That show premiered last week, but was reshown last night. It was quite a haul. When he first started sorting them out, I feared Darryl would open the sealed packs or hold stamps with his grubby hands, but thank goodness they didn't do that (or at least, didn't SHOW that!). I didn't think there was anything that spectacular among the items they showed; there were just lots of items. Glad they finally featured stamps though.
Stamps have also been featured on Hardcore Pawn, but each time the bad news was that the collections were not worth more than a few dollars. But then they are a pawn shop and would buy at a much lower rate than it might be valued.
They also had it happen on the TRU version of Storage Wars (forget what it's called). Younger couple bought a locker for 2800 bucks, managed to get a snowmobile out of it, so they were happy, then they were going through some of the furniture and found one stamp...
It was a single stamp error that was boxed up, (I want to say #1681CF McKinley Flag with the missing gray color) - and they were talking like it was worth THOUSANDS of dollars. I was dying in laughter at their naivety.
And I remember the Eisenhower stamp error on Pawn Stars: He spent about $300 for it, when the expert came in, he informed him it was worth like $75 or so.
The only other Pawn Stars stamp episode I remember was the old man who brought in an old cardboard box full of stamps, and he just literally dumped them all over their counter and was asking "surely there has to be something in here worth some money".
""surely there has to be something in here worth some money""
I think you guys are a bit mixed up about the Eisenhower stamp, or is this 8c booklet a different one? I saw that episode and the "expert" gave it a value of $500 to $700, so Rick bought it for $425.
You may be right about that. Confused I am. That's from licking the front of my Machin stamps.
"Algernon, having little success with his UV lamp, tried the 'lick' test. Oh yes! that's much better."
HAHAHAHA that is a great movie!
With the enlarged picture, I can actually see what Bridges is holding. It's a Testors modeling product, but it isn't glue. It's modelling putty (giveaway is the gray band across the top of the tube). It does have a chemical agent in it, but it isn't nearly as potent as a tube of glue (red band across the top of the tube). I'd hate to see him if he did sniff a tube of glue!
Hi Everyone;
Hope I don't spoil anyone's viewing pleasure, but all reality shows are FAKE. Those shows on
storage lockers have been exposed for 'planting' goodies in them for people to 'find'. So busted!!
Just like under-cover boss. I mean really, a camera crew following you around isn't going to
arouse some suspicion??? DAAAH Bosses that give you $20,000, sure in fantasy land. These
shows were created to give free publicity to large corporations. They are probably paying all the
production costs under-the-table too.
Sorry I ruined your fun....
o well It was a fantacy moment!!!!
Hi Cheryl;
Haven't seen you around this place for awhile. Hows your weather out east there?
Check out my Italian inspired Chicken recipe on the Food Fetish thread. It is something
I made up as I went along. Cooking while buzzed is very creative indeed!
I used to go to stamp shows and bourses in Illinois years ago, and was a sucker for cigar
boxes of stamps. Have you ever had good luck with those. I always seem to smell a good
box of goodies, and not quite sure how I know they are a jackpot, but I almost always
score big time. Recently I found a US 1800s stamp with great centering and MNH. I was
so surprised. It makes me wonder if maybe they planted a good one in there to bring you
back for more?
Just deepin warm....
My niece is a script writer for reality shows, and I used to have an employee who's sister was an actress on reality shows. Yes, they are scripted out, but they do want some spontaneity from the actors as well. According to my niece and employee's sister, it is sort of a 50-50 mix between scripting for dramatic effects and reality.
Regarding Storage Wars, David Hester got fired from the show and then proceeded to sue the producers and others of the show claiming that the auctioned lockers were seeded with goodies. He lost that suit as he was unable to prove his case. After a year or so off the show, he is back on it. Read into that as you will.
Ken ... It has been so cold since Feb 1st and the snowbanks are 7 to 10 feet high...!!!Stamping has kept me from hibernating!!!The snowplow took my mailbox for a ride so now the mail is 2 km away in a community mailbox....I feel as though it is 1952 and mail gets delivered twice a week! My solace has been a bag of GB machins that I am trying to sort out and the discussions on My life has to get a bit more exciting don`t you think.?I promise I won`t complain about the heat in July...bring it on...and how about you...? Enjoy reading your comments Cheryl
"Regarding Storage Wars, David Hester got fired from the show and then proceeded to sue the producers and others of the show claiming that the auctioned lockers were seeded with goodies. He lost that suit as he was unable to prove his case. After a year or so off the show, he is back on it. Read into that as you will."
