015
re: Front and Back Images

I don't show the backside of the stamp. The contrast often doesn't show much detail of the back on a computer monitor. I do list any problems that are on the stamp. However, if a potential buyer wants a scan of the back of a stamp, I will provide it.

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Tom in Exton, PA

16 Jun 2015
re: Front and Back Images

My peeve is cover and post card sellers who don't scan the other side. In the 1903-8 era that I collect, most covers have a receiving stamp, often on the reverse, sometimes other markings.

In the post card category some sellers show both sides and I go hunting for interesting usage and postal markings. Others don't, thinking all anyone would be interested in would be that pretty picture! I hate it when there's a cover from a place I need... like Puerto Rico that just says "postally used"... buying it would be a gamble.

From the folks that do scan both sides, I just got a nice Indian Territory postal marking for $2.

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"Check out my eBay Stuff! Username Turtles-Trading-Post"

16 Jun 2015
re: Front and Back Images

" The contrast often doesn't show much detail of the back on a computer monitor. "

Most of the eBay images are so bad, even the front side is of little value.
If the seller is offering a stamp of some value (with potential forgeries) & cannot supply a proper scan request - time to move on.

Covers & postcards should always have both sides (as noted) as well as views of certificates for those "signed & certified" descriptions.
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16 Jun 2015
re: Front and Back Images

"Most of the eBay images are so bad, even the front side is of little value."

I agree. Here is a candidate on the left listed on eBay with a start price of £5; supposedly SG 162 $10 bright lilac and blue, catalogued in Gibbons at £50. The image on the right is a bright lilac and blue, also listed on eBay.

Image Not FoundImage Not Found

The problem being, there is another $10 (SG 162a) which is a Reddish violet and blue, catalogued at £18.The one on the left is showing a reddish violet hue but mainly on the portrait.

So which one is it? Hard to tell, as I'm sure this is a scanner setting problem.

Outcome? It didn't sell, as I guess nobody wanted to take a chance.

As to the original point of providing back scans, I fail to understand why sellers will not provide these without asking. Last week I found a QV mint stamp on eBay catalogued at £400. It looked a good copy but only the front was shown and no mention of condition of the reverse.

I asked the seller for a scan of the back. Good job I did as it was bordering on atrocious. I can only conclude that the seller was hoping someone would buy it and not make a fuss after receiving it.

This only cultivates an attitude of distrust, which is quite avoidable with a bit of honesty.
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16 Jun 2015
re: Front and Back Images

"his former user ID was USAFE7"

I don't think the MSGT or his email fooled too many. It was however a valid point.
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16 Jun 2015
re: Front and Back Images

I think you're right, on both counts.

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Tom in Exton, PA

16 Jun 2015
re: Front and Back Images

"I asked the seller for a scan of the back. Good job I did as it was bordering on atrocious. I can only conclude that the seller was hoping someone would buy it and not make a fuss after receiving it."

Sometimes eBay sellers just have no idea of what they are selling! They look quick in a catalog, see a black and white photo of a stamp, and assume that's it.

I cannot tell you how many times in my quest for Franklins that eBay sends me notice for 314 on cover or even 318 (unobtainium!), and when I click on the auction it's just another common Scott 300.

I've done the "send seller a note" thing and informed them of their error. I've had folks send back thanks on a few occasions.

Not unlike the toy and model car market where a seller is peddling something as "Genuine 1955" and it has both a zip code and a bar code on the box!

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"Check out my eBay Stuff! Username Turtles-Trading-Post"
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16 Jun 2015
re: Front and Back Images

If sellers included a scan of the reverse for postcards they would also find that genealogists would be likely to bid when they find reference to their tree or ancestors places of residence.

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17 Jun 2015
re: Front and Back Images

"This appears to be a troll posting (one intended to send members off on useless rounds of discussion). The OP rejoined SOR early today (his former user ID was USAFE7), made this posting, then resigned five hours later."

It wasn't exactly a "resignation".
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16 Jun 2015

Hi All

It bothers me when fellow stamp collectors who list material on EBay fail to make scans of the reverse side of stamps! The reverse side can tell you a lot about a stamp. I've asked a couple of them, they claim its a waste of time, or that they don't do it if the stamp is less than five dollars. Seems to me a stamp collector who lists their material and expect another stamp collector to bid on it would want to show both sides of a stamp!

