An interesting item, but more than likely a fake. Once they came into circulation and became a premium item everyone who could squeeze a sheetlet of common stamps into the roller of a typewriter gave forgery a shot and there are many warnings about the high percentage of fakes that circulate on the market.
The basic precancel appears to be Omaha, Nebraska local type L-3 E, priced at $0.25 in the the PSS Town and Type catalog (6th ed. , 1998). In my opinion, double impressions of local types are quite possible, perhaps not even uncommon. We have several precancel collectors who may be able to give better insight. The catalog notes that counterfeits exists of this style.
Wrong series of stamps for Nebraska overprint practice,maybe Nigerian scammers trying another angle. Possible rare local unauthorized overprint.... put it on ebay
Not a bad idea. See Ebay item: 200602117145.
just to be clear, this is a pre-cancel and not the Nebraska/Kansas overprint series.
I agree with Rhinelander. this looks like L-3 E printed twice.
Thank everyone. I knew the stamp was a Scott #462, but I was curious about the overprint. Now know what kind of precancel and will keep as an oddity.
As a double precancel these are sometimes listed in the Precancel Catalogue but either way they are collectable, some collectors only collect doubles or even trebles.
Found this while sorting. Looks like a precancel was hit twice. I don't know anything about precancels. Thought I had found a horizontal imperf, but the perfs were hidden in the frame line.
re: Double Precancel
An interesting item, but more than likely a fake. Once they came into circulation and became a premium item everyone who could squeeze a sheetlet of common stamps into the roller of a typewriter gave forgery a shot and there are many warnings about the high percentage of fakes that circulate on the market.
re: Double Precancel
The basic precancel appears to be Omaha, Nebraska local type L-3 E, priced at $0.25 in the the PSS Town and Type catalog (6th ed. , 1998). In my opinion, double impressions of local types are quite possible, perhaps not even uncommon. We have several precancel collectors who may be able to give better insight. The catalog notes that counterfeits exists of this style.
re: Double Precancel
Wrong series of stamps for Nebraska overprint practice,maybe Nigerian scammers trying another angle. Possible rare local unauthorized overprint.... put it on ebay
re: Double Precancel
Not a bad idea. See Ebay item: 200602117145.
re: Double Precancel
just to be clear, this is a pre-cancel and not the Nebraska/Kansas overprint series.
re: Double Precancel
I agree with Rhinelander. this looks like L-3 E printed twice.
re: Double Precancel
Thank everyone. I knew the stamp was a Scott #462, but I was curious about the overprint. Now know what kind of precancel and will keep as an oddity.
re: Double Precancel
As a double precancel these are sometimes listed in the Precancel Catalogue but either way they are collectable, some collectors only collect doubles or even trebles.