I saw the show last night. It was actually Dave Hester who had the stamps. What a farce. He dragged this stuff to PSE where they made the appraiser look like a total dweeb. He flips through a bunch of cheap 3 cent era plate blocks and proclaims the hoard worth $4200... I want my million dollars now!
Hi BenFranklin1902;
Thats why they are called reality shows. They are popular with producers, because they are extremely
cheap to produce. Actors/actresses are minimum talent newbees that nobody has ever heard of. Notice
the shimpy tops that are worn on survivor? Otherwise nobody would bother watching. Also notice every-
one of them cry non-stop at everything. About the only requirement of actors is to be able to cry at every-
thing for no reason at all.
Google translate reveals that "Reality Show" translates to "drama queens".
If I want to see some good drama or drama/comedy I would go to PBS and watch some quality BBC net-
work shows like "Danger UXB", or "All Creatures Great and Small", "The Duchess of Duke Street".
Another was Alistair Cooke and "Masterpiece Theater" sponsored my Mobil. And not to forget
drama/comedy, "Fawlty Towers", "Are You Being Served?" "Doctor Who?" and many more.
Just slinkin' along....
When I was in the UK, my cousin introduced me to the show QI hosted by Stephen Fry. I love that show and am glad it is on BBC America, Thursday nights.
Very clever show.
Ken....... Don`t
forget Downton Abby....PBS... This Lady Grantham can`t
wait for the finale!!!!
I think that Ken hasn't been watching PBS lately! All of the programs he mentions are great. Actually, were great! I think they were all broadcast back in the 20th Century, in the days before HDTV and surround sound. I would like to suggest that he (and you) take a look not only at Downton Abbey, but at…
• The Paradise
• Last Tango in Halifax
• Inspector Lewis
• Foyle's War
• Murdoch Mysteries
• Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries (Warning: Watch only if you're unmarried or have lost your libido!)
• Endeavor
• Father Brown
• Scott & Bailey
• Vicious
• and Grantchester
The U.S. may have the most powerful military in the world, but the Brits and Aussies have the best TV!
I so agree Bob Some of the best TV !!!!PBS is high on my list....Just wish I could get both PBS stations in our area
My wife corrected me about Murdoch Mysteries, which is not BBC, but CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corp.) But it's good enough to be on BBC, and perhaps is. It's about a turn-of-the-century detective in Ontario who is learning about new, "hi-tech" investigative techniques.
Another excellent BBC detective show is New Tricks, about a cold-case squad in London comprised of three retired detectives who are jaded, smart, and sarcastic, and their boss, an attractive young female detective who has her hands full keeping them in line.
Another BBC show is Death in Paradise (currently being broadcast on TVO (TV Ontario)) about an English police detective on the fictional Caribbean island of Ste Marie. Very
If you want an offbeat UK comical police series watch "The Thin Blue Line" with Rowan Atkinson.
While we are talking about BBC, don't forget Dr. Who.
Who, or is this a game, Guess Who?
Dr. Who of course!
If you want the Behind the Scenes look at that particular episode, we talked about it in depth on our podcast. Of course there is the reality behind the reality, and we sat down with Steve to talk about it, and we were surprised ourselves. We recorded our podcast episode the day after A&E spent the day taping with Steve and Dave in our offices, but were not allowed to release it until the episode had aired. Here is a link to all the details:
The episode is entitled Episode 20 - Storage Wars and Ameristamp 2015
In cased you missed it here is a clip from the show!
(Modified by Moderator on 2015-03-30 18:10:08)
That was great. Thanks for sharing.
Loved the insider information about Storage Wars.
Thanks for the tip. I missed the show last night, but will catch a rerun later.
There also have been a stamp or two show up on Pawn Stars. I thought that when the sale was consummated that the show was over-pushing the value of the item, which was a misprinted, paper folded over stamp pane in a 6 cent Roosevelt booklet. Rick bought the booklet without calling in one of his "experts". Sorry I don't remember the selling price. He did call in an expert post-purchase, and got the news of the true value of the booklet. It was quite a big difference (lower) than what Rick had paid. This was on one of the much earlier episodes of the show.
re: Stamps on "Storage Wars"
That show premiered last week, but was reshown last night. It was quite a haul. When he first started sorting them out, I feared Darryl would open the sealed packs or hold stamps with his grubby hands, but thank goodness they didn't do that (or at least, didn't SHOW that!). I didn't think there was anything that spectacular among the items they showed; there were just lots of items. Glad they finally featured stamps though.
