I cannot imagine anyone breaking a "recalled" sheet apart, so I do not see the need for ID's of stamps other than the Pickett stamp.
I bet there are used singles from the recalled panes out there somewhere! You never know when you'll find a recalled stamp in kiloware, eh? LOL Tad is clever to check, IMHO.
A while back a complete set of used singles sold on ebay for a little over $200 - about 2 years ago with many bidders. So, some of the sheets were broken up for whatever reason. Originally, I thought the sheets were identical except for the Pickett stamp, but for some reason the printers made changes to the red borders.
Reminds me of the rancher who had two horses and had a hard time telling them apart. He finally went and measured them and found that the black horse was half a hand taller than the white one.
What are the definitive differences between the two sheets - the Normal and the Recalled sheets? Other than the obvious one between the two Picketts? I can see that the border lines on the recalled stamps are thinner than the normal ones, but the 4 corner stamps have no borders. I'd rather not have to resort to using an electron microscope so I was hoping that a very knowledgeable SOR member has the answers. Or not.
re: Recalled Legends
I cannot imagine anyone breaking a "recalled" sheet apart, so I do not see the need for ID's of stamps other than the Pickett stamp.
re: Recalled Legends
I bet there are used singles from the recalled panes out there somewhere! You never know when you'll find a recalled stamp in kiloware, eh? LOL Tad is clever to check, IMHO.
re: Recalled Legends
A while back a complete set of used singles sold on ebay for a little over $200 - about 2 years ago with many bidders. So, some of the sheets were broken up for whatever reason. Originally, I thought the sheets were identical except for the Pickett stamp, but for some reason the printers made changes to the red borders.
Reminds me of the rancher who had two horses and had a hard time telling them apart. He finally went and measured them and found that the black horse was half a hand taller than the white one.