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Europe/Great Britain : Simple List of Machins


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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

02 Apr 2015
I happened upon this Wiki page and thought that somemmight try a simplified set of Machins.

Click here for list

Note the icons at the right of many lines showing the flags of St George, St Andrew, St. David and the Triskelion of Man, which indicate that there were regional issues of that stamp.
I believe that would give a collection of about 500 Machins, and anyone with a sharp eye can discover another 300 or so that have a different shade or some obvious difference such as values higher or lower, band and bar variations and slightly displaced position of the Queen's image, all without recourse to a magnifier. So that is a nice checklist that does not depend on our sometimes confusing Scott or Gibbons catalog listings.
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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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collector, seller, MT member

02 Apr 2015

re: Simple List of Machins

For some reason this Wikipedia list has not been updated with issues after 2007. The Adminware Machin site is much better and has nice printable checklists and sorting tips.

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I still have more questions than answers

03 Apr 2015
re: Simple List of Machins

I use both of these. The Wikipedia list is on my desktop for a quick reference. The other list is much more detailed and is needed for the harder to identify items.

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

05 Apr 2015
re: Simple List of Machins

Some newby Machin collectors only need a simplified list until the infection really sets in.
Then when they are truly hooked th need for a more comprehensive listing becomes important.
Too much too soon is confusing and can turn people off.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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I am used, hinged multiple times, OG but not teeth.

05 Apr 2015
re: Simple List of Machins

I have one word conerning Machins. . . Addictive!!!


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06 Apr 2015
re: Simple List of Machins

I have no idea what you folks are discussing here. Machins!!! What other stamp image does one have where I have over 3500 samples. Oh yes, some are duplicates, BUT many varieties! Addictive? More like obsessive to ridiculous.Rolling On The Floor LaughingSilly
Wig a Machin NUT!!

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08 Apr 2015
re: Simple List of Machins

Charlie, this will make your day. The list of Machins has grown by 6!

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18 Aug 2015
re: Simple List of Machins

One more...Image Not Found
Overprint reads 'LONG TO REIGN OVER US'

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18 Aug 2015
re: Simple List of Machins

When was this overprint issued ? just within the past month ? I WANT ONE!!!! Addicted ?? who me????Crying

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

18 Aug 2015
re: Simple List of Machins

In the April 12th issue of the Deegam Report, Doug wrote;

" ....9 September. “Long to reign over us”. These words from the National Anthem (is England the only country which still sings it?) will have a special significance on this day, assuming that The Queen is still on the throne — and there are good prospects for her being so as her mother lived to be 101. Her reign will then become the longest of any monarch in the history of the UK. This important event will be marked by a special philatelic issue. Plans are still under wraps but, following the precedents set by the ruby anniversary of the first Machin. and The Queen’s golden and diamond jubilees, a 1st class stamp in a special colour would be nice. ..."

I am sure more details will follow as they become available or obvious.
The next issue of the Deegam Reports is due September 7th. If more interesting details become available earlier, Doug may bump that date up or, if information is late arriving he might delay it to insure accuracy and completeness.
Time will tell.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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19 Aug 2015
re: Simple List of Machins

I've just found out that this stamp is not due to be issued until about the 9th of September. Some Post Offices seem to have started selling the stamp early.

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19 Aug 2015
re: Simple List of Machins

On ebay type in a *machin checklist*.. this list is up to date I believe.

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31 Oct 2015
re: Simple List of Machins

Ok having trouble deciding on the 10p narrow value Machin.
The Adminware colour illustrated pages show this as a different shade to the 10p wide value. Gibbons shows both as the same shade.
I gather that this particular stamp comes from the 1984 Christian Heritage booklet and will therefore be scarce in used condition. Have just purchased said booklet, but not arrived yet.
Having gone through a few hundred used copies and not found any I can believe the scarcity.
Can someone confirm that Gibbons have it correct and Adminware incorrect?
If someone has an example image it would be appreciated.
Getting headaches trying to distinguish this and other slight differences in the various Machins. Only another 20,000 or so to sort.
I have also just purchased said checklist from ebay at £4.99 to be delivered to my email, probably give me an even bigger headache!

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31 Oct 2015
re: Simple List of Machins

I'm no expert on Machins, and in fact gave them up entirely in the year 2000, so I don't know if this will help. The numbers are Gibbons, and I used to collect one mint and up to five used copies. The missing one must have dropped out - I can't account for it otherwise. If there are no used copies it means that the stamp came from a prestige booklet and would never have been used except by a philatelist mailing it to himself - which I did on one or two occasions.

Note the pre-PC days of Amstrad printing!
Image Not Found
Image Not Found
Image Not Found

The last one is missing its SG number, suggesting I abandoned Machins at the end of May 2000.