Stamps have also been featured on Hardcore Pawn, but each time the bad news was that the collections were not worth more than a few dollars. But then they are a pawn shop and would buy at a much lower rate than it might be valued.
re: Stamps on "Storage Wars"
They also had it happen on the TRU version of Storage Wars (forget what it's called). Younger couple bought a locker for 2800 bucks, managed to get a snowmobile out of it, so they were happy, then they were going through some of the furniture and found one stamp...
It was a single stamp error that was boxed up, (I want to say #1681CF McKinley Flag with the missing gray color) - and they were talking like it was worth THOUSANDS of dollars. I was dying in laughter at their naivety.
And I remember the Eisenhower stamp error on Pawn Stars: He spent about $300 for it, when the expert came in, he informed him it was worth like $75 or so.
The only other Pawn Stars stamp episode I remember was the old man who brought in an old cardboard box full of stamps, and he just literally dumped them all over their counter and was asking "surely there has to be something in here worth some money".
re: Stamps on "Storage Wars"
""surely there has to be something in here worth some money""
re: Stamps on "Storage Wars"
I think you guys are a bit mixed up about the Eisenhower stamp, or is this 8c booklet a different one? I saw that episode and the "expert" gave it a value of $500 to $700, so Rick bought it for $425.
re: Stamps on "Storage Wars"
You may be right about that. Confused I am. That's from licking the front of my Machin stamps.
re: Stamps on "Storage Wars"
"Algernon, having little success with his UV lamp, tried the 'lick' test. Oh yes! that's much better."
re: Stamps on "Storage Wars"
HAHAHAHA that is a great movie!
With the enlarged picture, I can actually see what Bridges is holding. It's a Testors modeling product, but it isn't glue. It's modelling putty (giveaway is the gray band across the top of the tube). It does have a chemical agent in it, but it isn't nearly as potent as a tube of glue (red band across the top of the tube). I'd hate to see him if he did sniff a tube of glue!
re: Stamps on "Storage Wars"
Hi Everyone;
Hope I don't spoil anyone's viewing pleasure, but all reality shows are FAKE. Those shows on
storage lockers have been exposed for 'planting' goodies in them for people to 'find'. So busted!!
Just like under-cover boss. I mean really, a camera crew following you around isn't going to
arouse some suspicion??? DAAAH Bosses that give you $20,000, sure in fantasy land. These
shows were created to give free publicity to large corporations. They are probably paying all the
production costs under-the-table too.
Sorry I ruined your fun....
re: Stamps on "Storage Wars"
o well It was a fantacy moment!!!!
re: Stamps on "Storage Wars"
Hi Cheryl;
Haven't seen you around this place for awhile. Hows your weather out east there?
Check out my Italian inspired Chicken recipe on the Food Fetish thread. It is something
I made up as I went along. Cooking while buzzed is very creative indeed!
I used to go to stamp shows and bourses in Illinois years ago, and was a sucker for cigar
boxes of stamps. Have you ever had good luck with those. I always seem to smell a good
box of goodies, and not quite sure how I know they are a jackpot, but I almost always
score big time. Recently I found a US 1800s stamp with great centering and MNH. I was
so surprised. It makes me wonder if maybe they planted a good one in there to bring you
back for more?
Just deepin warm....
re: Stamps on "Storage Wars"
My niece is a script writer for reality shows, and I used to have an employee who's sister was an actress on reality shows. Yes, they are scripted out, but they do want some spontaneity from the actors as well. According to my niece and employee's sister, it is sort of a 50-50 mix between scripting for dramatic effects and reality.
Regarding Storage Wars, David Hester got fired from the show and then proceeded to sue the producers and others of the show claiming that the auctioned lockers were seeded with goodies. He lost that suit as he was unable to prove his case. After a year or so off the show, he is back on it. Read into that as you will.
re: Stamps on "Storage Wars"
Ken ... It has been so cold since Feb 1st and the snowbanks are 7 to 10 feet high...!!!Stamping has kept me from hibernating!!!The snowplow took my mailbox for a ride so now the mail is 2 km away in a community mailbox....I feel as though it is 1952 and mail gets delivered twice a week! My solace has been a bag of GB machins that I am trying to sort out and the discussions on My life has to get a bit more exciting don`t you think.?I promise I won`t complain about the heat in July...bring it on...and how about you...? Enjoy reading your comments Cheryl
re: Stamps on "Storage Wars"
"Regarding Storage Wars, David Hester got fired from the show and then proceeded to sue the producers and others of the show claiming that the auctioned lockers were seeded with goodies. He lost that suit as he was unable to prove his case. After a year or so off the show, he is back on it. Read into that as you will."
