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Oceania/Australia : Australia New Issues Part IV


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18 May 2015

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Today 19th May 2015 Australia Post issued the following set of stamps entitled "Collections Australia" four stamps ,all 70c denominations.
Collectible as a block of four,a S/S and a S/A roll of 100
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26 May 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

This is the latest offering from AP issued today 26th May ,Australian Antarctic Territory.
(Colours of the AAT) Four stamps in two pairs two x 70c & two x $1.40 ,also issued in S/S
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05 Jun 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

I nearly missed this issue. Released on the 2nd of June entitled "Islands of Australia" four stamps 2 x 70c as a joined pair 1 x $1.40 and 1 x $2.10 .Also issued as a S/A booklet of the two 70c stamps.
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29 Jun 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

this is the latest issue from AP ,a single stamp WOW (Centenary of Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research ) That's a mouth full for one stamp and it's a 70c issued on the 30th of June in sheets of 10.
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06 Jul 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Here is the latest issue from Australia Post,released today 7th July (my daughter's Birthday) a set of four 70c stamps on the theme of "Lighthouses"sheet stamps,also released as a S/A booklet and a S/A roll of 200
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14 Jul 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Issued today 14th July "Great Australian Walks" 4 x 70c stamps,Highlighting some of the great walking trails here in Australia.
Issued in sheet format (strip of four) a Minisheet and a booklet and roll of 100 as peel & stick.
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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland

24 Jul 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

You're very much up to date Brian with the new Aussie issues, those stamps look very attractive. The lighthouse set adds to the series; I believe the years were 1968, 2002 and 2006.

I'm not sure if I left any year of issue out.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"
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24 Jul 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Hi Rob 1956
I don't think you've missed any, and no more spring to mind .I do try and keep up with the new issues ,as a lot of members here on SOR collect Australia.

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04 Aug 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Released today 4th Aug."Netball World Cup Sydney 2015" one 70 cent stamp issued in a sheetlet of ten and a peel & stick booklet of 20.
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04 Aug 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

And a very uninspiring stamp it is too! Very disappointed.

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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland

10 Aug 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Jillcrow, I have Aussie stamps dating from 1853 to the current date and all are in pristine mint unhinged condition and I can assure you that there are quite a few uninspiring and disappointing issues (and I must concur with you it is an uninspiring and disappointing stamp, considering the design is irrelevant to the purpose of the issue).

What I used to find "uninspiring" I now find the stamp to be "interesting" and what used to be "disappointing" I know identify as "different."

The "Netball World Cup Sydney 2015" is a splash of colours in modern design. It can be seen as an uninspiring and disappointing stamp, but to others who like modern art will see it as attractive (regardless of it's distraction from it actually being representative to commemorating the 2015 World Netball Cup held here in Sydney).

To me, it's the next stamp off the rank that will fit nicely in my ever increasing Aussie collection.

The next issue slated for August 14 is the joint issue of Australia, New Zealand and Singapore depicting the Parliament of each country.

Some may say "so what, we've had joint issues before" and so we have, but this time it's different and a first, instead of the customary one on one; this time there are three countries involved.

The colour and design of each stamp (in my opinion) are very beautifully designed issues.

Brian will be keeping every-one up-to-date with the new issues.

I'll try to obtain the Singapore issue, I have a friend in New Zealand who will send the kiwi version.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"
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10 Aug 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Just a note that Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania put out joint issues throughout their post-Soviet history as well, including some nice souvenir sheets. Definitely a first for Australia though.

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""If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." Rush"
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14 Aug 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Australia Post released this set of three today the 14th August,a joint issue with New Zealand and Singapore showing the Parliament Building of each country.
Issued in sheet format and a S/S ,values 70c,$1.85 and $1.95.

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

14 Aug 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

I am not sure about parliament buildings being "Inspiring" but the set is attractive.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland

18 Aug 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Here's a little stamp trivia.

The issuing of a three country stamp issue is known as a tripartite issue.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"
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25 Aug 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Today 25th August Australia Post issued a set for Cocos Keeling "Cocos Keeling Islands"two stamps by 70c and two stamps by $1-40 in joined pairs.

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27 Aug 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Australia Post released this very unannounced sheetlet of ten ,"Birth of a Princess" I think on the 25th of August ,it's not in the Bulletin so may get missed.one stamp x 70c
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27 Aug 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

It's the first issue in the Sept/Oct 2015 Bulletin. First Day covers will still be available up to 23rd September 2015.
The 3 projected issues for October still have the standard letter rate at 70c, so presumably the looming rise won't occur until at least November.

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01 Sep 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Released today 1st September "Signs of the Times",three stamps two x 70 cents and one x $1-40. Issued in sheet format a S/S,S/A roll of 200 and S/A booklet.
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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

01 Sep 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

" .... The issuing of a three country stamp issue is known as a tripartite issue. ...."

Yes, and a set of three related but distinct stamps intended to be seen together is called a "Triptych".

So if we have a set of three related stamps issued by three different nations in a panel it would be a "tripartite triptych."

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland

04 Sep 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

"tripartite triptych" Now say that fast three times.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"

05 Sep 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Who got a hold of these,Joint stamp pack - Australia, NZ, Singapore joint stamp.

Logged into APO to order the day of issue and these Stamp Packs were "Sold Out". Pretty sneaky by Australia Post, only available to standing order customers, which I am not one off.

Went on a hunt to local PO's and none could be ordered, Found 2 only at Coffs Harbour PO as it is a Stamp Shop.

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05 Sep 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

ROBB 1956.
How did you go, did you get the Joint Australia, NZ, Singapore issue.


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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

06 Sep 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

" ... Tripartite triptych, tripartite triptych, tripartite triptych ..."

That wasn't that hard now, was it ?

But, "Tychtite, titepartri, tychtite, titepartri, tychtite, titepartri, that's a humdinger.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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07 Sep 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

RE: joint issue stamp packs.I went down today and I bought two at my nearest philatelic PO and she still had more on the shelf???
Go figure.

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08 Sep 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Today the 9th of September we have two new issues.The first is for the Antarctic Territory "The Dogs that saved Macquarie"2 x 70 cents and 2 x $1-40 ,issued in sheet format and a S/S.
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The second issue is entitled "Long may she Reign" Commemorating Britain's longest serving Monarch Queen Elizabeth II.
We have a few different formats on this issue, sheet,S/S ,S/A booklet of five of the HV. Values are as follows 3 x 70 cents and 2 x $2-75.
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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland

09 Sep 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

"How did you go, did you get the Joint Australia, NZ, Singapore issue."

Well Sam, I did get the Joint Australia, NZ and Singapore issue; in a few days I will be receiving from NZ the joint NZ stamp, and I'm still trying to get the joint stamp from Singapore.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"

09 Sep 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Hi Robb,

The stamp pack I put pics up of above has the AU(3), NZ(1) and Singapore(3)stamps in it.

Snowy12 says his local PO has 2 packs on the shelf. Maybe he can help.

There were 2 packs issued, but only one with all 7 stamps.


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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland

09 Sep 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

"RE: joint issue stamp packs.I went down today and I bought two at my nearest philatelic PO and she still had more on the shelf???
Go figure.

I'll be going to the GPO on Monday morning to see if they have any still in stock.
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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"
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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland

09 Sep 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Sam, I didn't realise there were two packs, I should have queried first.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"
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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland

09 Sep 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Brian, I noticed that the PNC that was issued on the 9th, although advertised as a limited edition of 9,000 has no mintage number; for instance 500 of 9000. There is a second PNC issued today, hopefully that one is numbered; both will be collector's items as the occasion is going to be very well received by royalists.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"
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09 Sep 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Couldn't agree more Rob,I think AP will make a killing on all these issues.It is a very big occasion for monarchists.
I personally do not collect PNC's (postal & numismatic covers) for our foreign friends.I do have a few odd ones knocking around,but I don't go out of my way to buy them.

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21 Sep 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Australia Post issued today 22nd of September a set of eight stamps "Our Solar System" issued in sheet and S/A booklet and a S/S.Values 2 x 35c and 6 x 70c (getting ready for the inevitable price increase).Us OAP's are immune for a couple of years ,only for internal mail though.
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As you can see the sheet stamps have a white boarder on two sides ,while the stamps in the S/S do not,so two different sets to collect.

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

22 Sep 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

The little devils.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "

23 Sep 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Hi all,
Here we have the full sheet of the 35c stamp(50 stamps)sheet scanned in 2 half's)
The possible combinations of strips, blocks, pairs is going to be a little fun project of mine.
I have purchased 5 sheets, one I will keep intack, the others to be seperated into combinations, spares then used as postage.

So join in and dive into the project with me, what position combinations can you see?
So top row is position 1 to 5 - , blah blah blah, bottom row is position 46-50


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24 Sep 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

"As you can see the sheet stamps have a white boarder on two sides ,while the stamps in the S/S do not,so two different sets to collect."

Hi Brian, noticed last night the Mini Sheets have a distinctive clear coat over the planet only, rest is matt.
As these are not available in sheet format they will become a rarity commercially used on cover as singles, only about 10 days left to have them in this format.

On another note the 5-October issues are now at the PO's, had a look at them yesterday and had my selection stashed at the PO to collect and pay for on issue date.

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24 Sep 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Hi Sam
I doubt you will see many if any used on cover from the S/S ,unless we collectors get to and do some ourselves.

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APS #213005

25 Sep 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV


I am enjoying seeing the latest new issues you are posting for us here!

I do have a question for you, though;

it seems that Aussie mail issues a LOT of new stamps - do they have issues for every month?
...if so, have they done this regularly for many years?
I am not a WW collector so I am not familiar with Australian mail.


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25 Sep 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Hi Randy
Australia Post yes four or five sets every month and they have done for years and stick in a few Territory issues for good luck and the odd special occasion.
Most of them are issued in various formats also IE:sheet stamps & decorated gutter strips S/S,S/A booklets,S/A rolls plus the FDC's and PNC's.And any thing else they think collectors will shell out money for.
I would reckon 90% of stamps that are used on internal mail are the self adhesive types.


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APS #213005

25 Sep 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

....thanks for the info, Brian!



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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

25 Sep 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

".... any thing else they think collectors will shell out money for. ...."