What do you think?

David T.

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16 Jun 2015

re: Front and Back Images

I don't show the backside of the stamp. The contrast often doesn't show much detail of the back on a computer monitor. I do list any problems that are on the stamp. However, if a potential buyer wants a scan of the back of a stamp, I will provide it.

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Tom in Exton, PA
16 Jun 2015

re: Front and Back Images

My peeve is cover and post card sellers who don't scan the other side. In the 1903-8 era that I collect, most covers have a receiving stamp, often on the reverse, sometimes other markings.

In the post card category some sellers show both sides and I go hunting for interesting usage and postal markings. Others don't, thinking all anyone would be interested in would be that pretty picture! I hate it when there's a cover from a place I need... like Puerto Rico that just says "postally used"... buying it would be a gamble.

From the folks that do scan both sides, I just got a nice Indian Territory postal marking for $2.

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"Check out my eBay Stuff! Username Turtles-Trading-Post"

16 Jun 2015

re: Front and Back Images

" The contrast often doesn't show much detail of the back on a computer monitor. "

Most of the eBay images are so bad, even the front side is of little value.
If the seller is offering a stamp of some value (with potential forgeries) & cannot supply a proper scan request - time to move on.

Covers & postcards should always have both sides (as noted) as well as views of certificates for those "signed & certified" descriptions.
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16 Jun 2015

re: Front and Back Images

"Most of the eBay images are so bad, even the front side is of little value."

I agree. Here is a candidate on the left listed on eBay with a start price of £5; supposedly SG 162 $10 bright lilac and blue, catalogued in Gibbons at £50. The image on the right is a bright lilac and blue, also listed on eBay.

Image Not FoundImage Not Found

The problem being, there is another $10 (SG 162a) which is a Reddish violet and blue, catalogued at £18.The one on the left is showing a reddish violet hue but mainly on the portrait.

So which one is it? Hard to tell, as I'm sure this is a scanner setting problem.

Outcome? It didn't sell, as I guess nobody wanted to take a chance.

As to the original point of providing back scans, I fail to understand why sellers will not provide these without asking. Last week I found a QV mint stamp on eBay catalogued at £400. It looked a good copy but only the front was shown and no mention of condition of the reverse.

I asked the seller for a scan of the back. Good job I did as it was bordering on atrocious. I can only conclude that the seller was hoping someone would buy it and not make a fuss after receiving it.

This only cultivates an attitude of distrust, which is quite avoidable with a bit of honesty.
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16 Jun 2015

re: Front and Back Images

"his former user ID was USAFE7"

I don't think the MSGT or his email fooled too many. It was however a valid point.
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16 Jun 2015

re: Front and Back Images

I think you're right, on both counts.

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Tom in Exton, PA
16 Jun 2015

re: Front and Back Images

"I asked the seller for a scan of the back. Good job I did as it was bordering on atrocious. I can only conclude that the seller was hoping someone would buy it and not make a fuss after receiving it."

Sometimes eBay sellers just have no idea of what they are selling! They look quick in a catalog, see a black and white photo of a stamp, and assume that's it.

I cannot tell you how many times in my quest for Franklins that eBay sends me notice for 314 on cover or even 318 (unobtainium!), and when I click on the auction it's just another common Scott 300.

I've done the "send seller a note" thing and informed them of their error. I've had folks send back thanks on a few occasions.

Not unlike the toy and model car market where a seller is peddling something as "Genuine 1955" and it has both a zip code and a bar code on the box!

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"Check out my eBay Stuff! Username Turtles-Trading-Post"
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16 Jun 2015

re: Front and Back Images

If sellers included a scan of the reverse for postcards they would also find that genealogists would be likely to bid when they find reference to their tree or ancestors places of residence.

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17 Jun 2015

re: Front and Back Images

"This appears to be a troll posting (one intended to send members off on useless rounds of discussion). The OP rejoined SOR early today (his former user ID was USAFE7), made this posting, then resigned five hours later."

It wasn't exactly a "resignation".
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