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31 Oct 2015
re: Simple List of Machins

Thank you Ian, the one I am looking for is the one from your third row down, X886B, looks like you did not find one either.
Guess I will have to buy a couple of first day covers and remove the stamps, except in my head FDC stamps are not really postally used despite having been through the mail. If they come off of "proper" letters or mail that seems Ok, all in the mind I appreciate.
Thank you for digging out your sheet and posting the image, always nice to see how others arrange their collections.
At least your Amstrad was one up on my John Bull printing set!!!
Thanks once again.

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01 Nov 2015
re: Simple List of Machins

This is the narrow value, along with the others.

Image Not Found

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01 Nov 2015
re: Simple List of Machins

Thanks phook, that is the one I was looking for, can see the difference in shape quite clearly. If it came se-tenant with the 17p, guess those bags where I have a lot of the 17p values will be the starting point.
Your scan is greatly appreciated. It also means the image on the Adminware sheets is incorrect, unless they were not actually allowing for this one, always possible.

Thanks again.

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08 Jun 2016
re: Simple List of Machins

Image Not Found + Image Not Found those 2 pics define all machin collectors.
the more ya get into em the nuttier ya become.

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08 Jun 2016

re: Simple List of Machins

I still think that the best site for machins is adminware, It has printable albums from basic to super advanced. I do use the basic one it is free and with close to 500 different stamps is pretty much all you need unless you are the guy next to the queen in the above message.

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

08 Jun 2016
re: Simple List of Machins

Adminware is a great site for collecting Machins, especially to get started. However very soon you will be presented with two apparently similar examples of some issue but realize that there is some minor difference. You can just mount them side by side and move on, probably many do. Or you can dig deeper and you are hooked.
Then you will want one of the Gibbons specialized catalogs, or better, the Deegam Handbook where you will discover that the 10p value has some forty odd varieties, most of which also present possible variations. Each level can be a stopping point but eventually you will wonder what you are looking at and if you should go the next step, identifying the difference and making a place for it.
And as long as the Queen lives and production methods used by different printing firms advance there will be more, in this instance, 10p stamps to add to the collection and mount in place.
The more you learn about Machins from Gibbons or the Deegam the more philatelic knowledge you will be able to apply to stamp issues in general, from Norwegian Posthorns to Chinese Junk issues. Quite a few Machin collectors also become involved with collecting other long definitive sets based on the information learned through Machin collections.
Good Luck

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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09 Jun 2016
re: Simple List of Machins

So as to assist those collectors who do not want to go through the long winded task of constructing a specialised list of Machins I will gladly give you a copy of mine the list will be editable so you can adjust the cells and content to suit yourself, you are welcome to contact me through the normal channels. One last point please state which version of word you currently use as odf's do not work with earlier versions of word, I wll gladly convert all to word 97,2000 or 2003.

Thank You

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26 Jun 2016
re: Simple List of Machins

Note from Ian's illustration how many different shades there are for the 10p. These are not due to u/v fading - there really are that many shades - and more besides.

Conventionally shades are not given much importance - mainly due to early Machin dealer's obsession with plate number blocks ( why might that be ?). The steel blue 14p and 17p are also shade rich as are many stamps issued over a period of time.

Collecting mint stamps is easy - all you need is a very deep pocket. Collecting used stamps is much more challenging. As Ian says many stamps only issued in Prestige booklets and other special formats are very difficult indeed. They do exist I am sure,but you would need to go through tons of kiloware to find them.

Collecting used Machins is one of the few really cheap collecting hobbies left- where knowledge is paramount ( as is system ).However personally I can only concentrate for a limited time then I have to go and look at worldwide stamps ( or even perish the thought no stamps at all!). It is so easy to get "stale".


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26 Jun 2016
re: Simple List of Machins

"However personally I can only concentrate for a limited time then I have to go and look at worldwide stamps"

Having just spent about 6-7 hours sorting through two plastic carrier bags of Machins I can quite agree. Mind you that was only the first sort into denominations, they are now in individual bags/envelopes for further sorting at a later stage before soaking and drying.
I still have many full cardboard boxes left to go but at least when retirement arrives it will keep me busy, although probably arthritic hands will put the kibosh on that.
It is quite amazing just how the eyes begin to notice even small variations in colour when viewing hundreds of the same stamps, even with various shades of black/grey as in the 1st. 20p, 20p double head,75p (both value tablets). The 2p and 4p varieties are up there with the 10p for shade variations.
Weather here in Manitoba pretty lousy, dull cool and windy oh and just to disturb the day the guys at work have called four times for help with problems. What is a day off!
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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
02 Apr 2015

I happened upon this Wiki page and thought that somemmight try a simplified set of Machins.