And so it will continue as long as collectors continue to feed the Goose that lays such golden eggs.
Then one day those who thought that they had acquired something of monetary value will, just as the accumulators of plate blocks First day covers, Franklin mint whatevers and so on have often learned, "If it is made for collectors, it is not collectable." at least in the sense of gaining a significant pecuniary reward.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "

01 Oct 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

""If it is made for collectors, it is not collectable.""

Production of anything by anyone is collectable, my son in-law collects S. King books, I collect stamps, my mum collects Tea pots.

A look at any stamp related national/international stamp auction will often quote a catalogue value, very few except international rarities will sell for NO WHERE near cat. Value.

If one has a stamp that Stanley Gibbons has a Cat. Value of 10 English pounds sterling, surely one does not think they are holding onto a saleable item that will return 10 English pounds sterling.

One of the big collecting areas here in Australia is modern varieties, to me though(personally, to each his/her own) they are simply printers waste that missed going to the garbage bin. After all, who would pay a premium for a new car with "Missing variety-steering wheel"

Here is an unsold lot(can buy now) at Status International(Australia) Auction catalogue

Error & variety collection 1966-2008 with blks & multiples in 2 well-filled 32pg s/books with 1966 QEII 1c re-cuts/re-entries (5 diff) & 4c plate Nos (12) in blks or strips, 6c comp off-set marginal blk of 4 (ACSC cat $820) plus 4c coil pr full colour off-set on reverse ($100). 1966 Birds (100) 6c-25c ($230). 1966 75c Cook plate No blks (3) & weak entry/retouch (pos 2/1, 2/2) blks (4) cat $250. 1966 Flinders $1 plate 3 blk of 4 plus varieties "top left frame missing" & "retouch over R" ($140). 1968 Flowers set both red & black sheet No blks ($270), plus 30c upper & lower sheet No blks of 10 ($60). 1968 Soil/Medical "needle in thumb" (6) inc comp gutter blk of 20 ($250). 1969 Christmas set sheet No blks of 8. 1970 RV 5c "crown shift" blk of 20. 1971 Coil 7c "missing buff & green misplaced" pr ($600). 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 7 with aniline violet shade & UR cnr blk of 25 with 2 retouches ($200+). 1974 Christmas 10c plate No 1-8 (16 diff) L & R plates inc scarce No 1, plus 35c plate 3 pr ($450). 1977 RV 18c & 45c IMPERF proof prs ($700), plus 18c dry ink lower marginal blk of 6 ($600). 1984 Marine Life 3c missing pink (appears blue all over) U on piece, perf flts at top. 1986 Frama 1c green Platypus. 1994 Koalas & Kangaroos 45c printer's proof pr imperf on brown paper. 1993 CPS Candlestick 45c trial (unissued) strip of 3 (retail $900) plus much, much more inc 1980 20c Bird "vert white lines through background" colour bar strip of 10 (6 strips) & 1983 Christmas 35c Australia fading in & out blk of 10 & aniline magenta print gutter blk of 10, & finally 2008 50c Christmas booklet pane of 10 with top pr totally imperf. Some light duplication as noted, which emphasises the consistency of errors. Mostly fresh MUH. Total ACSC cat/retail approx AUD$7500. (2300 stamps).

AVALIABLE NOW(as I post this) AT AUD$1500.

So basically?(in most cases) your investment to return is what, my advice, after 52 years of collecting stamps, they are generally not an investment that will have one retiring in the Cayman Islands sipping on coconuts filled with Vodka Big Grin

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

01 Oct 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

" .... If one has a stamp that Stanley Gibbons has a Cat. Value of 10 English pounds sterling, surely one does not think they are holding onto a saleable item that will return 10 English pounds sterling. ...."

A simple rule to understand that is that when you buy you are buying at retail.
When you sell, obviously unless you are a seasoned dealer, you sell at wholesale.
The fact is that catalogs are actually tabulating relative rarity and usually not actually selling, so rather than being called, or thought of as "Catalogue Prices or Values," they ought be referred to as "Catalogue Listings."

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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04 Oct 2015

Auctions - Approvals
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Released today 5th of October Honoured By Australia 3 x 70 cent stamps .Featuring Mother Teresa,Nelson Mandela and Raoul Wallenberg.
I don't know what AP was doing releasing them today as half of Australia has a public holiday so most of the post offices will be closed.Think someone made a Boo Boo
Any Way here are the stamps.
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04 Oct 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

No problem for us Vics, as we had our holiday last Friday, as a run-up to the AFL Grand Final Big Grin

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07 Oct 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

"The fact is that catalogs are actually tabulating relative rarity and usually not actually selling, so rather than being called, or thought of as "Catalogue Prices or Values," they ought be referred to as "Catalogue Listings.""

Im not sure, I could be wrong(probably am) but if SG has a catalog listing in it's current catalog that can be purchased direct from them(any country/territory), then is that THEIR "For Sale" price in English Pounds Sterling?. Where do they list their own Catalog retail price, somewhere else?.

Anyway, who gives any stamp cat. maker the right to give any stamp a value.

If the collecting world accepts a listed value price of say 10 English pounds because SG says so, and SG will retail it to you for 5 English Pounds, that's a scam Angry

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07 Oct 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

"Released today 5th of October Honoured By Australia"

Hi Brian,

Received mine today, nice stamps.

Looking forward to the bicycle/push bike issues.

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14 Oct 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Here is Australia Posts latest ,released on the 13th of October (Bicycles) 2 x 70c joined pair,1 x$1-85 and 1 x $2-75.Issued in sheet format and the $2-75 also in a S/A booklet of 5.I can't recall any thing else about the issue as I'm sat in my hotel room in Patong Thailand at the moment and haven't got my AP Bulletin with me ,so if I have forgotten
anything please feel free to add it.
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A hot and sticky Brian

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14 Oct 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

The 2 x 70c stamps are also issued in a S/A booklet of 20. Just for a change no mini-sheet for this issue.

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30 Oct 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

I'm Back.
Now we play catchup.
On the 27th of October Australia Post issued a set of stamps entitled Animals in War five stamps all 70c ,issued in sheet format a mini sheet and a booklet of 10 S/A.
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30 Oct 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Christmas is here and so is all the Australia Post Christmas issues for Australia and Christmas Island.
First Australia,A set of five stamps 3 x 65c 1 x $1.70,1 x $2.55
These are issued as follows Sheet stamps a minisheet of 2, S/A booklets of 5 of the $1-70 and the $2-55 and embellished sheetlets of 10 of the 65c Dove and the Gift.
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I haven't yet got the embellished sheetlets.
Now for Christmas Island
2 stamps 1 x 65c and 1 x$1-80 in sheet format also a minisheet ,a S/A embellished sheetlet of 10 of the 65c and a sheetlet of 5 S/A of the $1-80.

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Merry Christmas Brian

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01 Nov 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

I have just obtained the embellished sheetlets for Australia and Christmas Island.
Here they are.
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And here is the Christmas Island sheetlet.All these are S/A.
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29 Dec 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Here are some of the new local postage price increase stamps 3 x $1-00 and 1 x $2-00 these were issued according to Australia Posts web site on the 14th of Dec. and these are the S/A versions all except the $2-00 which is a sheet stamp.I have not been able to obtain the sheet stamps of this issue yet ?The Priority label when attached with a $1-00 stamps makes your 2nd class letter a 1st class letter and is supposed to get to it's destination faster!!! these cost 50c each.So $1-50 to send a 1st class letter and a $1-00 to send it 2nd class The new price increase comes into effect on the 4th of Jan 2016.
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Here are the sheet stamps for this issue .
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31 Dec 2015
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

"The Priority label when attached with a $1-00 stamps makes your 2nd class letter a 1st class letter and is supposed to get to it's destination faster!!!"

Just to be clear - the 1st class letter gets to its destination at the same time as the "normal" mail that we are used to !!

The 2nd class letter will take 2days LONGER than we are used to !!

In other words (contrary to Aust Post "spin") we get a lesser service for a lot more cost.



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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland

01 Jan 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

In my opinion it seems an extravagant increase for a service that is getting worse, I do not feel the increase is going to help Australia Post, many people will opt to e-mail and texting because of the price rise.

I'll just keep on collecting, though my main interest is in earlier issues.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"
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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

04 Jan 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

" .... The 2nd class letter will take 2days LONGER than we are used to !! ..."

Some years ago my business had frequent documents being mailed to a finance company in Tennessee, from Florida. There were, at that time, simple first class at 29¢, Two day Priority Mail at about $2.50, and Express Mail at about $8.50.
I had several conversations concerning business with the young lady who handled the incoming mail in Tennessee, and for some time had her returning the corner of what ever mail we sent so I could collect the stamps.
One day I ran a test, sending her a plain business envelope with a note, mailed at the same time, and same post office as the express and priority envelopes.
It's been too many years to recall the exact result, but two days was the usual delivery time for all three levels of service.
The priority and standard first class almost always took two to three business days. The Express mail often was one to two days, but occasionally the standard first class service beat or tied the Express service. The results were about the same when I replaced the plain white envelope with a standard letter sized brown Kraft envelope.
To me, it seemed a waste of money to use Express mail all the time because regardless of which service we used, the turn around time for the docs to be approved and checks returned always seemed the same, five to eight days.
However I could not get the office people to change their way. The good part was that I accumulated a decent pile of quality used stamps, Priority, Express and at times blocks of current postage.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland

08 Jan 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

From a every good source (insider friend) that there will be a series of celebration stamps to be issued next week, all major Post Offices have them but are not allowed to issue any until the day of release.

They are the first of the Celebration series of 2016.

At the moment there are no stamp bulletins which is odd as they are normally out this time of year, but my source assumes the bulletin will be released at the same time though no Post Office has them yet.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"

08 Jan 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Michael Szolt, Manager Philatelic for AP, sent out a letter to ASB subscribers a couple of weeks ago which included the following:
We continue to support your collecting interests by providing you with a wide range of philatelic products in accordance with the predetermined Stamp Issue Program for the year. With this in mind, I would like to make you aware of a slight delay in the distribution of the 2016 January Australian Stamp Bulletin. We anticipate this will be sent to subscribers at the beginning of January 2016 due to the completion of the regulatory processes associated with increasing the BPR (Basic Postage Rate). We have taken this approach to ensure that we provide collectors with correct and up-to-date information ahead of the purchase of any stamp issue products.
Another interesting paragraph:
In response to feedback regarding the cost of collecting, I would like to ensure (?) you that we will be making every effort to minimise the proposed stamp price impact through a reduction in the initial planned number of stamps to be released. This will ensure that the value of stamps released during 2016 will be only marginally higher than in 2015.

