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For People Who Love To Talk About Stamps
Discussion - Member to Member Sales - Research Center
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Sales, Swaps, Auction & Approvals/Auction Disc. : Joining 1000(S)/1000(B) Club


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13 Apr 2015
Finally I have joined the 1000 lots sold/1000 lots bought club! While there are sellers with well over 1000 lots sold and buyers way over 1000 lots purchased, not that many members have sold and bought over 1000 lots.
Doing a review of “suspected” active buyers and sellers, the following members were at the 1000(S)/1000(B) level:
Rwillis39 1829/1283
Philatelia 13816/1030
Michael78651 3108/1035
Mitoneu 1396/1580
Boxwood 3507/1886
Siem 8816/1555
Rrraphy 14166/1448
connieB 3238/1115
poodlemum 1679/1779
dell4c 5967/3308
It was interesting that none of the above have cracked the 2000 Buy ceiling, except for dell4c

In terms of top sellers (from what I could see) Patches leads the pack with 26256 lots, followed by grorod at 23,788 and hiargius with 15433.

The leading buyer appears to be 2bestbuds with 43,699 lots, ahead of cpconway’s 30572 and biggie6336 and kaysi at about 10,200.

Of course, I did not have the ability to query the database to pull up a report of sales or buys, but checked the names that appear most often among sellers and buyers. Hence there may be some errors in the above, especially for buyers who mostly just buy from approvals. So if the db admin can pull out an actual report; that would be great. I apologize if I neglected to include anyone in the above and if this information has already been posted on previous posts to the board.

After adding a few more approval books, I can appreciate the effort that sellers make in preparing them. The process of preparation through shipping is very time consuming. It seems to take me about 5 hours to deal with a book of 200 stamps. (So if 50% of them sell at $.10 each, that’s about $10 or about $2.00 per hour spent- or as LarryD states- “a labor of love”.

Thanks to all the sellers and buyers who make Stamporama a great stampin site!

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13 Apr 2015
re: Joining 1000(S)/1000(B) Club

$2.00 per hour is a pretty good return. On a commercial site with fees all over the place, you will find that hourly "salary" quite a bit lower! That is another reason that makes SOR a better place to be.

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13 Apr 2015

Finally I have joined the 1000 lots sold/1000 lots bought club! While there are sellers with well over 1000 lots sold and buyers way over 1000 lots purchased, not that many members have sold and bought over 1000 lots.
Doing a review of “suspected” active buyers and sellers, the following members were at the 1000(S)/1000(B) level:
Rwillis39 1829/1283
Philatelia 13816/1030
Michael78651 3108/1035
Mitoneu 1396/1580
Boxwood 3507/1886
Siem 8816/1555
Rrraphy 14166/1448
connieB 3238/1115
poodlemum 1679/1779
dell4c 5967/3308
It was interesting that none of the above have cracked the 2000 Buy ceiling, except for dell4c

In terms of top sellers (from what I could see) Patches leads the pack with 26256 lots, followed by grorod at 23,788 and hiargius with 15433.

The leading buyer appears to be 2bestbuds with 43,699 lots, ahead of cpconway’s 30572 and biggie6336 and kaysi at about 10,200.

Of course, I did not have the ability to query the database to pull up a report of sales or buys, but checked the names that appear most often among sellers and buyers. Hence there may be some errors in the above, especially for buyers who mostly just buy from approvals. So if the db admin can pull out an actual report; that would be great. I apologize if I neglected to include anyone in the above and if this information has already been posted on previous posts to the board.

After adding a few more approval books, I can appreciate the effort that sellers make in preparing them. The process of preparation through shipping is very time consuming. It seems to take me about 5 hours to deal with a book of 200 stamps. (So if 50% of them sell at $.10 each, that’s about $10 or about $2.00 per hour spent- or as LarryD states- “a labor of love”.

Thanks to all the sellers and buyers who make Stamporama a great stampin site!

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13 Apr 2015

re: Joining 1000(S)/1000(B) Club

$2.00 per hour is a pretty good return. On a commercial site with fees all over the place, you will find that hourly "salary" quite a bit lower! That is another reason that makes SOR a better place to be.

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