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United States/Stamps : 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?


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20 Feb 2015
The #462 is a flat plate printed stamp..... it looks like you have a rotary stamp just from the amount of ink streaking, just what I'm seeing.

Measure the stamp, if it's rotary, it's not the experimental PC....

2013 Scotts list the #462 with EX PC $10.00
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20 Feb 2015
re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?


Flat plate printed stamps do not have streaks of ink running across the stamp unless a solvent was used at some point. Check the margins.... scan shows plenty of streaking.

The only way to know if you have a flat plate vs rotary is to measure the design.

Would have been a bit more pleasant to say you measured the design, if you know what that means.

Just trying to give you some more info to digest.


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20 Feb 2015
re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?

If no one here can answer your question, you might want to contact The Precancel Stamp Society.


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21 Feb 2015
re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?

"The streaks are not a valid reference point of identification!"

Agreed, and if you look at me original response "just what I'm seeing"

" You should have read my last line on the original posting, all reference points (of identification) have been checked."

I'm asking in jest, did you make rank by believing an airman when the response was "yup, checked everything" without knowing for certain? When you see something that looks out of place?

"So ECollector, so how do you measure stamp designs??? "

I use a Precision US Specialty Multi Guage.....much like your Phil a meter, it has a go-no go box, a grid and a ruler. But after a hit, I prefer a very precise ruler, being in the technical trade, I have many precision measuring tools.

" But the older way is much cheaper and returns good results!"

Like throwing a gernade, it's close

"Also checked the reverse side of this stamp, any offset ink will 99% of the time indicate a flat plate printed stamp."

Agreed, I would have to see more a design offset to say 99%

"So what say you out there in StampoRama land, is it real or just a mistake?"

Ok, so you asked a question and didn't want a response.....Then you get all pissy for just throwing out a suggestion.


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It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. - Aristotle Onassis

21 Feb 2015
re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?

For the second time in two days, please respect each other and be courteous on the discussion board at all times.

Thank you,
DB Moderator

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"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou"

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21 Feb 2015
re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?

actually if you want to see the exact stamp....


chapter 3, 1st stamp shown

(Modified by Moderator on 2015-02-21 21:17:30)

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21 Feb 2015
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22 Feb 2015
re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?

try this....


Bausch and Lomb make some of the finest optics....

Mine is quite a bit older but this is the replacement......

(edit) My apologies, the above glass is not the replacement (for what I have) and will not aid in measuring anything over 20mm. After talking with my dad and going back to look at this, I also see it was made in China. Definitely not the same glass.

The glass I have was brought back from Germany by my dad, from the late 50's early 60's. It's a 40mm rule and appears to have much finer lines. It may have been custom ground for his project. If you can find one of these anywhere, I highly suggest buying it.

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22 Feb 2015
re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?

The glass is ruled......

It's a magnified ruler, I'm sure there's a technical name for it, layout something or another....

Look at the Grainger item, the ruler is in/on the glass.....I thought it was the same but Graingers must be quite a bit smaller. With CAD programs now, these are probably going by the wayside.

I could not find another like what I have..... my Exacto ruler is even better than the old Phil-a-meter and Specialty Guage.... get em at Wal-mart for a couple of bucks, but then you or at least I need to hold a magnifing glass

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22 Feb 2015
re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?

Mike, are you talking about a jeweler's loupe?

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22 Feb 2015
re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?

"Mike, are you talking about a jeweler's loupe?"

No.... have you seen those cheap square magnifing glasses, you put the glass right on the stamp or any object?

Schematics and other prints can be on squares of paper yards long, at one time anyway....
engineers, techs, whoever needs to read a print and measure items on the print use a glass, it called some kind of layout magnified guage maybe. The ruler is etched into the glass so you can measure and magnify with one hand.

The one I have is about 60mm round, it has a 40mm ruler etched into the glass. Take a look at the link I posted, it looks just like that, I can't pull a pic. click back on the crumb trail and there are a couple, one is a protractor.

Unfortunately, these new ones don't come that big, I checked for about 1/2 hr....I have to believe they're available in the industry.
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22 Feb 2015
re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?

Okay. I know what you're talking about. I used to have a smaller one. I gave it away in one of my stamp contests. I have a jeweler's loupe that has a ruler on the bottom.

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22 Feb 2015
re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?

Really a loupe with a ruler....can only be about 5cm across?

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23 Feb 2015
re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?

The ruler has grids for 2CM. There is about 1CM on each side of the grids.

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23 Feb 2015
re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?

OK makes sense...actually sounds kind of cool, but useless....

I was thinking on the lines of... a guy at work that has a glass that looks like a giant loop (maybe3-4xs larger) with a 10mm ruler etched in. It's not something you could hold with your eye.

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23 Feb 2015
re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?

Maybe I used the wrong term for this magnifier, but it is called a "loupe". A 2cm ruler is a 20mm ruler. It has 8x magnification. It is not worn on the eye. I don't use it as much as I probably should.

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20 Feb 2015

The #462 is a flat plate printed stamp..... it looks like you have a rotary stamp just from the amount of ink streaking, just what I'm seeing.