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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland

14 Jan 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

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The upcoming 10 Love to Celebrate stamps to be issued on January 25th. Total value $11 (9 x $1, 1 x $2)

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"
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16 Jan 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Stamp Bulletin Issue no 338 January - February 2016. Here are some of the new issues included in the Bulletin:

Wildflowers 14th December 2015

3 x $1 & 1 x $2 - gummed, & peel & stick booklets of 10 & 20.

Love To Celebrate - 25th January 2016

9 x $1 & 1 x $2 gummed & 10 x peel & stick booklets of 10 & Wedding Prestige booklet will cost you $62.

Christmas Island Year of the Monkey - 3rd January 2016
Haven't seen this one yet!!!
1 x $1 & 1 x $3 gummed stamp, prestige booklet, minisheet, zodiac sheetlet 12 x $1 self - adhesive stamps

1 x $1 gummed stamp

21st January 2016 - Australian legends

12 x $1 stamps

Sheetlet A & Sheetlet B $10 each

12 booklet x 10 stamps peel & stick ($120)

Hope you collectors of Recent MNH Australian have got deep pockets or draw the line at the end of 2015 .
There is no valid reason to issue so many stamps ,only to make money from collectors.
They seem to want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.


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16 Jan 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

The issue date for the Christmas Island Year of the Monkey stuff is 3rd February 2016.

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16 Jan 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Thanks Jill
I took the information from another web site they must have got it wrong .
Still a lot of money out of stamp collectors pockets ,mind you they have got to make the CEO's $4 million pay packet from somewhere!!!

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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland

16 Jan 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Soon the Postal Service will make us pay for the use of the public letter boxes.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"

17 Jan 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

The cost of postage has changed my way of collecting....mainly thematic collections from 2016 on.....

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21 Jan 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

'Australian Legends Of Singles Tennis"$20-00 worth of !!!??
I will not be purchasing any more Australian stamps ,unless any member asks for some particular stamps.It has got beyond a joke.
I will try and still show the new issues.
here are the tennis stamps 2 sheets of ten A & B
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Actually it only 12 stamps as sheet B only has 2 different stamps.Also issued in S/A booklets ,you can get the booklet collection for only $122-00.

[red][bu]So if you wish any of the new issues please send me a message[/bu][/red]


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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

22 Jan 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

" .... I will not be purchasing any more Australian stamps, unless any member asks for some particular stamps. ...."

I can't say I blame you, Brian.
I'll still collect Aussie stamps as well as many other countries, but as you know I strongly prefer postally used.
Over the years I've seen several fads rise to popularity and then fall to almost oblivion. Plate blocks, plate number strips, whole sheets, and First Day covers are examples of he path they follow. I may not live to see it fall completely but I think that the mint never hinged, original gum fad, will also follow the path of the Noble Duke of York's 10,000 men.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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22 Jan 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

"I will not be purchasing any more Australian stamps ,unless any member asks for some particular stamps.It has got beyond a joke."

Yep there are a lot of my friends say they will use the mail even less than they do now..

For my part I suspect that I will not buy any $1.00 stamps or 50c priority labels..

Certainly ... I have ceased to collect Australian stamps after 2014.

And half my collected Aussie stamps (the Mint ones) will be used (for mail) or sold here.

As I still have stocks of older MNH Decimal stamps - They will be used for postage wherever possible.


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Collector, Webmaster

22 Jan 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

I understand what you are saying completely. The last lot of tennis players, which were very enjoyable stamps, cost you $20. That is a lot of money when AP has several issues each month.

Thanks for the stamps you have shared.

Regards ... Tim.

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"Isaac Asimov once said if his doctor told him he was dying, he wouldn’t lament, he would just type a little faster. "

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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland

24 Jan 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

I'll still add the commercial stamps to my collection just to keep it up to date.

Did you know a very limited number of emergency stamps were issued earlier this month and they were snatched up by those who seemed to have known of their existence.

Australia Post said that no more will be printed, this set of stamps were only issued in Adelaide. The distribution of the stamps began on January 5.

The emergency stamps (Notice Adelaide 2016).

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The original 1994 set (stock image from internet).

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These emergency stamps were sold on eBay on January 24 for AU$1,051.11

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Of course eBay is notorious for exorbitant sales, but it shows how much people will pay for these very scarce counter printed emergency stamps. They won't be cheap if a set is found at a stamp dealers.

From the start of the year with expensive wallpaper issues, something worthwhile comes along.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"
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24 Jan 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Maybe Australia post should follow PNG's example and now print lots more ,as PNG did with the large T Birds .That would put a stop to the speculators.
Just a thought.

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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland

24 Jan 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

In 1967 the Post Master General's office were about to issue the 5c over 4c stamp, before they were issued the new 5c stamp was issued making the overprints obsolete; a break-in occurred at a major post office and a considerable amount of overprinted sheets were stolen.

When the Post Master General's office realised what had happened, and the overprints were the only sheets stolen, they issued millions of the overprinted stamps to the public, destroying the profiteering of the stamps on the black market.

I view emergency issues as lucky dips for collectors.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"
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27 Jan 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

this is AP's latest issue Love to celebrate ,I'll bet AP is celebrating all this extra revenue from stamp collectors EH!Ten stamps @ $1-00 & 1 @ $2.00 .Released on the 25 Jan .
Well as I stated earlier that's my last purchase of regular issues.
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I will still try to show the new issues but use other images.

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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland

01 Feb 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

"I'll still collect Aussie stamps as well as many other countries, but as you know I strongly prefer postally used.
Over the years I've seen several fads rise to popularity and then fall to almost oblivion. Plate blocks, plate number strips, whole sheets, and First Day covers are examples of he path they follow. I may not live to see it fall completely but I think that the mint never hinged, original gum fad, will also follow the path of the Noble Duke of York's 10,000 men."

cdj1122, I agree with most of your comment. That's why I prefer to only collect mint unhinged pre-decimal plate blocks, single stamps, scarce to rare FDCs etc., but I will draw the line to modern full sheets and FDCs, sheetlets, gutter stamps, mini-sheets (souvenir sheets) with the exception of the commercial stamp.

There will always be collectors who want to collect the ultimate condition, but to see these stamps being priced out of budget most likely will be the death of many a collector’s interest of modern MUH stamps. I for one will maintain the collection, though my main interest is in pre-decimals and varieties.

It is the collector who collects used stamps that will benefit from these stamps.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"
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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

02 Feb 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

".... That's why I prefer to only collect mint unhinged pre-decimal plate blocks, single stamps, scarce to rare FDCs etc., ...."

Other than a brief flirtation with some mint plate blocks about fifty years ago, I never entertained collecting ',,, mint unhinged pre-decimal plate blocks, single stamps, scarce to rare FDCs etc.,
My choice is postally used postage stamps, although I do wind up with other thimgs.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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03 Feb 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

AP's latest issue 3rd of Feb Christmas Island "Year of the Monkey" As usual a lot of different formats.Basic is two stamps 1 x$1-00 & 1 x $3-00 you have sheet stamps a S/S a Zodiac sheetlet,silk minisheet pack,Lotus S/A sheetlet pack.To name just a few.
Here is the S/S.
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03 Feb 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV


Roughly how many issues does AP release a year and how does this compare with GB (if you know GB's output)?

And have you ever totalled the cost of ALL the variants of one specific Australian 'special' issue ?

I started to total the GB Star Wars issue variants (from Royal Mail's website) but lost the will to live after page 4. The icing on the cake was (is) a collectors silver coloured tin box with some stuff in it, retailing at £120 alone. Oh it does come with a UV pen, so it must be good value!

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04 Feb 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

What!! no light saber.
I just did a quick calculation on the 25th of Jan release of the Love to Celebrate set.If you bought one of every thing that was released you would be up for $1527 .00
On the 9 th of feb they are issuing 1 x $1-00 stamp ,with all the various extras you will be up for $84-10
This is not counting their Impressions range and limited editions.Some of these run into the $100s each.

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04 Feb 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

I collect Australia. My main collection is pre decimal, 1913-1965. I do have a collection of Australia, but stopped at 1990.

I collect USA to 1994.

I collect Germany to 1945.

I collect Great Britain to 1952.

I have a complete USA Air Mail collection. I'm working on Papua...German...British...Territory of... and many odd collections.

What I'm trying to say is the Postal Service has long ago gouged me out of my money for their many useless stamps.

Just saying.


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04 Feb 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

"If you bought one of everything that was released you would be up for $1527"

This almost defies belief. Does anyone actually buy the 'complete package'? If they do, they surely need counselling.

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04 Feb 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

I am sure some people will buy them ,talk about killing the goose that lays the golden eggs AP is trying very hard.

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

04 Feb 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

The thing to remember is that this is supposed to be a hobby and hobbies should be enjoyed. The moment you feel compelled to purchase something because of some arbitrary externally imposed goal, such as completeness, is the moment you should reassess your goals.

With some 600,000 stamps issued, and mostly available used, even at 5¢ apiece completeness is out of my budget. Trimming the number down to just those countries of interest that I have visited, and total completeness it still beyond my means. It was thus fifty years ago when I started and the total number of issues was closer to 100,ooo.

So my goal and interest was set at as many postally used as I could acquire from as many nations as possible. Complete sets when possible, yes, but if not, sobeit. For me it is fun, relaxation and in many cases educational. It's a hobby, not an obsession.

It has become obvious that Australia has joined other countries that have been abusing the urge for completeness some collectors pursue and driven it to what ought to be its limit, so what I think will happen over the next few years is more and more of those mint stamps, booklets sheetlets, mini sheets and whatever will slowly be taken from the stock sheets and put on the declining volume of on paper mail.
And some of those stamps, now difficult to acquire postally used, will become available.
On one letter I received yesterday was a two cent "Washington" from the set issues over 100 years ago and saved by the bushel bag.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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04 Feb 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

"...so what I think will happen over the next few years is more and more of those mint stamps, booklets sheetlets, mini sheets and whatever will slowly be taken from the stock sheets and put on the declining volume of on paper mail."

But would collectors who are so obsessed with completeness (completionism ?) ever do that? They are probably of the type that would rather lose a limb than see any part of their collection used for erm, what is that word? Oh yes, postage.

