It is likely that the card was carried across the border to the US by tourists while on a trip back from Montreal (on the train?) and mailed in the US, thus the Canadian postage was not valid.
interesting supposition Roy, and the only thing that makes any sense. and here, they had already done half the USPOD's work
Here is a European example, where it happens more frequently.
Monaco 1937 stamps disallowed, mailed from Italy, with Austria Postage dues.
Postcard was prepared in Monaco, but mailed from Italy. The blue crayon indicates the stamps were disallowed and postage due assessed. Austria postage dues.
I'm curious about this one. Maybe someone here can help. I have this postcard sent, possibly, from Montreal (the image on the front is the Place Vigar CPR Hotel and Station in Montreal).
The King Eddie 1¢ stamp, which would cover the postcard rate from Canada to the US, is uncanceled. As you can see, there is a New York & Chicago RPO cancel (May 5, 1907) and Hudson NY receiver cancel (May 6, 1907) as well as the 2¢ due rubber stamp and 2¢ US postage due stamp.
Any thoughts why the card needed extra postage?
Just a note, the postage due is tied to the card very lightly at the bottom where the pencil 'loop' meets the card.
re: Postage due on post card
It is likely that the card was carried across the border to the US by tourists while on a trip back from Montreal (on the train?) and mailed in the US, thus the Canadian postage was not valid.
re: Postage due on post card
interesting supposition Roy, and the only thing that makes any sense. and here, they had already done half the USPOD's work
re: Postage due on post card
Here is a European example, where it happens more frequently.
Monaco 1937 stamps disallowed, mailed from Italy, with Austria Postage dues.
Postcard was prepared in Monaco, but mailed from Italy. The blue crayon indicates the stamps were disallowed and postage due assessed. Austria postage dues.