re: Stamps on "Storage Wars"
I saw the show last night. It was actually Dave Hester who had the stamps. What a farce. He dragged this stuff to PSE where they made the appraiser look like a total dweeb. He flips through a bunch of cheap 3 cent era plate blocks and proclaims the hoard worth $4200... I want my million dollars now!
re: Stamps on "Storage Wars"
Hi BenFranklin1902;
Thats why they are called reality shows. They are popular with producers, because they are extremely
cheap to produce. Actors/actresses are minimum talent newbees that nobody has ever heard of. Notice
the shimpy tops that are worn on survivor? Otherwise nobody would bother watching. Also notice every-
one of them cry non-stop at everything. About the only requirement of actors is to be able to cry at every-
thing for no reason at all.
Google translate reveals that "Reality Show" translates to "drama queens".
If I want to see some good drama or drama/comedy I would go to PBS and watch some quality BBC net-
work shows like "Danger UXB", or "All Creatures Great and Small", "The Duchess of Duke Street".
Another was Alistair Cooke and "Masterpiece Theater" sponsored my Mobil. And not to forget
drama/comedy, "Fawlty Towers", "Are You Being Served?" "Doctor Who?" and many more.
Just slinkin' along....
re: Stamps on "Storage Wars"
When I was in the UK, my cousin introduced me to the show QI hosted by Stephen Fry. I love that show and am glad it is on BBC America, Thursday nights.
Very clever show.
re: Stamps on "Storage Wars"
Ken....... Don`t
forget Downton Abby....PBS... This Lady Grantham can`t
wait for the finale!!!!
re: Stamps on "Storage Wars"
I think that Ken hasn't been watching PBS lately! All of the programs he mentions are great. Actually, were great! I think they were all broadcast back in the 20th Century, in the days before HDTV and surround sound. I would like to suggest that he (and you) take a look not only at Downton Abbey, but at…
• The Paradise
• Last Tango in Halifax
• Inspector Lewis
• Foyle's War
• Murdoch Mysteries
• Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries (Warning: Watch only if you're unmarried or have lost your libido!)
• Endeavor
• Father Brown
• Scott & Bailey
• Vicious
• and Grantchester
The U.S. may have the most powerful military in the world, but the Brits and Aussies have the best TV!
re: Stamps on "Storage Wars"
I so agree Bob Some of the best TV !!!!PBS is high on my list....Just wish I could get both PBS stations in our area
re: Stamps on "Storage Wars"
My wife corrected me about Murdoch Mysteries, which is not BBC, but CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corp.) But it's good enough to be on BBC, and perhaps is. It's about a turn-of-the-century detective in Ontario who is learning about new, "hi-tech" investigative techniques.
Another excellent BBC detective show is New Tricks, about a cold-case squad in London comprised of three retired detectives who are jaded, smart, and sarcastic, and their boss, an attractive young female detective who has her hands full keeping them in line.
re: Stamps on "Storage Wars"
Another BBC show is Death in Paradise (currently being broadcast on TVO (TV Ontario)) about an English police detective on the fictional Caribbean island of Ste Marie. Very
re: Stamps on "Storage Wars"
If you want an offbeat UK comical police series watch "The Thin Blue Line" with Rowan Atkinson.
re: Stamps on "Storage Wars"
While we are talking about BBC, don't forget Dr. Who.
re: Stamps on "Storage Wars"
Who, or is this a game, Guess Who?
re: Stamps on "Storage Wars"
If you want the Behind the Scenes look at that particular episode, we talked about it in depth on our podcast. Of course there is the reality behind the reality, and we sat down with Steve to talk about it, and we were surprised ourselves. We recorded our podcast episode the day after A&E spent the day taping with Steve and Dave in our offices, but were not allowed to release it until the episode had aired. Here is a link to all the details:
The episode is entitled Episode 20 - Storage Wars and Ameristamp 2015
In cased you missed it here is a clip from the show!
(Modified by Moderator on 2015-03-30 18:10:08)
re: Stamps on "Storage Wars"
That was great. Thanks for sharing.
Loved the insider information about Storage Wars.