I have over a few years now, bought GB miniature sheets. However, looking at the frequency and consequently, cost of these, I have revised my own priorities. I now only buy those whose designs I consider top draw, or occasionally those that are film or TV favourites.

The only thing I collect, which would be considered complete, are GB Prestige booklets. But even then, I don't have any special edition variants. At £17 a throw for the latest versions, that is quite enough to contend with.

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05 Feb 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

"Tooler: I collect USA to 1994.

I collect Germany to 1945.

I collect Great Britain to 1952."

I catch the significance of 1945, for Germany, being the end of the Reich, and 1952 being the end of pre-QEII GB. Is there some significance to your 1994 cutoff date for USA?

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"Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-PTANG. Zoom-Boing. Z'nourrwringmm"
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05 Feb 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

I catch the significance of 1945, for Germany, being the end of the Reich, and 1952 being the end of pre-QEII GB. Is there some significance to your 1994 cutoff date for USA?


I stopped buying the complete US issues after 1994 because of the volume of stamps the postal service issued. Cost was getting out of hand, for me, anyway. Only missing 6 US commemoratives from 1893 to 1994 all mint. Maybe I will get those one day after I get the 5 Australia Kangaroos I need to complete my pre decimal collectionHappy..

Many years ago I started collecting US Air Mail. I worked very hard over the years to complete that collection. Now that it's complete the hunt is over, very sad really, I enjoyed the hunt.

Now the hunt is on for Great Britain pre 1952. I am sure I will not live long enough or have the money to complete it, but, the fun of the hunt is Back.Thumbs Up

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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland

07 Feb 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

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The $1 stamp from the 1966-2016 Decimal Currency Australia stamp issue illustrates the changes in Australian currency. The stamp design shows the pre-decimal £1 note, and the decimal $1 note and coin. Date of issue will be February 9, 2016.

On 14 February 1966, decimal currency supplanted pounds, shillings and pence in Australia. The impact of this can hardly be overstated. Not only did it require individuals to rethink the method for everyday transactions (the three-unit system replaced by two units), but it also meant designing, producing and distributing new currency (and stamps); converting monetary machines; training banking and retail staff; and a huge public education campaign.

Designer Gordon Andrews (1914–2001) created the $1, $2, $10 and $20 notes released in 1966, as well as the $5 note, released in 1967, and the $50 note, released in 1973. His bright, bold and airy designs depict a diverse and inclusive Australia, representing Aboriginal culture, a woman other than the Queen for the first time (Caroline Chisholm on the $5 note), architecture and arts, science and industry, and Australian fauna.

Gold- and silversmith Stuart Devlin (1931–) designed the coins. Like Andrews, Devlin created superbly modern and beautifully composed designs, featuring native fauna and the Australian coat of arms. He also designed the $1 coin, which replaced the $1 note in 1984.

All information by courtesy of Australia Post.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"
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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland

14 Feb 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

I was informed by a fellow collector that there is a design fault with the 50th Anniversary of Decimal Currency stamp, and there surely is a big one.

The one pound note should not be there, it should have been the 10 shilling note. 10s = $1.00, and 1 pound = $2.00.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"

14 Feb 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Hi all,
Yes, The the new price rise in postage(local)to $1 will put many a collector off buying the new issues. I'll bet the Ebay sellers will be freaking out(postage costs)

I did buy the first sets up to the new Decimal issue. Mainly because it's the first of anything new like this caused mass revolution and people don't buy.

Later down the track these will be the hardest to find for those collectors on a mission.


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17 Feb 2016

Auctions - Approvals
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

this is the Lotus S/S from the Christmas Island Year of The Monkey release.Different values on the stamps (which are S/A ) ranging from 20c to $2-00 which is the round stamp in the middle.
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18 Feb 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

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I purchased a bundle of full sheet APO CTO at about 1.5 cents each per stamp.

A mate said they are sold by Australia Post, with cancels (Melbourne) on the first day of issue, they are technically defaced as a Cancelled To Order or if one wants, sell as fine used(soak off the gum). Australia Post will sell you an Official Year Collection of the CTO Issues. Same as MNH

Then he said they will all go through on regular postage, I thought NO WAY. But I have been testing his statement, turns out I can post articles at $1 for 3 cents outlay if I so choose.


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19 Feb 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

I've bought stamps from some Australian dealers on eBay and they have used CTO stamps to send my purchases.Even after charging more that full rates for postage.Bit cheeky and illegal I think.


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20 Feb 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Pretty risky I rekon, sending a sold Item in the mail using them.
A sharp eyed employee of APO could spot the item.

It probably say's it somewhere that there not to be used for postage. But if Dealers are using them as you say, and my mate say's they go through the system no problem, which my tests have proven, then APO must not be worried about it.

The scanning system used would have had to be able to pick up the postage cost of $1, why not the CTO cancel?

So what does AP use to make sure the stamp is MNH and equals $1


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22 Feb 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

2015 Our Solar System

Some combinations I have separated from a full sheet.

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22 Feb 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Speaking of combinations.I wonder how many know about these two.From the Famous Women 2011.they came in horizontal strips.But on every sheet were two vertical strips and a joined pair of 3407 Anne Summers.
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23 Feb 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Nice Snowy,
I don't have them in my collection in that format.
I have a letter somewhere with the Anne Summers pair used on the cover, I'll see if I can find it post a pic.

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24 Feb 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Found the cover, PM 24 Jan

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25 Feb 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

The flood relief appeal on cover

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26 Feb 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

From memory for the Flood Relief APO did not do a First Day Cover.
I contacted a collector in Queensland and had 2 covers sent by registered post.

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05 Mar 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

I can't help my self!!!!
Here is the latest issue from AP "Australian Alphabet" 5 x $1-00 in sheet & S/A booklet formats .So over a period of time there is going to be 26 stamps and 26 booklets.
These were released on the 1st of March.
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Collector, Webmaster

06 Mar 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

What happened to "T is for..." ?

Regards ... Tim.

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"Isaac Asimov once said if his doctor told him he was dying, he wouldn’t lament, he would just type a little faster. "

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06 Mar 2016

Auctions - Approvals
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Hi Tim
I reckon they have a tub with 26 table tennis balls with the alphabet on and they just pick 5 out Laughing Laughing

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06 Mar 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Wonder if U was for UNDERWEAR and they lost them!!!!My primary class always remembered the letter U....lolRolling On The Floor Laughing

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Collector, Webmaster

06 Mar 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

I was thinking the Tasmanian's would be feeling rather left out. Winking


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"Isaac Asimov once said if his doctor told him he was dying, he wouldn’t lament, he would just type a little faster. "

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15 Mar 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Today 15th March 2016 AP issued a strip of 3 entitled "Australian Bridges" .All are $1-00 local mail.Issued in sheet and S/A booklet formats.
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06 Apr 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

AP's latest released on the 5th April, two stamps celebrating QEII's 90th Birthday in sheet format a S/S and S/A values are $1-00 and $2-75 international which is also the S/A version.
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11 Apr 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Today 12th April AP release another set of stamps "Centenary of WWI:1916". Five by $1-00 ,issued in individual sheets so there are five gutter strips (personally I think it's a cynical marketing ploy) a S/S and a booklet of 10 S/A and the usual prestige booklet.
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06 May 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

A little late due to my inability to photo copy the stamps any sooner .They were released on the 26th of April.
A Territories release for Christmas Islands"Robber Crabs" two x $1-00 & one x $2-00 in sheet format.
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09 May 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Nearly caught up with the new issues!This set was issued on May 3rd so only a few days late
Butterflies issued in sheet format a S/S A booklet of S/A $1-00 and a booklet of $2-75 S/A ,there are three $1-00 and one $2-75 international stamps Image Not Found
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16 May 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

17th May new issue for the Territories ,this one is for Cocos Keeling Islands 3 x $1-00 sheet stamps ,subject Dolphins.These are three separate stamps.
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26 May 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Not a new issue ,but an updated S/S for "Singapore 2015",Parliament Houses S/S overprinted in gold in the bottom L/H corner .One for each day of the show ,each one numbered DAY 1 to DAY 6 ,so six sheets in all.
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31 May 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Today the 31st of May Australia Post released a $1-00 stamp commemorating the RSL ,here in Australia this is "The Returned & Services League of Australia".Issued as a sheet and S/A booklet stamp.
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09 Jun 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Issued on the 7th of June four x $1-00 stamps Nostalgic Fruit Labels issued as sheet stamps,S/A booklets also as S/A rolls of 100.
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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland

10 Jun 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

The 4 self-adhesive stamps to the above.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"
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21 Jun 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Issued today 21st June AP's Australian Antarctic Territories entitled ( Hurley's Journey ,1914-1916) Very dull and drab in my opinion .
I am in the middle of reading Douglas Mawson's Dairies very interesting and it's not always this bleak.
Issued in sheet format and a S/S values are 2 x$1-00,2 x $2-00 & 1 x $3-00.
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28 Jun 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Just purchased Jared Tallent 2012 Olympic Gold medal winners stamp.Issued nearly four years after the event due to the original winner being disqualified as a drug cheat.and the odd one out being the cost of $1-00 and the rest of the set only 60 cents.
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28 Jun 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Good for Mr. Tallent! He played by the rules and he's got the Gold. I'm getting excited for the Olympics. (hopefully they go smoothly)

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04 Jul 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Today the 5th of July Australia Post issued a set of Owl stamps ,four x $1.00 issued in sheet format a S/S and a S/A booklet.

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28 Jul 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Issued on the 26th of July "50 Years of Playschool".For those who have no idea what it is ,It's a educational children's TV show.
Two stamps 1 x $1-00 & 1 x $2-00 ,issued as sheet ,S/S and S/A booklet.
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02 Aug 2016
re: Australia New Issues Part IV

I wonder when APO will get a new format to make new issues from.
Seems to me its the same old format. War, butterfly's, birds and so on infanitum Thumbs Down
Year after year, same old same old, I am so lost with APO, I have stopped collecting Australia earlier this year.
It's been a 49 year partnership, but it's now at an end, sad really.