Click here for list

Note the icons at the right of many lines showing the flags of St George, St Andrew, St. David and the Triskelion of Man, which indicate that there were regional issues of that stamp.
I believe that would give a collection of about 500 Machins, and anyone with a sharp eye can discover another 300 or so that have a different shade or some obvious difference such as values higher or lower, band and bar variations and slightly displaced position of the Queen's image, all without recourse to a magnifier. So that is a nice checklist that does not depend on our sometimes confusing Scott or Gibbons catalog listings.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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collector, seller, MT member
02 Apr 2015


re: Simple List of Machins

For some reason this Wikipedia list has not been updated with issues after 2007. The Adminware Machin site is much better and has nice printable checklists and sorting tips.

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www.etsy.com/nl/shop ...
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I still have more questions than answers
03 Apr 2015

re: Simple List of Machins

I use both of these. The Wikipedia list is on my desktop for a quick reference. The other list is much more detailed and is needed for the harder to identify items.

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pjsstamps.blogspot.c ...

Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
05 Apr 2015

re: Simple List of Machins

Some newby Machin collectors only need a simplified list until the infection really sets in.
Then when they are truly hooked th need for a more comprehensive listing becomes important.
Too much too soon is confusing and can turn people off.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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I am used, hinged multiple times, OG but not teeth.
05 Apr 2015

re: Simple List of Machins

I have one word conerning Machins. . . Addictive!!!


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06 Apr 2015

re: Simple List of Machins

I have no idea what you folks are discussing here. Machins!!! What other stamp image does one have where I have over 3500 samples. Oh yes, some are duplicates, BUT many varieties! Addictive? More like obsessive to ridiculous.Rolling On The Floor LaughingSilly
Wig a Machin NUT!!

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08 Apr 2015

re: Simple List of Machins

Charlie, this will make your day. The list of Machins has grown by 6!

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18 Aug 2015

re: Simple List of Machins

One more...Image Not Found
Overprint reads 'LONG TO REIGN OVER US'

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18 Aug 2015

re: Simple List of Machins

When was this overprint issued ? just within the past month ? I WANT ONE!!!! Addicted ?? who me????Crying

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
18 Aug 2015

re: Simple List of Machins

In the April 12th issue of the Deegam Report, Doug wrote;

" ....9 September. “Long to reign over us”. These words from the National Anthem (is England the only country which still sings it?) will have a special significance on this day, assuming that The Queen is still on the throne — and there are good prospects for her being so as her mother lived to be 101. Her reign will then become the longest of any monarch in the history of the UK. This important event will be marked by a special philatelic issue. Plans are still under wraps but, following the precedents set by the ruby anniversary of the first Machin. and The Queen’s golden and diamond jubilees, a 1st class stamp in a special colour would be nice. ..."

I am sure more details will follow as they become available or obvious.
The next issue of the Deegam Reports is due September 7th. If more interesting details become available earlier, Doug may bump that date up or, if information is late arriving he might delay it to insure accuracy and completeness.
Time will tell.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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19 Aug 2015

re: Simple List of Machins

I've just found out that this stamp is not due to be issued until about the 9th of September. Some Post Offices seem to have started selling the stamp early.

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19 Aug 2015

re: Simple List of Machins

On ebay type in a *machin checklist*.. this list is up to date I believe.

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31 Oct 2015

re: Simple List of Machins

Ok having trouble deciding on the 10p narrow value Machin.
The Adminware colour illustrated pages show this as a different shade to the 10p wide value. Gibbons shows both as the same shade.
I gather that this particular stamp comes from the 1984 Christian Heritage booklet and will therefore be scarce in used condition. Have just purchased said booklet, but not arrived yet.
Having gone through a few hundred used copies and not found any I can believe the scarcity.
Can someone confirm that Gibbons have it correct and Adminware incorrect?
If someone has an example image it would be appreciated.
Getting headaches trying to distinguish this and other slight differences in the various Machins. Only another 20,000 or so to sort.
I have also just purchased said checklist from ebay at £4.99 to be delivered to my email, probably give me an even bigger headache!

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31 Oct 2015

re: Simple List of Machins

I'm no expert on Machins, and in fact gave them up entirely in the year 2000, so I don't know if this will help. The numbers are Gibbons, and I used to collect one mint and up to five used copies. The missing one must have dropped out - I can't account for it otherwise. If there are no used copies it means that the stamp came from a prestige booklet and would never have been used except by a philatelist mailing it to himself - which I did on one or two occasions.

Note the pre-PC days of Amstrad printing!
Image Not Found
Image Not Found
Image Not Found

The last one is missing its SG number, suggesting I abandoned Machins at the end of May 2000.