Measure the stamp, if it's rotary, it's not the experimental PC....

2013 Scotts list the #462 with EX PC $10.00

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20 Feb 2015

re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?


Flat plate printed stamps do not have streaks of ink running across the stamp unless a solvent was used at some point. Check the margins.... scan shows plenty of streaking.

The only way to know if you have a flat plate vs rotary is to measure the design.

Would have been a bit more pleasant to say you measured the design, if you know what that means.

Just trying to give you some more info to digest.


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20 Feb 2015

re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?

If no one here can answer your question, you might want to contact The Precancel Stamp Society.


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21 Feb 2015

re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?

"The streaks are not a valid reference point of identification!"

Agreed, and if you look at me original response "just what I'm seeing"

" You should have read my last line on the original posting, all reference points (of identification) have been checked."

I'm asking in jest, did you make rank by believing an airman when the response was "yup, checked everything" without knowing for certain? When you see something that looks out of place?

"So ECollector, so how do you measure stamp designs??? "

I use a Precision US Specialty Multi Guage.....much like your Phil a meter, it has a go-no go box, a grid and a ruler. But after a hit, I prefer a very precise ruler, being in the technical trade, I have many precision measuring tools.

" But the older way is much cheaper and returns good results!"

Like throwing a gernade, it's close

"Also checked the reverse side of this stamp, any offset ink will 99% of the time indicate a flat plate printed stamp."

Agreed, I would have to see more a design offset to say 99%

"So what say you out there in StampoRama land, is it real or just a mistake?"

Ok, so you asked a question and didn't want a response.....Then you get all pissy for just throwing out a suggestion.


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It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. - Aristotle Onassis
21 Feb 2015

re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?

For the second time in two days, please respect each other and be courteous on the discussion board at all times.

Thank you,
DB Moderator

1 Member
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"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou"

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21 Feb 2015

re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?

actually if you want to see the exact stamp....


chapter 3, 1st stamp shown

(Modified by Moderator on 2015-02-21 21:17:30)

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21 Feb 2015

re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?

buyer from Rumseys should have checked Ebay....


amazing they're coming out of the woodwork

(Modified by Moderator on 2015-02-21 21:18:14)

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22 Feb 2015

re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?

try this....


Bausch and Lomb make some of the finest optics....

Mine is quite a bit older but this is the replacement......

(edit) My apologies, the above glass is not the replacement (for what I have) and will not aid in measuring anything over 20mm. After talking with my dad and going back to look at this, I also see it was made in China. Definitely not the same glass.

The glass I have was brought back from Germany by my dad, from the late 50's early 60's. It's a 40mm rule and appears to have much finer lines. It may have been custom ground for his project. If you can find one of these anywhere, I highly suggest buying it.

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22 Feb 2015

re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?

The glass is ruled......

It's a magnified ruler, I'm sure there's a technical name for it, layout something or another....

Look at the Grainger item, the ruler is in/on the glass.....I thought it was the same but Graingers must be quite a bit smaller. With CAD programs now, these are probably going by the wayside.

I could not find another like what I have..... my Exacto ruler is even better than the old Phil-a-meter and Specialty Guage.... get em at Wal-mart for a couple of bucks, but then you or at least I need to hold a magnifing glass

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22 Feb 2015

re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?

Mike, are you talking about a jeweler's loupe?

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22 Feb 2015

re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?

"Mike, are you talking about a jeweler's loupe?"

No.... have you seen those cheap square magnifing glasses, you put the glass right on the stamp or any object?

Schematics and other prints can be on squares of paper yards long, at one time anyway....
engineers, techs, whoever needs to read a print and measure items on the print use a glass, it called some kind of layout magnified guage maybe. The ruler is etched into the glass so you can measure and magnify with one hand.

The one I have is about 60mm round, it has a 40mm ruler etched into the glass. Take a look at the link I posted, it looks just like that, I can't pull a pic. click back on the crumb trail and there are a couple, one is a protractor.

Unfortunately, these new ones don't come that big, I checked for about 1/2 hr....I have to believe they're available in the industry.
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22 Feb 2015

re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?

Okay. I know what you're talking about. I used to have a smaller one. I gave it away in one of my stamp contests. I have a jeweler's loupe that has a ruler on the bottom.

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22 Feb 2015

re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?

Really a loupe with a ruler....can only be about 5cm across?

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23 Feb 2015

re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?

The ruler has grids for 2CM. There is about 1CM on each side of the grids.

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23 Feb 2015

re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?

OK makes sense...actually sounds kind of cool, but useless....

I was thinking on the lines of... a guy at work that has a glass that looks like a giant loop (maybe3-4xs larger) with a 10mm ruler etched in. It's not something you could hold with your eye.

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23 Feb 2015

re: 462 with Experimental Bureau Precancel?

Maybe I used the wrong term for this magnifier, but it is called a "loupe". A 2cm ruler is a 20mm ruler. It has 8x magnification. It is not worn on the eye. I don't use it as much as I probably should.

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