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18 May 2015

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Today 19th May 2015 Australia Post issued the following set of stamps entitled "Collections Australia" four stamps ,all 70c denominations.
Collectible as a block of four,a S/S and a S/A roll of 100
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26 May 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

This is the latest offering from AP issued today 26th May ,Australian Antarctic Territory.
(Colours of the AAT) Four stamps in two pairs two x 70c & two x $1.40 ,also issued in S/S
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05 Jun 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

I nearly missed this issue. Released on the 2nd of June entitled "Islands of Australia" four stamps 2 x 70c as a joined pair 1 x $1.40 and 1 x $2.10 .Also issued as a S/A booklet of the two 70c stamps.
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29 Jun 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

this is the latest issue from AP ,a single stamp WOW (Centenary of Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research ) That's a mouth full for one stamp and it's a 70c issued on the 30th of June in sheets of 10.
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06 Jul 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Here is the latest issue from Australia Post,released today 7th July (my daughter's Birthday) a set of four 70c stamps on the theme of "Lighthouses"sheet stamps,also released as a S/A booklet and a S/A roll of 200
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14 Jul 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Issued today 14th July "Great Australian Walks" 4 x 70c stamps,Highlighting some of the great walking trails here in Australia.
Issued in sheet format (strip of four) a Minisheet and a booklet and roll of 100 as peel & stick.
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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland
24 Jul 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

You're very much up to date Brian with the new Aussie issues, those stamps look very attractive. The lighthouse set adds to the series; I believe the years were 1968, 2002 and 2006.

I'm not sure if I left any year of issue out.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"
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24 Jul 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Hi Rob 1956
I don't think you've missed any, and no more spring to mind .I do try and keep up with the new issues ,as a lot of members here on SOR collect Australia.

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04 Aug 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Released today 4th Aug."Netball World Cup Sydney 2015" one 70 cent stamp issued in a sheetlet of ten and a peel & stick booklet of 20.
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04 Aug 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

And a very uninspiring stamp it is too! Very disappointed.

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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland
10 Aug 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Jillcrow, I have Aussie stamps dating from 1853 to the current date and all are in pristine mint unhinged condition and I can assure you that there are quite a few uninspiring and disappointing issues (and I must concur with you it is an uninspiring and disappointing stamp, considering the design is irrelevant to the purpose of the issue).

What I used to find "uninspiring" I now find the stamp to be "interesting" and what used to be "disappointing" I know identify as "different."

The "Netball World Cup Sydney 2015" is a splash of colours in modern design. It can be seen as an uninspiring and disappointing stamp, but to others who like modern art will see it as attractive (regardless of it's distraction from it actually being representative to commemorating the 2015 World Netball Cup held here in Sydney).

To me, it's the next stamp off the rank that will fit nicely in my ever increasing Aussie collection.

The next issue slated for August 14 is the joint issue of Australia, New Zealand and Singapore depicting the Parliament of each country.

Some may say "so what, we've had joint issues before" and so we have, but this time it's different and a first, instead of the customary one on one; this time there are three countries involved.

The colour and design of each stamp (in my opinion) are very beautifully designed issues.

Brian will be keeping every-one up-to-date with the new issues.

I'll try to obtain the Singapore issue, I have a friend in New Zealand who will send the kiwi version.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"
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10 Aug 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Just a note that Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania put out joint issues throughout their post-Soviet history as well, including some nice souvenir sheets. Definitely a first for Australia though.

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""If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." Rush"
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14 Aug 2015

Auctions - Approvals

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Australia Post released this set of three today the 14th August,a joint issue with New Zealand and Singapore showing the Parliament Building of each country.
Issued in sheet format and a S/S ,values 70c,$1.85 and $1.95.

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
14 Aug 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

I am not sure about parliament buildings being "Inspiring" but the set is attractive.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland
18 Aug 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Here's a little stamp trivia.

The issuing of a three country stamp issue is known as a tripartite issue.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"
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25 Aug 2015

Auctions - Approvals

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Today 25th August Australia Post issued a set for Cocos Keeling "Cocos Keeling Islands"two stamps by 70c and two stamps by $1-40 in joined pairs.

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27 Aug 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Australia Post released this very unannounced sheetlet of ten ,"Birth of a Princess" I think on the 25th of August ,it's not in the Bulletin so may get missed.one stamp x 70c
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27 Aug 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

It's the first issue in the Sept/Oct 2015 Bulletin. First Day covers will still be available up to 23rd September 2015.
The 3 projected issues for October still have the standard letter rate at 70c, so presumably the looming rise won't occur until at least November.

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01 Sep 2015

Auctions - Approvals

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Released today 1st September "Signs of the Times",three stamps two x 70 cents and one x $1-40. Issued in sheet format a S/S,S/A roll of 200 and S/A booklet.
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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
01 Sep 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

" .... The issuing of a three country stamp issue is known as a tripartite issue. ...."

Yes, and a set of three related but distinct stamps intended to be seen together is called a "Triptych".

So if we have a set of three related stamps issued by three different nations in a panel it would be a "tripartite triptych."

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland
04 Sep 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

"tripartite triptych" Now say that fast three times.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"

05 Sep 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Who got a hold of these,Joint stamp pack - Australia, NZ, Singapore joint stamp.

Logged into APO to order the day of issue and these Stamp Packs were "Sold Out". Pretty sneaky by Australia Post, only available to standing order customers, which I am not one off.

Went on a hunt to local PO's and none could be ordered, Found 2 only at Coffs Harbour PO as it is a Stamp Shop.

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05 Sep 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

ROBB 1956.
How did you go, did you get the Joint Australia, NZ, Singapore issue.


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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
06 Sep 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

" ... Tripartite triptych, tripartite triptych, tripartite triptych ..."

That wasn't that hard now, was it ?

But, "Tychtite, titepartri, tychtite, titepartri, tychtite, titepartri, that's a humdinger.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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07 Sep 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

RE: joint issue stamp packs.I went down today and I bought two at my nearest philatelic PO and she still had more on the shelf???
Go figure.

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08 Sep 2015

Auctions - Approvals

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Today the 9th of September we have two new issues.The first is for the Antarctic Territory "The Dogs that saved Macquarie"2 x 70 cents and 2 x $1-40 ,issued in sheet format and a S/S.
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The second issue is entitled "Long may she Reign" Commemorating Britain's longest serving Monarch Queen Elizabeth II.
We have a few different formats on this issue, sheet,S/S ,S/A booklet of five of the HV. Values are as follows 3 x 70 cents and 2 x $2-75.
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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland
09 Sep 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

"How did you go, did you get the Joint Australia, NZ, Singapore issue."

Well Sam, I did get the Joint Australia, NZ and Singapore issue; in a few days I will be receiving from NZ the joint NZ stamp, and I'm still trying to get the joint stamp from Singapore.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"

09 Sep 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Hi Robb,

The stamp pack I put pics up of above has the AU(3), NZ(1) and Singapore(3)stamps in it.

Snowy12 says his local PO has 2 packs on the shelf. Maybe he can help.

There were 2 packs issued, but only one with all 7 stamps.


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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland
09 Sep 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

"RE: joint issue stamp packs.I went down today and I bought two at my nearest philatelic PO and she still had more on the shelf???
Go figure.

I'll be going to the GPO on Monday morning to see if they have any still in stock.
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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"
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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland
09 Sep 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Sam, I didn't realise there were two packs, I should have queried first.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"
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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland
09 Sep 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Brian, I noticed that the PNC that was issued on the 9th, although advertised as a limited edition of 9,000 has no mintage number; for instance 500 of 9000. There is a second PNC issued today, hopefully that one is numbered; both will be collector's items as the occasion is going to be very well received by royalists.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"
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09 Sep 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Couldn't agree more Rob,I think AP will make a killing on all these issues.It is a very big occasion for monarchists.
I personally do not collect PNC's (postal & numismatic covers) for our foreign friends.I do have a few odd ones knocking around,but I don't go out of my way to buy them.

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21 Sep 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Australia Post issued today 22nd of September a set of eight stamps "Our Solar System" issued in sheet and S/A booklet and a S/S.Values 2 x 35c and 6 x 70c (getting ready for the inevitable price increase).Us OAP's are immune for a couple of years ,only for internal mail though.
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As you can see the sheet stamps have a white boarder on two sides ,while the stamps in the S/S do not,so two different sets to collect.

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
22 Sep 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

The little devils.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "

23 Sep 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Hi all,
Here we have the full sheet of the 35c stamp(50 stamps)sheet scanned in 2 half's)
The possible combinations of strips, blocks, pairs is going to be a little fun project of mine.
I have purchased 5 sheets, one I will keep intack, the others to be seperated into combinations, spares then used as postage.

So join in and dive into the project with me, what position combinations can you see?
So top row is position 1 to 5 - , blah blah blah, bottom row is position 46-50


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24 Sep 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

"As you can see the sheet stamps have a white boarder on two sides ,while the stamps in the S/S do not,so two different sets to collect."

Hi Brian, noticed last night the Mini Sheets have a distinctive clear coat over the planet only, rest is matt.
As these are not available in sheet format they will become a rarity commercially used on cover as singles, only about 10 days left to have them in this format.

On another note the 5-October issues are now at the PO's, had a look at them yesterday and had my selection stashed at the PO to collect and pay for on issue date.

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24 Sep 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Hi Sam
I doubt you will see many if any used on cover from the S/S ,unless we collectors get to and do some ourselves.

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APS #213005
25 Sep 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV


I am enjoying seeing the latest new issues you are posting for us here!

I do have a question for you, though;

it seems that Aussie mail issues a LOT of new stamps - do they have issues for every month?
...if so, have they done this regularly for many years?
I am not a WW collector so I am not familiar with Australian mail.


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25 Sep 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Hi Randy
Australia Post yes four or five sets every month and they have done for years and stick in a few Territory issues for good luck and the odd special occasion.
Most of them are issued in various formats also IE:sheet stamps & decorated gutter strips S/S,S/A booklets,S/A rolls plus the FDC's and PNC's.And any thing else they think collectors will shell out money for.
I would reckon 90% of stamps that are used on internal mail are the self adhesive types.


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APS #213005
25 Sep 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

....thanks for the info, Brian!



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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
25 Sep 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

".... any thing else they think collectors will shell out money for. ...."

And so it will continue as long as collectors continue to feed the Goose that lays such golden eggs.
Then one day those who thought that they had acquired something of monetary value will, just as the accumulators of plate blocks First day covers, Franklin mint whatevers and so on have often learned, "If it is made for collectors, it is not collectable." at least in the sense of gaining a significant pecuniary reward.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "

01 Oct 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

""If it is made for collectors, it is not collectable.""