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31 Oct 2015

re: Simple List of Machins

Thank you Ian, the one I am looking for is the one from your third row down, X886B, looks like you did not find one either.
Guess I will have to buy a couple of first day covers and remove the stamps, except in my head FDC stamps are not really postally used despite having been through the mail. If they come off of "proper" letters or mail that seems Ok, all in the mind I appreciate.
Thank you for digging out your sheet and posting the image, always nice to see how others arrange their collections.
At least your Amstrad was one up on my John Bull printing set!!!
Thanks once again.

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01 Nov 2015

re: Simple List of Machins

This is the narrow value, along with the others.

Image Not Found

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01 Nov 2015

re: Simple List of Machins

Thanks phook, that is the one I was looking for, can see the difference in shape quite clearly. If it came se-tenant with the 17p, guess those bags where I have a lot of the 17p values will be the starting point.
Your scan is greatly appreciated. It also means the image on the Adminware sheets is incorrect, unless they were not actually allowing for this one, always possible.

Thanks again.

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08 Jun 2016

re: Simple List of Machins

Image Not Found + Image Not Found those 2 pics define all machin collectors.
the more ya get into em the nuttier ya become.

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08 Jun 2016


re: Simple List of Machins

I still think that the best site for machins is adminware, It has printable albums from basic to super advanced. I do use the basic one it is free and with close to 500 different stamps is pretty much all you need unless you are the guy next to the queen in the above message.

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colnect.com/en/colle ...

Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
08 Jun 2016

re: Simple List of Machins

Adminware is a great site for collecting Machins, especially to get started. However very soon you will be presented with two apparently similar examples of some issue but realize that there is some minor difference. You can just mount them side by side and move on, probably many do. Or you can dig deeper and you are hooked.
Then you will want one of the Gibbons specialized catalogs, or better, the Deegam Handbook where you will discover that the 10p value has some forty odd varieties, most of which also present possible variations. Each level can be a stopping point but eventually you will wonder what you are looking at and if you should go the next step, identifying the difference and making a place for it.
And as long as the Queen lives and production methods used by different printing firms advance there will be more, in this instance, 10p stamps to add to the collection and mount in place.
The more you learn about Machins from Gibbons or the Deegam the more philatelic knowledge you will be able to apply to stamp issues in general, from Norwegian Posthorns to Chinese Junk issues. Quite a few Machin collectors also become involved with collecting other long definitive sets based on the information learned through Machin collections.
Good Luck

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
Members Picture

09 Jun 2016

re: Simple List of Machins

So as to assist those collectors who do not want to go through the long winded task of constructing a specialised list of Machins I will gladly give you a copy of mine the list will be editable so you can adjust the cells and content to suit yourself, you are welcome to contact me through the normal channels. One last point please state which version of word you currently use as odf's do not work with earlier versions of word, I wll gladly convert all to word 97,2000 or 2003.

Thank You

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26 Jun 2016

re: Simple List of Machins

Note from Ian's illustration how many different shades there are for the 10p. These are not due to u/v fading - there really are that many shades - and more besides.

Conventionally shades are not given much importance - mainly due to early Machin dealer's obsession with plate number blocks ( why might that be ?). The steel blue 14p and 17p are also shade rich as are many stamps issued over a period of time.

Collecting mint stamps is easy - all you need is a very deep pocket. Collecting used stamps is much more challenging. As Ian says many stamps only issued in Prestige booklets and other special formats are very difficult indeed. They do exist I am sure,but you would need to go through tons of kiloware to find them.

Collecting used Machins is one of the few really cheap collecting hobbies left- where knowledge is paramount ( as is system ).However personally I can only concentrate for a limited time then I have to go and look at worldwide stamps ( or even perish the thought no stamps at all!). It is so easy to get "stale".


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26 Jun 2016

re: Simple List of Machins

"However personally I can only concentrate for a limited time then I have to go and look at worldwide stamps"

Having just spent about 6-7 hours sorting through two plastic carrier bags of Machins I can quite agree. Mind you that was only the first sort into denominations, they are now in individual bags/envelopes for further sorting at a later stage before soaking and drying.
I still have many full cardboard boxes left to go but at least when retirement arrives it will keep me busy, although probably arthritic hands will put the kibosh on that.
It is quite amazing just how the eyes begin to notice even small variations in colour when viewing hundreds of the same stamps, even with various shades of black/grey as in the 1st. 20p, 20p double head,75p (both value tablets). The 2p and 4p varieties are up there with the 10p for shade variations.
Weather here in Manitoba pretty lousy, dull cool and windy oh and just to disturb the day the guys at work have called four times for help with problems. What is a day off!
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