Roy, the stamp in your image is Scott #270.
Here are the two varieties: Scott #270 typographed (left); Scott #270A lithographed (right)
Also notice lack of facial features on the baby Jesus on #270A.
I checked Michel. They don't offer anything better on how to discern between the two types.
Here are better resolution images of my two. Funny how my digital camera took better pictures of the stamps than my scanner...
Typo #270
Litho #270A
Of course we are dealing with very vague descriptions in the Scott and Michel catalogs for these...
Anybody have examples of both of these Scott numbers that they can upload? As usual, Scott uses relative descriptions to differentiate: "larger dots", "hazy" etc, pretty much useless unless you have seen both.
Here is my stamp in question:
I'd like to see examples of both varieties (doesn't matter if they are overprinted or not).
re: Bavaria Scott #250/255 270/270A identification
Roy, the stamp in your image is Scott #270.
Here are the two varieties: Scott #270 typographed (left); Scott #270A lithographed (right)
Also notice lack of facial features on the baby Jesus on #270A.
re: Bavaria Scott #250/255 270/270A identification
I checked Michel. They don't offer anything better on how to discern between the two types.
re: Bavaria Scott #250/255 270/270A identification
Here are better resolution images of my two. Funny how my digital camera took better pictures of the stamps than my scanner...
Typo #270
Litho #270A
Of course we are dealing with very vague descriptions in the Scott and Michel catalogs for these...