Production of anything by anyone is collectable, my son in-law collects S. King books, I collect stamps, my mum collects Tea pots.

A look at any stamp related national/international stamp auction will often quote a catalogue value, very few except international rarities will sell for NO WHERE near cat. Value.

If one has a stamp that Stanley Gibbons has a Cat. Value of 10 English pounds sterling, surely one does not think they are holding onto a saleable item that will return 10 English pounds sterling.

One of the big collecting areas here in Australia is modern varieties, to me though(personally, to each his/her own) they are simply printers waste that missed going to the garbage bin. After all, who would pay a premium for a new car with "Missing variety-steering wheel"

Here is an unsold lot(can buy now) at Status International(Australia) Auction catalogue

Error & variety collection 1966-2008 with blks & multiples in 2 well-filled 32pg s/books with 1966 QEII 1c re-cuts/re-entries (5 diff) & 4c plate Nos (12) in blks or strips, 6c comp off-set marginal blk of 4 (ACSC cat $820) plus 4c coil pr full colour off-set on reverse ($100). 1966 Birds (100) 6c-25c ($230). 1966 75c Cook plate No blks (3) & weak entry/retouch (pos 2/1, 2/2) blks (4) cat $250. 1966 Flinders $1 plate 3 blk of 4 plus varieties "top left frame missing" & "retouch over R" ($140). 1968 Flowers set both red & black sheet No blks ($270), plus 30c upper & lower sheet No blks of 10 ($60). 1968 Soil/Medical "needle in thumb" (6) inc comp gutter blk of 20 ($250). 1969 Christmas set sheet No blks of 8. 1970 RV 5c "crown shift" blk of 20. 1971 Coil 7c "missing buff & green misplaced" pr ($600). 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 7 with aniline violet shade & UR cnr blk of 25 with 2 retouches ($200+). 1974 Christmas 10c plate No 1-8 (16 diff) L & R plates inc scarce No 1, plus 35c plate 3 pr ($450). 1977 RV 18c & 45c IMPERF proof prs ($700), plus 18c dry ink lower marginal blk of 6 ($600). 1984 Marine Life 3c missing pink (appears blue all over) U on piece, perf flts at top. 1986 Frama 1c green Platypus. 1994 Koalas & Kangaroos 45c printer's proof pr imperf on brown paper. 1993 CPS Candlestick 45c trial (unissued) strip of 3 (retail $900) plus much, much more inc 1980 20c Bird "vert white lines through background" colour bar strip of 10 (6 strips) & 1983 Christmas 35c Australia fading in & out blk of 10 & aniline magenta print gutter blk of 10, & finally 2008 50c Christmas booklet pane of 10 with top pr totally imperf. Some light duplication as noted, which emphasises the consistency of errors. Mostly fresh MUH. Total ACSC cat/retail approx AUD$7500. (2300 stamps).

AVALIABLE NOW(as I post this) AT AUD$1500.

So basically?(in most cases) your investment to return is what, my advice, after 52 years of collecting stamps, they are generally not an investment that will have one retiring in the Cayman Islands sipping on coconuts filled with Vodka Big Grin

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
01 Oct 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

" .... If one has a stamp that Stanley Gibbons has a Cat. Value of 10 English pounds sterling, surely one does not think they are holding onto a saleable item that will return 10 English pounds sterling. ...."

A simple rule to understand that is that when you buy you are buying at retail.
When you sell, obviously unless you are a seasoned dealer, you sell at wholesale.
The fact is that catalogs are actually tabulating relative rarity and usually not actually selling, so rather than being called, or thought of as "Catalogue Prices or Values," they ought be referred to as "Catalogue Listings."

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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04 Oct 2015

Auctions - Approvals

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Released today 5th of October Honoured By Australia 3 x 70 cent stamps .Featuring Mother Teresa,Nelson Mandela and Raoul Wallenberg.
I don't know what AP was doing releasing them today as half of Australia has a public holiday so most of the post offices will be closed.Think someone made a Boo Boo
Any Way here are the stamps.
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04 Oct 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

No problem for us Vics, as we had our holiday last Friday, as a run-up to the AFL Grand Final Big Grin

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07 Oct 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

"The fact is that catalogs are actually tabulating relative rarity and usually not actually selling, so rather than being called, or thought of as "Catalogue Prices or Values," they ought be referred to as "Catalogue Listings.""

Im not sure, I could be wrong(probably am) but if SG has a catalog listing in it's current catalog that can be purchased direct from them(any country/territory), then is that THEIR "For Sale" price in English Pounds Sterling?. Where do they list their own Catalog retail price, somewhere else?.

Anyway, who gives any stamp cat. maker the right to give any stamp a value.

If the collecting world accepts a listed value price of say 10 English pounds because SG says so, and SG will retail it to you for 5 English Pounds, that's a scam Angry

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07 Oct 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

"Released today 5th of October Honoured By Australia"

Hi Brian,

Received mine today, nice stamps.

Looking forward to the bicycle/push bike issues.

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14 Oct 2015

Auctions - Approvals

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Here is Australia Posts latest ,released on the 13th of October (Bicycles) 2 x 70c joined pair,1 x$1-85 and 1 x $2-75.Issued in sheet format and the $2-75 also in a S/A booklet of 5.I can't recall any thing else about the issue as I'm sat in my hotel room in Patong Thailand at the moment and haven't got my AP Bulletin with me ,so if I have forgotten
anything please feel free to add it.
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A hot and sticky Brian

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14 Oct 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

The 2 x 70c stamps are also issued in a S/A booklet of 20. Just for a change no mini-sheet for this issue.

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30 Oct 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

I'm Back.
Now we play catchup.
On the 27th of October Australia Post issued a set of stamps entitled Animals in War five stamps all 70c ,issued in sheet format a mini sheet and a booklet of 10 S/A.
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30 Oct 2015

Auctions - Approvals

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Christmas is here and so is all the Australia Post Christmas issues for Australia and Christmas Island.
First Australia,A set of five stamps 3 x 65c 1 x $1.70,1 x $2.55
These are issued as follows Sheet stamps a minisheet of 2, S/A booklets of 5 of the $1-70 and the $2-55 and embellished sheetlets of 10 of the 65c Dove and the Gift.
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I haven't yet got the embellished sheetlets.
Now for Christmas Island
2 stamps 1 x 65c and 1 x$1-80 in sheet format also a minisheet ,a S/A embellished sheetlet of 10 of the 65c and a sheetlet of 5 S/A of the $1-80.

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Merry Christmas Brian

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01 Nov 2015

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

I have just obtained the embellished sheetlets for Australia and Christmas Island.
Here they are.
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And here is the Christmas Island sheetlet.All these are S/A.
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29 Dec 2015

Auctions - Approvals

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Here are some of the new local postage price increase stamps 3 x $1-00 and 1 x $2-00 these were issued according to Australia Posts web site on the 14th of Dec. and these are the S/A versions all except the $2-00 which is a sheet stamp.I have not been able to obtain the sheet stamps of this issue yet ?The Priority label when attached with a $1-00 stamps makes your 2nd class letter a 1st class letter and is supposed to get to it's destination faster!!! these cost 50c each.So $1-50 to send a 1st class letter and a $1-00 to send it 2nd class The new price increase comes into effect on the 4th of Jan 2016.
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Here are the sheet stamps for this issue .
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31 Dec 2015

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

"The Priority label when attached with a $1-00 stamps makes your 2nd class letter a 1st class letter and is supposed to get to it's destination faster!!!"

Just to be clear - the 1st class letter gets to its destination at the same time as the "normal" mail that we are used to !!

The 2nd class letter will take 2days LONGER than we are used to !!

In other words (contrary to Aust Post "spin") we get a lesser service for a lot more cost.



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www.ebid.net/au/stor ...
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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland
01 Jan 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

In my opinion it seems an extravagant increase for a service that is getting worse, I do not feel the increase is going to help Australia Post, many people will opt to e-mail and texting because of the price rise.

I'll just keep on collecting, though my main interest is in earlier issues.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"

Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
04 Jan 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

" .... The 2nd class letter will take 2days LONGER than we are used to !! ..."

Some years ago my business had frequent documents being mailed to a finance company in Tennessee, from Florida. There were, at that time, simple first class at 29¢, Two day Priority Mail at about $2.50, and Express Mail at about $8.50.
I had several conversations concerning business with the young lady who handled the incoming mail in Tennessee, and for some time had her returning the corner of what ever mail we sent so I could collect the stamps.
One day I ran a test, sending her a plain business envelope with a note, mailed at the same time, and same post office as the express and priority envelopes.
It's been too many years to recall the exact result, but two days was the usual delivery time for all three levels of service.
The priority and standard first class almost always took two to three business days. The Express mail often was one to two days, but occasionally the standard first class service beat or tied the Express service. The results were about the same when I replaced the plain white envelope with a standard letter sized brown Kraft envelope.
To me, it seemed a waste of money to use Express mail all the time because regardless of which service we used, the turn around time for the docs to be approved and checks returned always seemed the same, five to eight days.
However I could not get the office people to change their way. The good part was that I accumulated a decent pile of quality used stamps, Priority, Express and at times blocks of current postage.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland
08 Jan 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

From a every good source (insider friend) that there will be a series of celebration stamps to be issued next week, all major Post Offices have them but are not allowed to issue any until the day of release.

They are the first of the Celebration series of 2016.

At the moment there are no stamp bulletins which is odd as they are normally out this time of year, but my source assumes the bulletin will be released at the same time though no Post Office has them yet.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"

08 Jan 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Michael Szolt, Manager Philatelic for AP, sent out a letter to ASB subscribers a couple of weeks ago which included the following:
We continue to support your collecting interests by providing you with a wide range of philatelic products in accordance with the predetermined Stamp Issue Program for the year. With this in mind, I would like to make you aware of a slight delay in the distribution of the 2016 January Australian Stamp Bulletin. We anticipate this will be sent to subscribers at the beginning of January 2016 due to the completion of the regulatory processes associated with increasing the BPR (Basic Postage Rate). We have taken this approach to ensure that we provide collectors with correct and up-to-date information ahead of the purchase of any stamp issue products.
Another interesting paragraph:
In response to feedback regarding the cost of collecting, I would like to ensure (?) you that we will be making every effort to minimise the proposed stamp price impact through a reduction in the initial planned number of stamps to be released. This will ensure that the value of stamps released during 2016 will be only marginally higher than in 2015.

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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland
14 Jan 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

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The upcoming 10 Love to Celebrate stamps to be issued on January 25th. Total value $11 (9 x $1, 1 x $2)

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"
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16 Jan 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Stamp Bulletin Issue no 338 January - February 2016. Here are some of the new issues included in the Bulletin:

Wildflowers 14th December 2015

3 x $1 & 1 x $2 - gummed, & peel & stick booklets of 10 & 20.

Love To Celebrate - 25th January 2016

9 x $1 & 1 x $2 gummed & 10 x peel & stick booklets of 10 & Wedding Prestige booklet will cost you $62.

Christmas Island Year of the Monkey - 3rd January 2016
Haven't seen this one yet!!!
1 x $1 & 1 x $3 gummed stamp, prestige booklet, minisheet, zodiac sheetlet 12 x $1 self - adhesive stamps

1 x $1 gummed stamp

21st January 2016 - Australian legends

12 x $1 stamps

Sheetlet A & Sheetlet B $10 each

12 booklet x 10 stamps peel & stick ($120)

Hope you collectors of Recent MNH Australian have got deep pockets or draw the line at the end of 2015 .
There is no valid reason to issue so many stamps ,only to make money from collectors.
They seem to want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.


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16 Jan 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

The issue date for the Christmas Island Year of the Monkey stuff is 3rd February 2016.

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16 Jan 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Thanks Jill
I took the information from another web site they must have got it wrong .
Still a lot of money out of stamp collectors pockets ,mind you they have got to make the CEO's $4 million pay packet from somewhere!!!

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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland
16 Jan 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Soon the Postal Service will make us pay for the use of the public letter boxes.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"

17 Jan 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

The cost of postage has changed my way of collecting....mainly thematic collections from 2016 on.....

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21 Jan 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

'Australian Legends Of Singles Tennis"$20-00 worth of !!!??
I will not be purchasing any more Australian stamps ,unless any member asks for some particular stamps.It has got beyond a joke.
I will try and still show the new issues.
here are the tennis stamps 2 sheets of ten A & B
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Actually it only 12 stamps as sheet B only has 2 different stamps.Also issued in S/A booklets ,you can get the booklet collection for only $122-00.

[red][bu]So if you wish any of the new issues please send me a message[/bu][/red]


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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
22 Jan 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

" .... I will not be purchasing any more Australian stamps, unless any member asks for some particular stamps. ...."

I can't say I blame you, Brian.
I'll still collect Aussie stamps as well as many other countries, but as you know I strongly prefer postally used.
Over the years I've seen several fads rise to popularity and then fall to almost oblivion. Plate blocks, plate number strips, whole sheets, and First Day covers are examples of he path they follow. I may not live to see it fall completely but I think that the mint never hinged, original gum fad, will also follow the path of the Noble Duke of York's 10,000 men.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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22 Jan 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

"I will not be purchasing any more Australian stamps ,unless any member asks for some particular stamps.It has got beyond a joke."

Yep there are a lot of my friends say they will use the mail even less than they do now..

For my part I suspect that I will not buy any $1.00 stamps or 50c priority labels..

Certainly ... I have ceased to collect Australian stamps after 2014.

And half my collected Aussie stamps (the Mint ones) will be used (for mail) or sold here.

As I still have stocks of older MNH Decimal stamps - They will be used for postage wherever possible.


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www.ebid.net/au/stor ...
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22 Jan 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

I understand what you are saying completely. The last lot of tennis players, which were very enjoyable stamps, cost you $20. That is a lot of money when AP has several issues each month.

Thanks for the stamps you have shared.

Regards ... Tim.

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"Isaac Asimov once said if his doctor told him he was dying, he wouldn’t lament, he would just type a little faster. "

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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland
24 Jan 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

I'll still add the commercial stamps to my collection just to keep it up to date.

Did you know a very limited number of emergency stamps were issued earlier this month and they were snatched up by those who seemed to have known of their existence.

Australia Post said that no more will be printed, this set of stamps were only issued in Adelaide. The distribution of the stamps began on January 5.

The emergency stamps (Notice Adelaide 2016).

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The original 1994 set (stock image from internet).

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These emergency stamps were sold on eBay on January 24 for AU$1,051.11

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Of course eBay is notorious for exorbitant sales, but it shows how much people will pay for these very scarce counter printed emergency stamps. They won't be cheap if a set is found at a stamp dealers.

From the start of the year with expensive wallpaper issues, something worthwhile comes along.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"
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24 Jan 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Maybe Australia post should follow PNG's example and now print lots more ,as PNG did with the large T Birds .That would put a stop to the speculators.
Just a thought.

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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland
24 Jan 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

In 1967 the Post Master General's office were about to issue the 5c over 4c stamp, before they were issued the new 5c stamp was issued making the overprints obsolete; a break-in occurred at a major post office and a considerable amount of overprinted sheets were stolen.

When the Post Master General's office realised what had happened, and the overprints were the only sheets stolen, they issued millions of the overprinted stamps to the public, destroying the profiteering of the stamps on the black market.

I view emergency issues as lucky dips for collectors.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"
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27 Jan 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

this is AP's latest issue Love to celebrate ,I'll bet AP is celebrating all this extra revenue from stamp collectors EH!Ten stamps @ $1-00 & 1 @ $2.00 .Released on the 25 Jan .
Well as I stated earlier that's my last purchase of regular issues.
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I will still try to show the new issues but use other images.

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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland
01 Feb 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

"I'll still collect Aussie stamps as well as many other countries, but as you know I strongly prefer postally used.
Over the years I've seen several fads rise to popularity and then fall to almost oblivion. Plate blocks, plate number strips, whole sheets, and First Day covers are examples of he path they follow. I may not live to see it fall completely but I think that the mint never hinged, original gum fad, will also follow the path of the Noble Duke of York's 10,000 men."

cdj1122, I agree with most of your comment. That's why I prefer to only collect mint unhinged pre-decimal plate blocks, single stamps, scarce to rare FDCs etc., but I will draw the line to modern full sheets and FDCs, sheetlets, gutter stamps, mini-sheets (souvenir sheets) with the exception of the commercial stamp.

There will always be collectors who want to collect the ultimate condition, but to see these stamps being priced out of budget most likely will be the death of many a collector’s interest of modern MUH stamps. I for one will maintain the collection, though my main interest is in pre-decimals and varieties.

It is the collector who collects used stamps that will benefit from these stamps.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"

Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
02 Feb 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

".... That's why I prefer to only collect mint unhinged pre-decimal plate blocks, single stamps, scarce to rare FDCs etc., ...."

Other than a brief flirtation with some mint plate blocks about fifty years ago, I never entertained collecting ',,, mint unhinged pre-decimal plate blocks, single stamps, scarce to rare FDCs etc.,
My choice is postally used postage stamps, although I do wind up with other thimgs.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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03 Feb 2016

Auctions - Approvals

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

AP's latest issue 3rd of Feb Christmas Island "Year of the Monkey" As usual a lot of different formats.Basic is two stamps 1 x$1-00 & 1 x $3-00 you have sheet stamps a S/S a Zodiac sheetlet,silk minisheet pack,Lotus S/A sheetlet pack.To name just a few.
Here is the S/S.
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03 Feb 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV


Roughly how many issues does AP release a year and how does this compare with GB (if you know GB's output)?

And have you ever totalled the cost of ALL the variants of one specific Australian 'special' issue ?

I started to total the GB Star Wars issue variants (from Royal Mail's website) but lost the will to live after page 4. The icing on the cake was (is) a collectors silver coloured tin box with some stuff in it, retailing at £120 alone. Oh it does come with a UV pen, so it must be good value!

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04 Feb 2016

Auctions - Approvals

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

What!! no light saber.
I just did a quick calculation on the 25th of Jan release of the Love to Celebrate set.If you bought one of every thing that was released you would be up for $1527 .00
On the 9 th of feb they are issuing 1 x $1-00 stamp ,with all the various extras you will be up for $84-10
This is not counting their Impressions range and limited editions.Some of these run into the $100s each.

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04 Feb 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

I collect Australia. My main collection is pre decimal, 1913-1965. I do have a collection of Australia, but stopped at 1990.

I collect USA to 1994.

I collect Germany to 1945.

I collect Great Britain to 1952.

I have a complete USA Air Mail collection. I'm working on Papua...German...British...Territory of... and many odd collections.

What I'm trying to say is the Postal Service has long ago gouged me out of my money for their many useless stamps.

Just saying.


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04 Feb 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

"If you bought one of everything that was released you would be up for $1527"

This almost defies belief. Does anyone actually buy the 'complete package'? If they do, they surely need counselling.

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04 Feb 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

I am sure some people will buy them ,talk about killing the goose that lays the golden eggs AP is trying very hard.

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
04 Feb 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

The thing to remember is that this is supposed to be a hobby and hobbies should be enjoyed. The moment you feel compelled to purchase something because of some arbitrary externally imposed goal, such as completeness, is the moment you should reassess your goals.

With some 600,000 stamps issued, and mostly available used, even at 5¢ apiece completeness is out of my budget. Trimming the number down to just those countries of interest that I have visited, and total completeness it still beyond my means. It was thus fifty years ago when I started and the total number of issues was closer to 100,ooo.

So my goal and interest was set at as many postally used as I could acquire from as many nations as possible. Complete sets when possible, yes, but if not, sobeit. For me it is fun, relaxation and in many cases educational. It's a hobby, not an obsession.

It has become obvious that Australia has joined other countries that have been abusing the urge for completeness some collectors pursue and driven it to what ought to be its limit, so what I think will happen over the next few years is more and more of those mint stamps, booklets sheetlets, mini sheets and whatever will slowly be taken from the stock sheets and put on the declining volume of on paper mail.
And some of those stamps, now difficult to acquire postally used, will become available.
On one letter I received yesterday was a two cent "Washington" from the set issues over 100 years ago and saved by the bushel bag.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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04 Feb 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

"...so what I think will happen over the next few years is more and more of those mint stamps, booklets sheetlets, mini sheets and whatever will slowly be taken from the stock sheets and put on the declining volume of on paper mail."

But would collectors who are so obsessed with completeness (completionism ?) ever do that? They are probably of the type that would rather lose a limb than see any part of their collection used for erm, what is that word? Oh yes, postage.

I have over a few years now, bought GB miniature sheets. However, looking at the frequency and consequently, cost of these, I have revised my own priorities. I now only buy those whose designs I consider top draw, or occasionally those that are film or TV favourites.

The only thing I collect, which would be considered complete, are GB Prestige booklets. But even then, I don't have any special edition variants. At £17 a throw for the latest versions, that is quite enough to contend with.

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05 Feb 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

"Tooler: I collect USA to 1994.

I collect Germany to 1945.

I collect Great Britain to 1952."

I catch the significance of 1945, for Germany, being the end of the Reich, and 1952 being the end of pre-QEII GB. Is there some significance to your 1994 cutoff date for USA?

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"Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-PTANG. Zoom-Boing. Z'nourrwringmm"
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05 Feb 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

I catch the significance of 1945, for Germany, being the end of the Reich, and 1952 being the end of pre-QEII GB. Is there some significance to your 1994 cutoff date for USA?


I stopped buying the complete US issues after 1994 because of the volume of stamps the postal service issued. Cost was getting out of hand, for me, anyway. Only missing 6 US commemoratives from 1893 to 1994 all mint. Maybe I will get those one day after I get the 5 Australia Kangaroos I need to complete my pre decimal collectionHappy..

Many years ago I started collecting US Air Mail. I worked very hard over the years to complete that collection. Now that it's complete the hunt is over, very sad really, I enjoyed the hunt.

Now the hunt is on for Great Britain pre 1952. I am sure I will not live long enough or have the money to complete it, but, the fun of the hunt is Back.Thumbs Up

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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland
07 Feb 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

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The $1 stamp from the 1966-2016 Decimal Currency Australia stamp issue illustrates the changes in Australian currency. The stamp design shows the pre-decimal £1 note, and the decimal $1 note and coin. Date of issue will be February 9, 2016.

On 14 February 1966, decimal currency supplanted pounds, shillings and pence in Australia. The impact of this can hardly be overstated. Not only did it require individuals to rethink the method for everyday transactions (the three-unit system replaced by two units), but it also meant designing, producing and distributing new currency (and stamps); converting monetary machines; training banking and retail staff; and a huge public education campaign.

Designer Gordon Andrews (1914–2001) created the $1, $2, $10 and $20 notes released in 1966, as well as the $5 note, released in 1967, and the $50 note, released in 1973. His bright, bold and airy designs depict a diverse and inclusive Australia, representing Aboriginal culture, a woman other than the Queen for the first time (Caroline Chisholm on the $5 note), architecture and arts, science and industry, and Australian fauna.

Gold- and silversmith Stuart Devlin (1931–) designed the coins. Like Andrews, Devlin created superbly modern and beautifully composed designs, featuring native fauna and the Australian coat of arms. He also designed the $1 coin, which replaced the $1 note in 1984.

All information by courtesy of Australia Post.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"
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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland
14 Feb 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

I was informed by a fellow collector that there is a design fault with the 50th Anniversary of Decimal Currency stamp, and there surely is a big one.

The one pound note should not be there, it should have been the 10 shilling note. 10s = $1.00, and 1 pound = $2.00.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"

14 Feb 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Hi all,
Yes, The the new price rise in postage(local)to $1 will put many a collector off buying the new issues. I'll bet the Ebay sellers will be freaking out(postage costs)

I did buy the first sets up to the new Decimal issue. Mainly because it's the first of anything new like this caused mass revolution and people don't buy.

Later down the track these will be the hardest to find for those collectors on a mission.


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17 Feb 2016

Auctions - Approvals

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

this is the Lotus S/S from the Christmas Island Year of The Monkey release.Different values on the stamps (which are S/A ) ranging from 20c to $2-00 which is the round stamp in the middle.
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18 Feb 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

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I purchased a bundle of full sheet APO CTO at about 1.5 cents each per stamp.

A mate said they are sold by Australia Post, with cancels (Melbourne) on the first day of issue, they are technically defaced as a Cancelled To Order or if one wants, sell as fine used(soak off the gum). Australia Post will sell you an Official Year Collection of the CTO Issues. Same as MNH

Then he said they will all go through on regular postage, I thought NO WAY. But I have been testing his statement, turns out I can post articles at $1 for 3 cents outlay if I so choose.


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19 Feb 2016

Auctions - Approvals

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

I've bought stamps from some Australian dealers on eBay and they have used CTO stamps to send my purchases.Even after charging more that full rates for postage.Bit cheeky and illegal I think.


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20 Feb 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Pretty risky I rekon, sending a sold Item in the mail using them.
A sharp eyed employee of APO could spot the item.

It probably say's it somewhere that there not to be used for postage. But if Dealers are using them as you say, and my mate say's they go through the system no problem, which my tests have proven, then APO must not be worried about it.

The scanning system used would have had to be able to pick up the postage cost of $1, why not the CTO cancel?

So what does AP use to make sure the stamp is MNH and equals $1


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22 Feb 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

2015 Our Solar System

Some combinations I have separated from a full sheet.

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22 Feb 2016

Auctions - Approvals

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Speaking of combinations.I wonder how many know about these two.From the Famous Women 2011.they came in horizontal strips.But on every sheet were two vertical strips and a joined pair of 3407 Anne Summers.
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23 Feb 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Nice Snowy,
I don't have them in my collection in that format.
I have a letter somewhere with the Anne Summers pair used on the cover, I'll see if I can find it post a pic.

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24 Feb 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Found the cover, PM 24 Jan

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25 Feb 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

The flood relief appeal on cover

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26 Feb 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

From memory for the Flood Relief APO did not do a First Day Cover.
I contacted a collector in Queensland and had 2 covers sent by registered post.

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05 Mar 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

I can't help my self!!!!
Here is the latest issue from AP "Australian Alphabet" 5 x $1-00 in sheet & S/A booklet formats .So over a period of time there is going to be 26 stamps and 26 booklets.
These were released on the 1st of March.
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Collector, Webmaster
06 Mar 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

What happened to "T is for..." ?

Regards ... Tim.

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"Isaac Asimov once said if his doctor told him he was dying, he wouldn’t lament, he would just type a little faster. "

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06 Mar 2016

Auctions - Approvals

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Hi Tim
I reckon they have a tub with 26 table tennis balls with the alphabet on and they just pick 5 out Laughing Laughing

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06 Mar 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Wonder if U was for UNDERWEAR and they lost them!!!!My primary class always remembered the letter U....lolRolling On The Floor Laughing

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Collector, Webmaster
06 Mar 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

I was thinking the Tasmanian's would be feeling rather left out. Winking


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"Isaac Asimov once said if his doctor told him he was dying, he wouldn’t lament, he would just type a little faster. "

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15 Mar 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Today 15th March 2016 AP issued a strip of 3 entitled "Australian Bridges" .All are $1-00 local mail.Issued in sheet and S/A booklet formats.
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06 Apr 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

AP's latest released on the 5th April, two stamps celebrating QEII's 90th Birthday in sheet format a S/S and S/A values are $1-00 and $2-75 international which is also the S/A version.
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11 Apr 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Today 12th April AP release another set of stamps "Centenary of WWI:1916". Five by $1-00 ,issued in individual sheets so there are five gutter strips (personally I think it's a cynical marketing ploy) a S/S and a booklet of 10 S/A and the usual prestige booklet.
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06 May 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

A little late due to my inability to photo copy the stamps any sooner .They were released on the 26th of April.
A Territories release for Christmas Islands"Robber Crabs" two x $1-00 & one x $2-00 in sheet format.
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09 May 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Nearly caught up with the new issues!This set was issued on May 3rd so only a few days late
Butterflies issued in sheet format a S/S A booklet of S/A $1-00 and a booklet of $2-75 S/A ,there are three $1-00 and one $2-75 international stamps Image Not Found
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16 May 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

17th May new issue for the Territories ,this one is for Cocos Keeling Islands 3 x $1-00 sheet stamps ,subject Dolphins.These are three separate stamps.
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26 May 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Not a new issue ,but an updated S/S for "Singapore 2015",Parliament Houses S/S overprinted in gold in the bottom L/H corner .One for each day of the show ,each one numbered DAY 1 to DAY 6 ,so six sheets in all.
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31 May 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Today the 31st of May Australia Post released a $1-00 stamp commemorating the RSL ,here in Australia this is "The Returned & Services League of Australia".Issued as a sheet and S/A booklet stamp.
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09 Jun 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Issued on the 7th of June four x $1-00 stamps Nostalgic Fruit Labels issued as sheet stamps,S/A booklets also as S/A rolls of 100.
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My clan Coat-of-Arms Scotland
10 Jun 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

The 4 self-adhesive stamps to the above.

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"Specialised Collector of Australian Pre-Decimal & Decimal Stamps"
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21 Jun 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Issued today 21st June AP's Australian Antarctic Territories entitled ( Hurley's Journey ,1914-1916) Very dull and drab in my opinion .
I am in the middle of reading Douglas Mawson's Dairies very interesting and it's not always this bleak.
Issued in sheet format and a S/S values are 2 x$1-00,2 x $2-00 & 1 x $3-00.
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28 Jun 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Just purchased Jared Tallent 2012 Olympic Gold medal winners stamp.Issued nearly four years after the event due to the original winner being disqualified as a drug cheat.and the odd one out being the cost of $1-00 and the rest of the set only 60 cents.
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28 Jun 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Good for Mr. Tallent! He played by the rules and he's got the Gold. I'm getting excited for the Olympics. (hopefully they go smoothly)

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04 Jul 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Today the 5th of July Australia Post issued a set of Owl stamps ,four x $1.00 issued in sheet format a S/S and a S/A booklet.

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28 Jul 2016

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re: Australia New Issues Part IV

Issued on the 26th of July "50 Years of Playschool".For those who have no idea what it is ,It's a educational children's TV show.
Two stamps 1 x $1-00 & 1 x $2-00 ,issued as sheet ,S/S and S/A booklet.
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02 Aug 2016

re: Australia New Issues Part IV

I wonder when APO will get a new format to make new issues from.
Seems to me its the same old format. War, butterfly's, birds and so on infanitum Thumbs Down
Year after year, same old same old, I am so lost with APO, I have stopped collecting Australia earlier this year.
It's been a 49 year partnership, but it's now at an end, sad really.

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